VIII.Objectives.Insides.Chapter13.Impact of British Rule on India.

Chapter 13.Impact of British Rule on India.

Page – 147
Inside Questions Answers. 
Q.1.Where did the main focus of urban development came?
Ans - The main focus of Urban Development came from Bombay,Calcutta and Madras.
Q.2.During which century the de-urbanisation destroyed the important cities of Surat, Masulipatnam & Sririnagapattnam?
Ans - During nineteenth century the De- urbanisation destroyed the important cities of Surat, Masulipatnam, Srirangapattnam.
Q.3.Where was the capital of British in nineteenth century?
Ans - The capital of British in 19th century was Calcutta.
Q.4.Which field attracted British investments the most in 1850?
Ans -The field which attracted the British investment the most in 1850 was textile & jute.
Q.5.In which century Calcutta Municipal Corporation was established?
Ans - The Calcutta municipal corporation was established in nineteenth century.

Page - 148 
Inside Questions Answers.
Q.1.What was the approximate population of Delhi after independence and what is in 2011?Answer - The population of Delhi in 1947 was about 7 lakh  ( 7,00,000) and the population of Delhi in 2011 is about 1.68 crores ( 1,68,00,000)
Q.2.What happened in Delhi in 1805 ?
Answer - In 1805, the British took over lands, revenue and city administration of Delhi.
Q.3.How much the Cantonment occupied in Walled City?
Answer - About one-third (1/3) area was occupied by the Cantonment in Walled City.
Q.4.How many gates were there in Walled City? Who built the Walled City and when?Answer - There are 14 gates in Walled City. It was built by' Shahjahan ' in 1639.
Q.5.What started in Delhi in 1824?
Answer - In 1824, the British Era of Urban planning had begun in Delhi.
Q.6.When was the Delhi Municipal Committee formed ?
Answer - The Delhi Municipal Committee was formed in 1863.
Q.7.The Drinking water was supplied to the Old City from where?
Answer -The Drinking water was supplied to the Old City from Ali Mardan Canal.
Q.8. Name the main two places where the Queen Victoria was the Queen.Also state from when to when?
Answer- Queen Victoria was the Queen of UK and Ireland from 1837 to 1901.
Q.9. From which date Queen Victoria assumed the title of Empress of India?
Answer - On the1st of  May 1876 Queen Victoria assumed the title of Empress of India.

Page 149.
Inside Question Answers.
Q.1.When British shifted his capitial from Calcutta to Delhi?
Ans. It was in 1911 When British shifted his capitial from Calcutta to Delhi?
Q.2.When was Imperial Delhi Commitee formed?
Ans. In 1913 Imperial Delhi Commitee was formed?
Q.3.Who created Raisina Municipal Commitee?
Ans.The Chief Commisioner of Delhi created Raisina Municipal Commitee.
Q.4.Which hill was selected for building the new capitial - New Delhi.
Ans.The Raisina Hill was selected for building the new capitial- New Delhi.
Q.5.What is the full form of NDMC?
Ans. The full form of NDMC is New Delhi Municipal Committee ?

Page 150.
Inside Questions and Answers -
Q.1.Who set up Delhi Development Authority and when?
Ans - After independence,the Government of India set-up  Delhi Development Authority in 1955.
Q.2. For what purpose was the Delhi Development Authority empowered?
Ans - The Delhi Development Authority was empowered to prepare a master plan and zonal plans for housing ,commercial centres , parks , playgrounds etc.,to develop and manage lands in Delhi.
Q.3.What provides a basic policy frame for guiding Delhi’s development?
Ans - Master Plan for Delhi provides a basic policy frame for guiding Delhi’s development.
Q.4.When the British laid down the foundation of a systematic police system and under which act?
Ans -The British laid down the foundation of a systematic police system in 1857 under the Indian Police Act.
Q.5.Who organised the police into a regular force?
Ans - Lord Cornwallis organised the police into a regular force.
Q.6.Who looked after each district with whose assistance?
Ans - A Superintendent of Police looked after each district with the assistance of a Deputy Superintendent of Police.
Q.7.Who looked after villages and towns?
Ans - Chowkidars and Kotwals looked after villages and towns.
Q.8.What made the police,under the British,cruel and corrupt?
Ans- Providing low salaries but great powers made the police, under the British cruel and corrupt.
Q.9.When was Delhi Police restructured ?
Ans - Delhi Police was restructured in 1946.
Q.10.When was Delhi's first Chief Commissioner appointed?
Ans - Delhi’s first Chief Commissioner was appointed in 1912.
Q.11.Why were railways introduced in India ?
Ans - Railways were introduced in India for the benefit of the British administration, political control and trade.
Q.12. Whe…

Ch-13.Colonialism and Urban Change
Page no -150.
Inside Questions
Q.1.When government of India set-up Delhi Development Authority?
Ans - In 1955, government of India set-up Delhi Development Authority.
Q.2.When was Delhi's Chief Commissioner was appointed?
Ans - In 1912, Delhi's Chief Commissioner was appointed.
Q.3.What is the main aim of Master Plan for Delhi?

Ans -The main aim of Master Plan for Delhi to provide a basic policy frame for guiding Delhi's development.
Q.4.In which year Delhi Police was restructured with the appointment of Inspector General, Deputy Inspector General and Superintendents?Ans-In 1946, Delhi Police was restructured with the appointment of Inspector General, Deputy Inspector General and Superintendents.
Q.5.Railway were introduced in there for which purpose?
Ans- Railways were introduced in India for the benefit of the British administration, political control and trade.
Q.6.When was first  Railways introduced in India?
Ans - April 6,1853.
Q.7.When the first train stretch in India of 21 miles from where to where?
Ans - The first train stretch in India of 21 miles from Bombay to Thane.
Q.8.How many railway carriages and guests?
Ans - There are 14 railways carriages and 400 guests.

Chapter - 13.Colonialism and Urban Change.
Inside questions answers:-
Page no. 151
Q.1.Write the ascepts which are British introduced railways?
Ans : The ascepts which British indroduced railways are of :-a. Commercial advantage  b. Political aspect  c. Defence aspect  d. Investment of Surplus Income
Q.2 Where is the capital shifted from Calcutta?Ans: Shimla is the new capital shifted from Calcutta.
Q.3 How many tunnels still a narrow gauge to Shimla that passes from Kalka?
Ans : There are 103 tunnels only 102 tunnels are operational tunnel.
Q.4. Write the names of eminent Indian painters.
Ans : Raja Ravi Varma, Abanindranath Takhur, Jamini Roy, etc.,were greatly influences by the Western style of painting.
Q.5.Which train was introduced from Howrah to Kalka by the British?
Ans : The Kalka Mali was introduced by the British Horwrah to Kalka.

Page No. -152.
Inside Questions /Answers.
Q.1.How the governor of Madras gave the city a colonial look?
Ans. The governor of madras gave the city a colonial look with bungalows and banquet halls to suit the British liking for official evening functions.
Q.2.How British influenced Indian literature?
Ans.The tide of spreading Indian English literature began the genre of British influence on the contemporary Indian literature.
English language thus had entered into the India with the British empire's educational policy for the native colonized Indian and soon made a secured home here.
Q.3.Name any three buildings in India which are resembled famous building in England.
Ans.a.Town hall, Chennai. b.Viceroy house, Shimla. c.Victoria Terminus,Mumbai of India are famous resembled building in India.


  1. Thanks you sir provide a link very useful for me Alok bharti


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