6 Class.Geography.CW/HW.Chapter3.Locating Places on the Earth.

Chapter 3
6 Class.Geography.CW/HW.
Chapter3.Locating Places on the Earth.

schedule : it is a plan for carrying out a process or procedure. 
subtended : form an angle at a particular point. 
variation : it is a slight difference in condition or amount in certain limits. 
Something To Know A. 
Tick () the correct option. 
1. The equator does not pass through which one of the following continents? 
(a) Europe 
(b) South America 
(c) Asia 
(d) Africa 
2. The heat zone lying between 23% N and 66% N is- 
(a) Frigid Zone 
(b) Torrid Zone 
(c) Temperate Zone 
(d) Time Zone 
3. The longest circle drawn midway between two poles is- 
(a) The Equator 
(b) Prime Meridian 
(c) The Tropic of Cancer 
(d) The Tropic of Capricorn 
4. When the time is 12 noon at 0" longitude, the time at 75 E longitude will be- 
(a) 4 p.m.
(b) 5 p.m. 
(c) 3 p.m.
(d) 11 p.m. 
5. Which one of the following is a correct statement about longitudes? 
(a) Their length is the longest at the poles. 
(b) Their length is the shortest at the equator. 
(c) All of them have equal lengths. 
(d) Their length reduces towards the poles, 
B. Fill in the blanks. 
1. The earth rotates from ----to -----
2. All the places on the same meridian will have the ---- local time. 
3. The distance between the two lines of latitudes is always ----
4. The ----- are the imaginary lines that connect the north and south poles. minutes. 
5. Each degree of longitude corresponds to a time difference of----
C. Match the following : 
1. Two equal division of earth a.23" 30' N 3
b. Hemispheres Latitudes are measured in b. Mirzapur
3. Tropic of Cancer  c. hemisphere
4. British Royal Observatory Greenwich d.Degree
5. The place through which Standard Meridian of India passes e.Greenwich. 
D. Answer the following questions in brief. 
1. Which two basic points on the earth serve as the reference points? 
2.Mention the latitudinal location of the heat zones of the earth. 
3. Why does the Torrid zone have the maximum temperature? 
4. What is the significance of Greenwich Mean Time? 
5. Why is the Standard Meridian selected by a country a multiple of 7.5? 
E. Answer the following questions. 
1. State three main characteristics of parallels of latitudes. 
2. Why do we use standard time? Explain with an example from India: 
3. Which heat zone is most suitable for us to live and why? 
4. Why is the time difference between each meridian of longitude 4 minutes? Explain. 
5. Distinguish between Equator and Prime Meridian. 
Value Based Question 
Some countries have non-standard time zones, usually with a 30-minute offset (a few have a 45-minu offset). 
Time zones' boundaries are irregular mainly because of political factors, and so this has been a subject criticism. 
Time zones can be determined by how countries' and states' borders are positioned. Individual zone boundaries are not straight because they are adjusted for the convenience and desires of 1o population, Moreover, some geographically large countries, such as India and China, use only one tin zone where as other large countries don't do the same. 
How does one time zone in a country, like India, help towards unity in diversity?
Map Skill 
On the outline map of the world, show- 
(a) Equator 
(b) Tropic of Cancer 
(c) Tropic of Capricorn 
(d) Arctic Circle 
(e) Antarctic Circle 
(f) Prime Meridian 
Something To Do 
1. Study the atlas and find out the location of the following cities with reference to latitudes and longitudes. 
(a) Delhi 
(b) London 
(c) Tokyo 
(d) Singapore 
(e) Cairo 2. 
In your notebook, draw the diagram of Heat Zones showing the values of different latitudes.


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