6 Class.History.CW/HW.Chapter18.Deccan and South India.

6 Class.History.CW/HW.Chapter18.
Deccan and South India.Chapter 18
 an official living abroad and representing his own country. 
deccan: southern part of India. 
shrines: the holy places. "nssoppol ao spoll sop Kupreme power the power or authority that cannot be challenged,I DI 
Something To Know A Tick () the correct option. 
1. The capital of Chalukyas was- 
(a) Madurai 
(b) Thanjavur 
(c) Vatapi 
(d) Amravati 
2. in which state are the Ajanta caves situated? 
(a) Tamil Nadu 
(b) Karnataka 
(c) Madhya Pradesh 
(d) Maharashtra 
3. The powerful ruler of North india who was the contemporary of both King Pulkeshin-li and Mahendravarman was- 
(a) Samudragupta 
(b) Chandragupta 
(c ) Ashoka 
(d) Harshavardhana 
4. The most famous Rock-cut Rath temple built by the Pallava ruler can still be seen in- 
(a) Puducherry 
(b) Tamil Nadu 
(c) Odisha 
(d) Madhya Pradesh 
5. Which one of the following was a local assembly of the merchants during the Pallava's rule? 
(a) Sabha 
(b) Ur
(c) Odisha 
(d) Panchayat 
B. Fill in the blanks. 
1. Pulhashin was the most famous Chalukya king. 
2.----was a local assembly of the brahmin land owners. 2. 
3. Narsimhavarman succeeded----
4. Papanatha temple was built in the year -----
5. Pallavas gained power in south after the decline of StvahanI DI 

C. Match the following : 
1. Narsimhavarman  a. rock-cut halls 
2. Mahendravarman  b. devotees of Shiva
3. Pallava kings c  devotees of Vishnu
4. Alvars     d.a Pallava king
5. Nayannars   e defeated Pulkeshin II

D. Answer the following questions in brief.
1. Who defeated the last Chalukya king, Keertivarman? 
2. How were the walls of Chalukya temples decorated? 
3. Name the famous temples buillt by the Chalukya rulers. 
4. Where are the Shore temple and the Kailashnath temple situated? 
5. Which was the most important kingdom in Deccan after the Satavahanas? 
E. Answer the following questions. 
1. Describe the administrative system of the Pallavas. 
2. Explain the contribution of Pallavas in the field of art and architecture. 
3. What were the religious beliefs of the Pallavas? 
4. Justify that, 'Mahendravarman was the most powerful and famous Pallava king'. 
5. How were the temples of Pallava's period socially useful? 
Value Based Question 
Look at the two given pictures : 
Picture - 1 Mahabalipuram temple 
Picture - 2 Mahabalipuram temple 
(a) What is  the difference between the two pictures? 
(b) In your opinion, who is responsible for the condition in Picture-1?
ie What efforts must have been made to improve the surroundings of the temple in Picture 27 (d) Suggest ways and means to keep your school campus clean and tidy. 
Map Skill 
On a political map of India, locate and label the ancient kingdoms of South india along with their modern names given in brackets. 
(a) Kalinga (Odisha) 
(b) Pandyas (Tamil Nadu) 
(c) Cheras (Kerala) 
(d) Cholas (Andhra Pradesh) 
(e) Rashtrakutas (Karnataka) 
(f) Chalukyas (Maharashtra) 
Something To Do 
1. Collect the pictures of temples built by Chalukyas and Pallavas and write details about them in a project file. 
2. Collect and paste pictures of any four ancient temples of south and write, in brief, about them in your assignment copy. 
Chapter 19
 architecture: the art of designing buildings. engraving: something written on rocks, pillars or any other hard surface fundamentalist: someone who does not accept others views reng teie What efforts must have been made to improve the surroundings of the temple in Picture 27 (d) Suggest ways and means to keep your school campus clean and tidy. Map Skill On a political map of India, locate and label the ancient kingdoms of South india along with their modern names given in brackets. (a) Kalinga (Odisha) (b) Pandyas (Tamil Nadu) (c) Cheras (Kerala) (d) Cholas (Andhra Pradesh) (e) Rashtrakutas (Karnataka) () Chalukyas (Maharashtra) Something To Do 1. Collect the pictures of temples built by Chalukyas and Pallavas and write details about them in a project file. 2. Coliect and paste pictures of any four ancient temples of south and write, in brief, about them in your assignment copy. 155Something To Know A. Tick () the correct option. 1. Who invented the paper first? (b) India ueder (e) (c) Egypt (d) China 2. Where can we still see the impact of Hindu culture in South-East Asia? (a) Bal (b) Kamboj (Cambodia) (c) Java (d) Champa 3. The brought gold from the west into our country. (a) Greeks (b) Persians (c) Romans (d) Arabs 4. The main factor responsible for creating our contacts with different parts of Asia was- (a) Hinduism wsjujer (q) (c) Islam (d) Buddhism 5 . Buddhism spread in various parts of the world largely due to the efforts of King- (a) Kanishka (b) Ashoka (c) Tissa (d) Yashoverma B. Fill in the blanks. 1. The Harappan culture is about years old. 2. India's trade with the west was through cricks 3. Kuchi was another centre of umcultuse. 4. The Chinese traveller, I-tsing came to India to Buddhism. 5. A reference of Champa is found in fa-hien Puran. 091G Match the foltowing 2. Fa-hien epoque soyteuppng e 4. Mahendra 5. Yashoverma A. Answer the following questions in briet, 1. What did the Chinese learn from India? 2. Who founded the city of Yashodhpur in Kamiol? 3. Why was Roman historian Pliny against having trade relations with india? 4. How did Buddhism reach the western countries? 5. Mention ay two main features of the Stupa at Barobuthur in Jave. E Answer the following questions. 1. How did the Arabs become a link in our trade with the west? 2. Explain the impact of the contact between india and Sri Lanka. 3. How did Kuchi become a centre of indian culture?. 4. Describe India's contact with China. What was the mutual effect of this contact? 5. Give any five examples to establish that, Kamboj was an Indian colony Value Baned Quention The Buddhas ofBamlyan Two glant Buddhas were carved out from a clif in Afghanistan between the fifth and ninth century. They were declared as a UNESCO World Heritage site, Unfortunately, they were blown up in 2001 by the Islamic fundamentalist Taliban who at that time ruled Afghanistan. In your opinion, how important is for a site to be declared as World Heritage by UfNESCO? 2 How will you react to this damage? 3. Suggest any three ways to preserve and protect our Heritage sites.Map Skill on a political outline map of Asta, locate and label the countries with which India had trade ratations w ancient times. Some of them were ejsauopu (u) bey (a) wuO () (d) Afghanistan ue us (a) () Vietnam Something To Do 1 Based on this chapter, list any ten special features of Indian culture. 2. List the UNESCO World Heritage sites in india. Collect as nany pictures of these sights as possible and paste them on a chart size outline political map of India in their respective states, 3. Find out the information about some of these ancient towns: Khotan, Kuchi, Oarashahr, Kashghar, Niya: 291
Chapter 20... .. Keywords biography: an account of someone's life written by someone else. civilisation: the stage of human social development which is considered most advanced. enlightenment: awareness that brings change in life. meditation: it Is a practice in which an individual trains the mind. orthodox; adhering to traditional and established faith. penance: punishment inflicted on oneself as an outward expression of repentance for wrong-dol 891
I SI II SI NI Something To Know A Tick () the correct option. 1. The oldest religion of the world is- (a) Buddhism (b) Hinduism (c) Judaism (d) Jainism 2. The Parsees are the followers of- (a) Abraham (b) Zoroaster (c) Rishab dev (d ) Jesus Christ 3. Siddharth became Buddha when- (a) he attained enlightenment. (b) he left his family for good. (c) he renounced the world. (d) people started calling him Mahatma. 4. Which one of the following books belongs to Judaism? (a) Aranyaka (b) Apocrypha (c) Avesta (d) Bible 5. Which colour of clothes do Shvetambars wear? (a) black (b) white adueJo (p) uaai8 (2) B. Fill in the blanks. 1. According to the Hindus, Srishti (the creation) is governed by three Gods namely: Vishu (1) the God of good forces, according to Zoroastrianism. Dunyoz g ) 2. Ahus Maydse Jehouah Is the only God in Judaism. 3. Gautam Buddha realised that the real cause of misery ls desire CE. 4, Christian era started from
C. Match the following: Christianity re Jainism Karma Yog C Avesta & 2. 3. Ashtangika Marg e C. Hinduism d. Zoroastrianism 4. Triratnab Buddhism New Testament a D. Answer the following questions in brief. 1. Name any three holy books of Hinduism. State the content of the Old Testament, What is the main contribution of Mahavir? 3. In your opinion, what is the main cause of misery? S. What is a synagogue? E. Answer the following questions. Explain the meaning of the cycle of birth and rebirth. 2. Describe the teachings of Zoroaster. 3. Explain the three ways suggested by Mahavir to attain moksha. 4. List the Eight-Fold Path as suggested by Mahatma Buddha to attain moksha. Why do Christians celebrate Easter and Christmas every year? Value Based Question Bashir is a sculptor from Bihar. Every year he makes statues (idols) of Maa Durga for Durga pooja to worshipped by the Hindus. He and his family members attend the festival along with their Hindu frie Give five such examples which illustrate the true picture of Indian secularism. Map Skill On a political outline map of the world, locate and mark the following. (a) Iran - the birth place of Zarathustra (b) Israel - the home of Jews (c) India -the land of many religions (d) Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Thailand-the Buddhist countriesSomething To Do 1. Complete the given table. Religion Main Scriptures Hinduism Zoroastrianism Jainism Buddhism Christianity 2. Prepare a chart of the teachings of all religions with the pictures of their founders. 3. On the basis of the chart prepared, find out the teachings which are common in most of the religions.
Cof the evolution of human SOciet, Neolithic Period was a step towards the development of civilisation. Differences.in the speed and level of development were noticed in different parts of the world. 


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