6 Class.Geography.CW/HW.Chapter5.The Realms of the Earth.

Chapter 5
6 Class.Geography.CW/HW.
Chapter5.The Realms of the Earth.

interdependent : depending one another for survival or existence. 
isthmus : it is a narrow strip of land that joins two large areas of land, It is always surrounded by sa either side. 
ozone layer : the layer present in stratosphere around 15 to 30 km above the surface of the earth The layer protects earth from harmful ultraviolet radiation of the sun. 
Sea level : the level of the surface of the sea with respect to the land. It is taken as a mean level between high and low tide, and used as a standard base for measuring heights and depths.
Something To Know 
Tick (the correct option. 
Which one of the following is an old mountain? 
(a) The Himalayas 
(b) The Aravalli Range 
(c) The Andes
(d) The Alps.
3. The largest ocean of the world is 
(a) Indian Ocean 
(b) Pacific Dcean 
(c) Arctic Ocearn 
(d) Atlantic Ocean  
4. Which continent is the most advanced and economically developed continent7 
(a) Asia 
(b) North America 
(c) Australia 
(d) Europe 
5. Which one of the following gases has the largest volume in the atmosphere? uo 
(a) Nitrogen 
(b) Oxygen 
(c) Ozone 
(d) Carbon Dioxide 

B. Fill in the blanks, 
1.-----is a narrow belt or zone of the earth where all forms of life exist 
2. An envelope of the air surrounding the earth is called Blo herp 
3. is the upper surface of the earth consisting of rocks 
4. A highly elevated land from the surroundings with very steep slopes is known as 
5.An upload with rugged surface is called ---

C. Match the following: 
1.It separates Europe a Asia 
2. it joins North America with South America b. Oxygen 
3. The largest continent of the world c Isthmus of Panama 
4. It helps in burning d. Antarctica
5. Continent in the Southern Henisphere e. Ural mountain and Ural river 

D. Answer the following questions in brief. 
1. Name the four realms of the earth. 
2. Which four gases constitute only one per cent of the total volume of the atmosphere? 
3. Which continent is not inhabited by the people and why? 
4. Why is earth known as a 'unique planet'? 
5. Name three major landforms on the land surface. 
E. Answer the following questions. 
1. What are plains? Explain briefly the formation of plains. 
2. Give a brief account of the plateaus of the world. 
3. Name the two main gases of the atmosphere. Write the significance of each. 
4. What is meant by hydrosphere? Briefly explain the importance of hydrosphere. 
5.How are human activities responsible for causing ecological imbalance? 
Value Based Question 
House sparrow is gradually varnishing from urban scenario. Our urban lifestyle is responsible for Electromagnetic radiation from the mobile towers, shortage of nesting spaces, shortage of insect foc decline of native plants, changes in the architectural designs of buildings, unleaded petrol and use insecticides are some of the reasons for vanishing of the bird . Human beings are a part of the ecosystem. They do not have a right to disturb the ecological balance. W all have to take intiative to save sparrows by enhancing awareness about their lite and habitat. 
1. Why sorme people have become so insensitive towards other species? 
2. Like the house sparrow, which other birds or animals living around us in the residential areas are the verge of extinction? 
3. Suggest any three effective measures to protect the endangered species.

Map Skill 
Shade and label different continents as well as major oceans on an outline map of the world. Something To Do 
1. Draw a diagram of the biosphere showing its diversity.
2. Prepare a chart depicting different landforms on the earth and label them. 
3. Prepare a chart showing interdependence of plants, animals and micro-organisms.






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