8 Class.Civics.CW/HW.Chapter21.Social Justice and the Marginalised.

Chapter 21.Civics.
CW/HW.Chapter21.Social Justice and the Marginalised.

bondage : the state of being a slave or owned by someone.  
deprivation : denial of something considered to be a necessity.  
egalitarian : based on the principle that all people are equal and deserve equal rights and opportunities 
indebtedness :   the condition of owing money due to debts / loans.  
madarsa : an institution for Islamic instruction, 
underprivileged : those who do not enjoy the same standard of living or rights as the majority of people in a society 

Something to know 
tick the correct option India?  
1.Who among the following does not belong to economically and socially disadvantaged communities of India.
(a) folk musicians
(b) cobblers. 
(c) labourers 
(d) traders 
2. 'Bishnoi, tribal community lives in 
(a) Uttar Pradesh
(b) Rajasthan 
(c) Odisha
(d) Bihar 
3. A traditional Islamic educational institution is called a 
(a) pathshala 
(b) gurukul
(c) madarsa
(d) mosque.
 4 Which one of the the following factors does not make a successful democracy.
(a) biased public opinion
(b) social justice  
(c) equality of opportunity
(d) individual rights. 
5. Which one of the following words does not find a mentionin the preamble of Indian Constitution. 
(a) justice 
(b) liberty
(c) harmony
(d) fraternity. 

Fill in the blanks. 
1. India is---  a --- and ---democracy.
2. Economically and socially disadvantaged communities  of India are known as  
3.The end of tribals traditional lifestyle had resulted in --- and exploitation.
4. The idea behind the reservation in the educational institutions is to increase the diversity of  ---- and to bring about -----in India.
5. The better  and wealthier sections of the Backward classes are called the---


C. Match the following.  
1. The spiritual mentor of the Bishnois (a) Scheduled Tribes 
2. A term used for the Adivasis in the Constitution (b) A minority community
3. Equality of status and opportunity (c) B.P.  Mandal
4. Anglo - Indians (d) Jambeshwarji 
5.  Second Backward Classes Commission)  (e) Right to Freedom 

D. Answer the following questions in brief.  
1. Mention any three elements which are essential for making a successful democracy 
2. Which communities come under other Backward Classes (OBCs)?  Who identified them and how?  
3.  Explain the term 'Creamy layer: Why should they be given benefit of reservation?   
4.  Highlight two values ​​that we can learn from the Bishnois with respect to the environment.  5.  Why was the provision of reservation included in the Indian Constitution?  Who are the beneficiaries of this policy and how?  

E. Answer the following questions.  
1. Compare the conditions of the Adivasis of India during pre and post independence era.  
2 .The Bishnoi conservationists take care of nature and grow with it, instead of exploiting it.  'Explain the statement 
3. Explain the term' minorities'.  Why do they lag behind the majority community, both educationally and economically?  How can they get their rightful place in society?  
4. Suggest any five measures that can be taken for the upliftment of the downtrodden in a democracy, 
5. What is meant by political safeguards?  Who are the beneficiaries of this policy?  How far is such a safeguard justified?  
Value Based Question 
As of 2013, India holds the title of the highest prevalence of stunted growth among children, due to open defecation, lack of widespread sanitation, malnutrition, which in turn, hastens the transmission of diseases and depletion of vital nutrients in growing children  .  
1. Identify the factors responsible for the transmission of diseases.  
2. Suggest ways and means to improve the current scenario of India.  
3.How and to what extent has the present day government contributed to the health protection of children?  
Something to Do 
1 Imagine that you are watching the Republic Day Parade on TV with a friend and she remarks "look at these tribals. They are always dressed up in colorful attire and they seem to be dancing all the time. How happy they are l 
How  will you breakup her myth and perception about the tribals and tell her about the hardships they have to undergo? 
2. Study the case of 'Shompens' tribals and answer the questions that follow. 
The Shompens, a shy, primitive tribe of Great Nicobar  , has a population of only 390 Shompens. They are hunters and food gatherers who live in thick jungles. They use bows, spears and arrows for hunting The Union Ministry of Tribal Affairs is making a policy to discourage the tourists from interacting with the Shompens to  safeguard their identity and health, which is a major concern. 
Do you think that social isolation of these tribals will further add to their misery or protect them from negative outside influence? Justify your answer.  
3.Organize an inter - group declamation contest on the topics - The Ground Reality of Justice, Liberty, Equality and Fraternity in India.  Divide the class into four groups.  Each group will speak on the 3.  allotted topic.  



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