6 Class.History.CW/HW.Chapter10.Development of Civilisation.

6 Class.History.CW/HW.Chapter10.
Development of Civilisation.Chapter 10 
civilisation : the stage of human development. drainage system: an intervention to control water logging. granary: a storeroom/house for grains. 06
Something To Know 
Tick () the correct option. 
1 The first Indus Valley site discovered was- 
(a) Harappa 
(b) Mohen jodero  
(c) Kalibangan 
(d) Lothal 
2. The Indus people used clothes made of - 
(a) nylon 
(b) wool 
(c) cotton (d)Jute 
3.The Harappan terracotta pottery was- 
(a) unpainted 
(b) glazed 
(c) red-brown 
(d) unbaked 
4. The granary was the storehouse for - 
(a) meat
(b) straw 
(c) cotton
(d) wheat. 
5. The discovery of the remains of a dockyard at Lothal prove that the people of Indus valley had- 
(a) international trade relations.
(b) expertise in ship building. 
(c) an organised naval force. 
(d) flourishing trade within India. 
B.Fill in the blanks. 
1. devlopmerd of human society lead to foundation of civilisation. The Great Bath had well-planned dLinage svstem. wark The people of Indus Valley were expert in making Matle 
2. pue seals are the main source of Information about the religious beliefs of the Indus people. 4. was the mrle god worshipped by the Indus people. 5.
C. State True or False for the following statements. 
1. The cities were well-planned in the Harappan culture. 
2. The citadel was considered the central part of the city. 
3. Pottery was not a popular industry in Harappan culture. 
4. People of Indus vally worshipped the neem tree. Mohen-jo-daro was rebuilt nine times at the same site. 
D. Answer the following questions in brief. 
1. What did the thick forests provide to the people of Indus Valley? 
2. List the occupations of the Indus Valley people. 
3. What type of climate did the Indus Valley have?  
4. How was the dress of the men of Indus Valley different from that of the women? 
5. Why did the early civilisations develop on the river banks? 

E. Answer the following questions. 
1. List any three features of the Indus Valley Civilisation which tell us that it was an urban civilisation. 
2. What reasons were responsible for the deciine of Harappan culture?  
3. Explain the town planning system of the Indus people.
4. Which two things helped the people of Indus Valley to have bumper harvest and how?  
5. Bring out the similarities and differences between the features of the Indus Valley Civilisation and the Egyptian Civilisation. T 

Value Based Question.
The Bride Who Made Her In-laws Build A Toilet  
The one thing common between cities and villages of India is lack of amenities, 
But this Uttar Pradesh bride knew what's right for her and left the house of her in-laws, due to lack of toilet. 
Both families tried to persuade her to return but she put her foot down and refused to comply. 
Finally, the groom's family agreed  and had a toilet made with all modern amenities, (source: http://www.indiatimes.com/news/India)
1 What qualities of the bride made her a role model for other rural women in India? 
1 Which features of the Indus Valley Civilation can euanyoe duopted in contemporary Indian villages to

Map Skill 
On an outline map of India, name and mark the following- fa) 
A place where dockyard has been discovered. Lelva,Cjaat 
(b) A place where the huge Great Bath has been discovered. Mokam jo-daro (Pakislam) 
(c) A Harappan site in Rajasthan. 
(d) A Harappan site in Punjab. 
(e) First Indus Valley site discovered, 
Something To Do 
1. You have learnt about the ancient civilisation of Indus Valley, Compare it with a cosmopalitan city of today. 
Organise your information under the following headings. 
Homes Buildings Religion
Transport ClothesTrade
Occupation Skills  Additional Information 
2. Prepare four clay seals using potter's clay by engraving or carving on them-an animal, a flower, the National emblem of India and a tree.



Chapter 11 Heanyalot sacred treatles based on brahmanas I barter system: exchange of goods or service in exchange of goods or services, brahmanan: commentaries on Vedus un a iteo.ed e up'asn jauall u Kouou jo ua . inikul:a place where students were given.education while living there only joint family: an extended family arrangement consisting of many generations living together in the san aenoy upanishads a text containing philosophical concept. kow

Something To Know Tick (M the correct option. The oldest Veda is- opanbiy (e) opanpups (g) opanun/os (2) (d) Atharvaveda i what was the main occupation of Aryans? (a) hunting (b) carpentry (c) agriculture (d) fishing a The chief god during the Early Vedic Civilisation was- (a) Indra (b) Shiva (c) Vishnu (d) Rama The supreme god worshipped during the Greek Civilisation was- (b) Fire ounr (e) (c) Zeus (d) Indra 5. Who calculated the circumference of the earth? (a) the Greeks (b) the Romans (c) the Aryans (d) the Iranians 8. Fill in the blanks. 1. The word Veda means was used as a standard of value. 2. As a part of the barter system Period. 3. The Early Vedic Period is aiso known as 4. In the Later Vedic Period, varna system became 5. During Sanyas Ashram, a man lived a life of complete


C. Match the following: Epic Age a. Commander of Army Shudras b. Head of the family Senani C. God of Thunder 4. Grihapati d. Later Vedic Period 5. Indra e. Labourers D. Answer the following questions in brief. 1. What were the main inventions of Greek Civilisation? 2. Name the gods that were worshipped by Romans. 3. Name the four Vedas. 4. Give any two examples to prove that Vedic Civilisation was quite advanced. 5. Mention the main occupations the people of Iranian Civilisation. E. Answer the following questions. 1. What was the political condition of the country under Aryans? z. What was the condition of women in the Early Vedic Period. 3. Explain the Varna System. What change did it undergo during Later Vedic Period? 4. List the achievements of the Aryans in the field of science and mathematics. 5. List the occupations of the Aryans. Value Based Question The people of the Vedic Civilisation led a happy and simple life. Their clothes were made of cotton, wod and skins of animals. They played musical instruments like flute, drums and harp. They were fond of chariot racing and dancing. In your opinion which activities are eco-friendly in the present scenario. (00)Map Skill On the physical map of the world, locate the following civilisations. (a) Greek civilisation (b) Roman civilisation (c) tranian civilisation (d) Vedic civilisation Something To Do 1, Make a list of Hindu social customs of today that are similar to those which existed in the Aryan Period. 2. Read the stories of Mahabharata and Ramayana to know more about the Epic Age. 3. Chanting Gayatri Mantra every day in the morning assembly is the tradition of DAV schools. Do you know this mantra is a part of Rigveda? Discuss the meaning and relevance of this manitra your class. W s ou


O Map Skill oe the physical map of the world, locate the following civilisations. (a) Greek civilisation (b) Roman civilisation (c) Iranian civilisation (d) Vedic civilisation Something To Do 1. Make a list of Hindu social customs of today that are similar to those which existed in the Aryan Period. 2. Read the stories of Mahabharata and Ramayana to know more about the Epic Age. 3. Chanting Gayatri Mantra every day in the morning assembly is the tradition of DAV schools. Do you know this mantra is a part of Rigveda? Discuss the meaning and relevance of this mantra in your class.


Chapter 12 Keywords eana: a group consisting of many members. atrimonial alliances: relations through marriages. sangha: organisation or association.  republic: a state where its head is elected by the people. 105


I Something To Know A. Tick () the correct option. 1. What does the word Janapada literally mean? (a) the king (b) the group (c) the land (d) the law 'Z In which category the Sakyas of Kapilvastu can be placed? (a) Gansanghas (b) Janapadas (c) Mahajanapadas (d) Sabhas 3. Ajatshatru shifted his capital from Rajgriha to- (a) Vaishali (b) Kausambi (c) Champa (d) Pataliputra 4. The supreme head of the state chosen by the people was - (a) Raja (b) Mahamatras (c) Ayuktas (d) Gramini 5. Which one of the following emerged as the most powerful Mahajanapada? (a) Anga esjen (g) (d) Magadha (c) Avanti B. Fill in the blanks. were the kingdoms where the kings were not hereditary. never tolerated any inefficient official, Sury z 3. The capital of the Sakyas was crops in a year. 4. The people of Magadha raised 5. The head of artisans' association was known as

c. Write True or False for the following statements, 1. The Vorna System was based on birth, 2. Vaishyas were called Songrahitris. 3. Gramini helped the king in his central administration. Magadha had a flourishing long distance trade. 4. 5. There was no assembly in the Republics. D. Answer the following questions in brief. 1. What were Mahajanapadas? Name any four of them. What was the status of Magadha under the Nandas? 3. What made the people drift away from Brahamanism? 4. Mention any two achievernents of Ajatshatru. 5. What was a guild? What was its main purpose? E. Answer the following questions. How did Magadha emerge as the most powerful Mahojanapada? Explain. 2. Highlight any four features of the Ganasanghas or Republics that existed in 600-100 BCE. 3. Explain the administrative system of Magadha rulers. What was the socio-economic condition of the people under the Magadha rulers? 4. 5. Describe the Varna system. How did it start? What is its present position in India todat Value Based Question The Magadha emerged as the most powerful Mahajanopada as it coriquered the territories of other Mahajanapadas. Matrimonial alliances with daughters of other nulers was also a step towards erpanding power. All these Mahojanopadas later became parts of Magadha empire. How far do you agree that winning wars strenghens a nation and helps towards development? Explain


Map Skill On the outline map of India, locate the following Mahajanpadas and name them. (a) Magadha (b) Vatsa (c) Anga (d) Kuru (e) Panchala Something To Do 1. Make a list of crafts which were in practice during the period of the Magadhan rulers and are still bein practised in India. 2. Collect some pictures showing the crafts of Magadha period. 3. In what ways are the present day coins better than the old ones? 4. Browse through the internet and study the different coins. You can visit the National Museum in New Delhi to have a look at some very old coins.


.... .. Keywords arenitecture: the art or science of designing and building a structure. dhamma: a Prakrit word for the Sanskrit term dharma. dynasty: a series of kings from the same family. euiet an official order or proclamation issued by a person in authority. espionage system: spies. enare state: a concept of government in which state plays a key role in the development, protee" and promotion of the socio-economic and cultural well being of the citizens. 114


Something To Know Tick () the correct option. 1. The founder of Mauryan dynasty was- (a) Chandragupta Maurya (b) Ghananand (c) Kumara Gupta (d) Samudra Gupta 2. Who wrote Arthoshastra? (a) Megasthenes (b) Harisena (c) Kautilya 3. The ambassador sent by Seleucus Nicator to the court of Chandragupta Maurya was esoydemsy (p) (a) Fa-hien (b) itsing (c) Megasthenes (d) Bernier 4 . The last Nanda ruler was- (a) Dhana Nanda (b) Maha Padmananda (c) Ghananand (d) Dayananda 5. The Mauryan kings were assisted by- (a) Mantri (b) Mahamatra (c) Mantri Parishad (d) Adhyaksha B. Fill in the blanks. 1. Alexander was the son of King 2. Chandragupta Maurya invaded Magadha with the help of 3, During Ashoka's rule Awouosa allejJA Jo aseq ujeu as 4. The city administration during the Mauryan period was under was astonished to see the Mau yan Palace, 5 , The Chinese traveller


C. Match the following: 1. Barabar a. Textile centre 2. Odisha Rock edict 3. Madurai C. Stupa Sahasrama d. Caves 5. Sanchi e. Kalinga D. Answer the following questions in brief. Who was Seleucus Nicator? 2. List the main sources of information about Mauryan dynasty. 3. Which lake was built by Chandragupta Maurya and why? 4. Name the languages in which Ashoka's teachings were engraved. 5. What advice was given by Ashoka to his sons and grandsons? E. Answer the following questions. 1. Describe the finest examples of the architecture of the Mauryan period. 2. Explain the main features of Ashoka's Dhamma related to social and ethical code of conduct. 3. What did Ashoka do for the welfare of his people? 4. Describe briefly, the ocial and economic life of the people during the Mauryan period. 5. How did the Kalinga War prove to be a turning point in the life of Ashoka? Value Based Question Effects of Kalinga War on Ashoka The invasion of Kalinga was a big milestone in the history of Magadha (India). It had many consequences. It had incredible influence on the personal life and policy of Ashoka. The despair and casualty which he had inflicted upon the people of Kalinga filled his heart with deep sorrow and regret. The wails of the women, the tears of the children, the terrifying suffering of the dying men transformed his heart and mind, He found solace in Buddhism. As he was repenting his deeds, consequently he embraced Buddhism and took a vow of inculcating the virtues of the dhamma all over the world. King Ashoka left behind the policy of Digvijaya and adopted a policy of Dhamma-vijaya. There were significant changes in the state policy. Hence, it is said that Kalinga War ended the poliey of Magadha imperialism. A new policy of peace and non-violence began to be adopted in the realm of Inter: state relations. Thus, the thirsty tyrant became a lover of mankind and starrted preaching non-violence Relate this story with the Principles advocated by Mahatma Gandhi and try to establish the similarity between the two.Map Skill Show the extent of Ashoka's empire and the places of famous edicts on the outline political map of India. Something To Do 1. Write detalls of Sanchi Stupa and the Iron Pillar near Qutub Minar in Delhi with regard to their architectural glory. 2. Collect the pictures of all the five types of architectural monuments and classify them under the heads. () Palaces (I) Stupas (ii) Caves (iv) Pillars (v) Rock Edicts LIT





Pradesh. Keywords coral polyps: they are micro-organism attached to the rocks that flourish in shallow and warm water. estuary: it is a place where river joins sea without depositing sediments at its mouth. peninsula: a large land surrounded by water from three sides. strait: it is a narrow passage of water connecting two farge water bodies or seas.Something To Know A. Tick () the correct option. 1. The southernmost tip of the mainland of India is- (b) Indira Point (a) Kanyakumari (c) Palk Strait (d) Barren island 2. Which of the following is the largest glacier in India? (a) Pindari (b) Baltoro (c) Siachin (d) Gangotri 3. Which is the highest range of the Himalayas? (a) Himadri A (b) Zaskar (c) Himachal (d) Shivalik 4. The Thar desert lies to the west of- (a) Vindhya hills (b) Nilgiri hills (c) Aravalli hills (d) Satpura hills 5. Which river flows westwards into the Arabian sea? (a) Kaveri (b) Narmada (c) Mahanadi penepos (p) 8. Fill in the blanks. 1. The area lying in the north of Tropic of Cancer is called Sub- 180bical. An ocean named after India is the uda POGan. 3. Indira Point is located at latitude. is the second highest peak of the world and lies in range. is the major tributary of Indus river.C. Match the following: 1. The highest peak of the Himalayas a. Yamuna 2. The longest tributary of River Ganga b Indira Point 3: Southernmost tip of Indian Territory C. Shivalik 4. Coastal strip along the Tamil Nadu d. Mount Everest 5. Range famous for 'duns e, Coromandel D. Answer the following questions in brief. What is the area and size of India in respect to the world? 2. Which countries form Indian sub-continent? Why is it called so? 3. What is the latitudinal and longitudinal extent of India? 4. Name the three major rivers which form the Great Northern Plains of India. Name the newly formed 29th state of India. When was it formed? 5. E. Answer the following questions. State any four main features of the Himalayan mountains. 2. Where is Sundarban delta? How is it formed? What makes it special in the world? 3. Describe the Peninsular plateau of India. How do the Eastern coastal plains differ from the Western coastal plains? 4. 5. Distinguish between Andaman and Nicobar Islands and the Lakshadweep Islands. Value Based Question The Indian Ocean provides major sea links connecting the Middle East, Africa and East Asia with Europe and the Americas. The most important trade routes of the world pass through this region. It carries a heavy traffic of petroleum and petroleum products from the oil-field of the Persian Gulf and Indonesia. India is one of very few countries in the world to have developed the technology to extract minerals from the deep sea bed. Fishing is of great importance to the bordering countries for domestic consumption and export. In which five ways is the strategic location of India at the head of Indian Ocean important for us?Map Skill On the outline map of india, locate and label the following: (a) Rivers - Ganga, Kaveri and Tapi. (b) Andaman and Nicobar tslands, and Lakshdweep. (c) Standard Meridian of India, Tropic of Cancer. (d) Mountains-The Karakoram range, Aravalli and Western Ghats. Something To Do 1. Use modeling clay, Plaster of Paris (POP), beads, paper, etc., to make a physical map of India on groundo on a board showing physical features like mountains, hills, rivers, lakes, plateaus, plains , etc. Preferably this exercise may be done in a group under the guidance of your teacher or the craft-teacher. 2. On a chart paper, prepare a physical map of India showing various relief features using different colours,


Chapter 7 ed Banchaary VIGN1 DO aIPIIM-eipu Keywords afforestation: planting more and more trees. deforestation: ruthless cutting of forests.  humidity: dampness of the atmosphere that indicates the amount of moisture in the air monsoon: the rainy season. natural vegetation: any vegetation which grows in a region according to the geographical and atmospher conditions without human support,  sultry weather: hot and humid condition of the atmosphere.Something To Know A. Tick ( the correct option. 1. Which one of the following places in India experience very high temperature? (a) Jaisalmer (b) Thiruvananthapuram (c) Srinagar (d) Pune 2. Which one of the following places receive the highest annual rainfall in the world? (a) Srinagar (b) Mawsynram (c) Imphal (d) Gangtok 3. In which areas are rhinoceros found? (a) Gir Forests (b) Kashmir Valley (c) Swamps of Assam (d) Rann of Kachchh 4. Identífy the type of forests found in Kerala. (a) Tidal Forests (b) Tropical Evergreen Forests (c) Thorny Forests A (d) Deciduous For


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