8 Class.History.CW/HW.Chapter13.Colonialism and Urban Changes

Class 8.Chapter 13.History.
Chapter name Colonialism and Urban Changes

Something To Know 
A. Tick ( )the correct option
1 . Which one of the following was not a Presidency Town during the British period ? 
( a ) Surat ( b ) Bombay ( c ) Calcutta ( d ) Madras 
2 . The British shifted their capital from Calcutta to which other place in 1911 ? 
( a ) Shimla ( b ) Madras ( c ) Bombay ( d ) New Delhi 
3.Which one of the following did not happen due to the introduction of railways in India ? 
( a ) awareness against social evils . ( b ) freedom from foreign exploitation . ( c ) aroused the need for modern education . ( d ) divided the Indian society . 
4 . Employment opportunities of Calcutta increased many times due to 
( a ) building infrastructure facilities . 
( b ) its location in the east of India . 
( c ) its nearness to the sea . 
( d ) migration of people from other cities . 
5 . Which one of the following was not an objective of the New Delhi Municipal Committee set - up by the Britishers ? 
( a ) To provide an underground sewer system . 
( b ) To construct more  open nallos to drain out water , 
( c ) To provide medical and public health facilities 
( d ) To introduce a proper water supply system .

B. Fill in the blanks 
1.The great literary figures like ----,------ and    and -----------were influenced by the English pattern of writing .  
2.Many huge------- wonders were built in the port city of Madras by the Britishers 
3 Many English painters arrived in India in search of princely ------------- 
4.Calcutta was the -----------  of the British, whereas their ---------capital was Shimla
5.------------was set - up in 1955 to develop and manage land in Delhi.  

(c)  Match the following.  
1.Relocation of New Delhi as the British capital      (a)1877
2 Formation of Delhi Municipal Committee     (b) 1946
3 Delhi Durbar for Queen Victoria  (c) 1863 
4. Beginning of Indian Railways    (d) 1911 
5. Restructuring of Delhi Police (e) 1853 

D.Answer the  following questions in brief.  
1 Why did the British introduce railways in India?  Explain any three reasons.  
2. Describe the police organization of Lord Cornwallis.  
3. Highlight any three major improvements that took place in Delhi before the Delhi Durbar of 1877.  
4. How did some old trading centers lose their glory and became de - urbanised?  
5. What type of discrimination did the people of Calcutta experience after it became the British capital in India?  

E.Answer the following questions.  
1. The British successfully influenced painting, literature and architecture of India.  'Give examples to support this statement,
2 Describe any five major changes brought about in Delhi by the British before the development of Ne 
3. Describe the distinct features of the city of Calcutta as developed by the British in India.  Inspite of to why did the British shift their capital to New Delhi? 
4.Introduction of railways in India proved to be a blessing in disguise.  Give three arguments in faut 
5 Describe the developmental activities discussed to construct and develop New Delhi as the new 4 and three against the statement British Capital 

Value Based Question 
While watching the Republic Day celebration at the Rajpath on television, you were surprised to see well planned  roads and buildings there.  Then your grandfather told you that they were planned during British period.  
1. Highlight some examples of town planning done by the British in Delhi.  
2. How did this planning prove to be beneficial for the Indians?  
3. According to you, what three precautions should be taken by citizens to ensure good condition roads.  
Something To Do 
1. Compare the activities of New Delhi Municipal Committee during British period and the present time in free India.  
2 .  During your vacation, plan a trip to Delhi and visit the Rashtrapati Bhawan, Parliament House, Rajpath and areas around In your opnion, how far is this a British gift to the Indians?  
3.  Collect pictures, facts and other related information to establish that Delhi is indeed a heritage city.


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