7 Class.Geography.CW/HW.Chapter1.Components of Environments

7 Class. Geography.CW/HW.
Chapter1.Components of Environments 

biodiversity : it is a variety of life on earth comprising of plants, animals and micro-organisms.  
microbes : very small organisms.
national park : a well demarcated reserved area for the protection of wildlife.  It does not allow any human activity 
ocean: vast expense of saline water on the earth's surface.  
wildlife sanctuary : a geographical area meant for the conservation of biodiversity limited human activities are permitted.
Something To Know 
A. Tick (v) the correct option 
1.  Which one is not a part of biological environment?  
(a) plants 
(b) water 
(c) animais
(d) human beings  
2.  Volcanoes erupt due 
(a) Internal disturbance of the earth.
(b) external disturbance of the earth   
(c) climate change 
(d) man - made changes on the earth.  
3. Which one brings a sudden change in the environment?  
(b) rainfall 
(a) formation of a river 
(c) growth of a plant 
(d) formation of a mountain 
4. Identify by the term that stands for the topmost layer of the earth comprising of loose material 
(a) minerals 
(b) soil 
(c) slal 
(d) sima 
5. in which year was the Wildlife Protection Act passed in India?  
(a) 1971 
(b) 1972 
(c) 1973 
(d) 1974 
B. Give a single term for each of the following sentences, 
1. A situation or condition in which an organism lives, 
2. The only planet in our solar system where life exists is 
3. The uppermost part of the lithosphere which is rich in cilice and aluminum  
4. The sphere of air that anvelopes the earth.    
5. Mass of water on the earth's surface, 

C Match the following : 
1 Physical environment includes  a.Atmosphere
2  It is the most dynamic in nature b.  Human beings 
3.  A narrow zone supporting wife  c.  Non - living things 
4. They are capable of modifying environment d.  Blosphere 
5. Rocks rich in silica and magnesium  e.  Sima

D. Answer the following questions in brief.  
1.  Name the major components of the environment.  
2: What is meant by Sima and Sial?  
3. Mention the distribution of water in the Northern and Southern hemispheres.  
4. Give the literal meaning of four spheres of environment.  
5. What is the atmosphere composed of?  
E. Answer the following questions.  
1 Differentiate between the physical and the biological environment 
2. Why is the earth called the 'Blue Planet 
3. Define biosphere.  Why is it important for us?  
4.  Explain with the help of an example how physical and biological components of the environment are interdependent.  
5. Explain two ways in which human beings are disturbing the natural environment.  

Value Based Question 
On 25 April 2015, a massive earthquake of 7.8 magnitude struck 77 km north - west of Nepal's capital.  Kathmandu.  It was the most powerful earthquake to have hit Nepal since 1934. It led to heavy loss of life and property.  During this earthquake four men were trapped under the 10 feet rubble.  They were rescued by NASA technology, FINDER (Finding individuals for Disaster and Emergency Response) which sensed their heartbeats.  This was the first time when this technology was used in a real - life situation.  This is indeed a big step towards disaster management.  But this, in no way, reduces our responsibilities as human beings.  
Under the circumstances, what best can we do after such a disaster?
Suggest any five ways in which we can help the victims of other types of disasters.

Map Skiil 
(a) Gir National Park-  lndia.
(b) Jim Corbett National Park- India 
(c) Yellow Stone National Park- USA 
(d) Serangeti  National Park -Tanzania
(e) Fiord land National Park -New Zealand. 
Something To Do 
1. Hold a clam discusion on wood and bad an environment 
2. Prepare a colored dlegram showing different phares of the environment 
3. Prepare 20 fashcards  showing the wildlife species of India (flora and founa both). In the class showing one flash card at a time .For every card ask the questions ,like.
(a) Who has seen it live and where? 
(b) if not, where can we see it live ?


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