7 Class.Geography.CW/HW.Chapter3.The Surfaces and Interior of the Earth.

7 Class. Geography.
The Surfaces and Interior of the Earth.

geologist : a scientist who studies geology study of earth 
mean sea level:  the level of the ocean surface between the level of mean high tide and low tide.  
mineral :  a solid inorganic substance of natural occurrence 
seismic waves  a wave  of energy generated by an earthquake or other earth vibrations that travel the earth or along its surface.
Something to know A. 
Tick the correct option. 
1 Living organisms do not survive inside the earth due to 
(a) high temperature 
(b) cool temperature 
(c) presence of gases 
(d) excessive water 
2 Earthquakes and volcanoes are caused by  
(a) internal disturbance 
(b) external disturbance 
(c) over - population 
(d) gradation 
3. Respective layers of the earth from top to bottom are 
(a) crust, core, mantle 
(b) crust, mantle, core 
(c)  ) core, crust, mantle 
(d) core, mantle, crust 
4. The full form of SIMA Is 
(a) silica and mica 
(b) silica and magnesium 
(c) silica and magma 
(d) silica and magnetite 
5. The original  rock from which Gneiss formed is 
(a) limestone 
(b) shale 
(c) granite 
(d) quartzite 
B. Fill in the blanks. 
1. Earth was formed about million years ago 
2 The behavior of waves tells us about the earth's interior.  
3 The of crust varies from place to place. 
4 Rocks are classified into three groups on the basis of their 
5 of the earth is rich  in iron and nickel The 2
C. Give a single term for each of the following statements, 
1. It is the hardest substance. 
2. The molten rock material present inside the earth 
3.Rocks which are formed due to cooling and solidification of magma inside the earth 
4. Shaking and trembling of the earth's surface 
5. A naturally occurring solid substance made up of a mixture of mineralo 

D. Answer the  following questions in brief.  
1. What is the special feature of sedimentary rocks?
2. How are metamorphic rocks formed?  
3. What is lava?  
4. Why are igneous rocks called the primary rocks?  
5. What are sediments?  
Answer the following questions, 
1. Differentiate between the P Wave and the S - Wave, 
2. Write two characteristics of each of the following: (a) Crust (b) Mantle (c) Core 
3. What are fossil fuels?  Name any two fossil fuels and specify their importance.  
4. Why is the knowledge of the earth's interior based on indirect observation?  
5. What are minerals?  On what basis can the minerals be identified?  Give examples.  
Value Based Ouestion 
A very high magnitude earthquake that struck central Nepal, killed over 8,700 people and destroying thousands of houses.  Most of the people got trapped inside the buildings.  Narrow lanes, high rise building improved construction material and technically weak structures took the maximum toll.  Inspite of all odds everybody - be the neighbors, local government or international organizations, lent the helping hand i the needy people.  It has been proved by the people that humanity excels in all the situations. 
Is the nature totally responsible for this misery or are we at a fault somewhere?  Explain.  
Which human values ​​were seen in action in all those who helped the earthquake victims?  Mention an live with examples.
Something to do its major layers labelit.  
1. Take a thermocol sheet, plastic day and bright colors to make a model of the Earth's interior showing (a) Granite 
2. Group the following rocks under the three headings - igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic 
(a)Granite (b) Marble (c)Coal (d) Clay(e) Geneiss (f) Slate (g)  Limestone (h)Basalt (i)Sandstone (j) Shale


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