6 Class.History.CW/HW.Chapter8.Studying the Past.

Chapter 8.History.
Studying of Past.

Something to know 
A. Tick ( ) the correct option, 
1. Kautilya wrote the book 
(a) Meghdoot 
(b) Arthshostra 
(c) Ramayana 
(d) Haroshacharita 
2. The period when art of writing was unknown is called 
(a) Prehistory  
(b) Ancient history 
(c) Medieval history 
(d) Modern history 
3. The study of coins is known as - 
(a) Architecture 
(b) Numismatics 
(d) Epigraphy 
(c) Calligraphy 
4. Who is the author of Abhigyan Shokuntolom  ? 
(a) Kautilya 
(b) Tulsidas 
(c) Mahatma Buddha 
(d) Kalidas 
5. The Chinese traveler who visited India was 
(b) Columbus 
(a) Alexander 
(d) Fa - hien 
(c) Megasthenes 

B. Fill in the  blanks 
1 .........are the remains of palaces and forts. 
2. Jain literature was written in ........ language 
3. The study of inscriptions is called....... 
4. Historians divide history into two parts, namely ..........and .........
5.............. literature contain of prose, plays, poetry, etc.

C.  Answer the following questions in brief.  
1. How does the study of the monuments help the historians?  
2. The study of history help us to make the present world a better place to live in How?  
3. How do skeletal studies help us to identify gender differences?  
4. What are the literary sources of Indian history?  
5. Explain historical literature with an example 

D. Answer the following questions 
1. Distinguish between archaeological and literary sources, 
2. How do the archaeological source materials help us to learn about our past?  
3. What is more important in history - events, person, places on dates?  Give reasons to justify your answer 
4. How do secular literary sources throw light on the life of the people in any period of history?  
5. How does the study of coins help the historians?  

Value Based Question 
Once, a foreign traveler came to meet Kautilya, it was dusk and darkness had just started to set in.  When he entered his room he saw that Kautilya was busy writing under the light of an oil lamp.  With a smiling gesture Kautilya politely asked him to sit for a while.  He then quickly finished the work After completing the work, he extinguished the oil lamp and lit another lamp.  The traveler was curious to know why Kautilya did so.  He asked Kautilya "Is this a custom in your country, when a guest arrives at your house?" Kautilya replied, "No my dear, actually when you entered, I was working on an official task. The oil filled in that lamp was bought  From the money of National treasury. Now, when I am talking to you, this is a personal and friendly conversation. So, I cannot use that lamp now. 
1. Why did Kautilya decide to light another lamp?  
2 What message does the story convey to the present day public servants or elected representatives of the people?  

Map Skill 
On the outline political map of India, locate and label the following places.  
(a) One of the cities of Harappan civilisation 
(b) One place of Ashokan Inscription found 
(c) Place where Red Fort is located 
(d) One the archaeological sites

Something to do 
1. Take any five different coins of free India, study them carefully list the information that you can get from them like the metal used, dates, languages, pictures, denomination or any other information 
2. Solve the crossword, M U R P.  M ACROSS () Handwritten record Information about past • Religious books of Jains language of Vedas.  M S K A S DOWN () Ancient building • Study of coins Home of ancient man language of Buddhist literature H Y C 
3. Do you ever wonder how the age of ancient tools, bones and other materials is determined?  Read the following information and discuss with your teacher in the class.  

Carbon dating is a method of estimating the age of materials.  This method, developed by Willard Ubby can date samples that are as old as 50,000 years.  It has proven to be useful in archaeology, geology.  geophysics and other branches of Science.  
Carbon dating is based on the fact that plants and animals contain carbon in a ratio that matches the percentages found in the atmosphere for as long as they are alive.  This is true because most life on Earth is carbon-based, plants absorb it through photownthesis and animals absorbbit by eating plants or animals that eat plants.  Once an organism dies, the carbon intake stops and the percentage of carbon 14 decreases to calculate the date of an object, researchers compare the percentage of carbon 14 it contains to the normal percentage found in the atmosphere.  The lower the ratio, the older the object.


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