8 Class.Civics.CW/HW.Chapter17.Fundamental Rights Fundamental Duties.

Chapter 17.Civics.
CW/HW.Chapter17.Fundamental Rights Fundamental Duties.


abjure - to give up 
human trafficking - the act of buying and selling human being 
pluralist - a society in which many different groups and political parties are slowed to wait 
propagate - spread and promote an idea  , theory, religion, etc, widely.
writ - it is a legal document that orders a person to do a particular thing,

Something to know 
A. Tick the correct option : 
1. The Fundamental Right that came into existence in 2002 is the 
(a) Right to Equality 
(b) Right to Education 
(c) Cultural and Educational Rights 
(d) Right to Freedom  of Religion 
2. Writs can be issued by 
(a) a District Court 
(b) a Gram Panchayat 
(c) a Civil Court 
(d) a High Court 
3. Which of the following statements regarding the Fundamental Rights is incorrect ? 
(a) They  are granted to all citizens of India, 
(b) One can move to any court of law in case of violation of Fundamentals Rights. 
(c) They are not absolute. 
(d) They are justiciable. 
4. Identify the Directive Principle  based on the Gandhian philosophy. 
(a) equal pay for equal work for both men and women 
(b) To organize village panchayats. 
(c) To promote heavy industries. 
(d) To promote international peace, 
5. Which one of the following  promotes secularism ? 
(a) National Commission for the welfare of the women 
(b) Environmental Protection Act, 
(c) Right to Education 
(d) Communal harmony.

B. Fill in the blanks.
1.The ----  guarantees the Fundamental Rights to all the citizens of India, 
2.Right to work has been implemented for the rural unemployed under 
3.The practice of ---- has been abolished to pave the way for social equality. 
4.Sikhs are allowed to keep a kirpan with them as a  religious symbol 

C. Match the following : 
1. Secularism (a) non - justiciable
2. Abolition of Untouchability (b) the writ 
3. Fundamental Duties  (c) promotes harmony
4. Quo Warranto (d) 42nd Amendment 
5. Directive Principles of State Policy (e) Right to Equality

D. Answer the following questions in brief.  
1.  Explain the significance of the Fundamental Rights in our day to day life.  
2. Explain the Right to Freedom of Religion. 
3. The Fundamental Rights are justiciable and are protected by the Court. In the light of the above statement, explain the Right to Constitutional Remedies. 
4. Mention any three Directive Principles of State Policy that have been implemented 
5. Why does the government sometimes make exceptions to  help a particular religious community? Justify your answer with examples from recent times. 

E. Answer the following questions. 
1. Explain the five provisions given under the 'Right to Equality 
2.' Our Fundamental Rights are not absolute or unlimited 'Support the statement  by giving any five suitable examples 
3. Classify Directive Principles of State Policy into four main categories. Explain each of them briefly. 
4. Highlight the main provisions of the Right to Freedom times? Suggest ways and means to establish communal harmony

Value Based Question 
The Apex Court has made it compulsory for cinema theaters to play the National Anthem with the of the National Flag prior to screening films.  The audience should stand up to show respect to the majority of the people have supported the directive of the Supreme Court as it is a fundamental Duty also. 
1 In your opinion, how far does this directive instill values ​​of nationalism among the Indians 
2.Suggest ways and means  to tackle those who violate this directive 

Map skill 
on an outline political map of world, locate these countries 
(a) the country from where ideals of justice, liberty, equity originated - France 
(b) The country having largest democracy - India 
(c)  The country to give the concept of the Rajya Sabha: - USA 
(d) The country to give the concept of Direct Principles of State Policy - Ireland 
(e) The country where the idea of ​​Fundamental Duties originated - Russia 
Something To Do 
1. What would happen if there were no rules and regulations in the school?  Make a list of duties to be followed by students of your class.  
2.Collect reports and pictures from newspapers which show violation of the various fundamental rights.  Against each picture, name the fundamental right in question, Sudest remedies to aviod recurrence of such incidents, 
3.The right of one person depends upon the fulfillment of duty by another person in the light of this statement, prepare a list of ten day to day rights and their respective duties from da life,

5. Inspite of freedom of religion, why does communal tension persist in certain parts of the country some 
5.Freedom of biroul delion does not mean that there is no check at all on your rellious activities,  


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