8 Class.Geography.CW/HW.Chapter5.Agriculture.

Class : 8
CW/HW. Geography Sheet.
Chapter 5 .Geography. Agriculture. 

Keywords : What do these words stand for  
Alluvial soil :  a fine - grained fertile soil deposited by river water flowing over floodplains or in river bed 
Capital : it refers to the funds raised to supports particular economic activity business of project 
Clayey soil : the soil which has high percentage of fine wined sedimentary  material with particles smaller than 0.002 millimeters in diameter. This soil becomes sticky when wet and hard when dry. 
Eurasia : combined continental landmass of Europe and Asia. 
Loamy soil :  composed of a sand silt, a smaller amount of day and organic matter.  The soil's test especially its ability to retain nutrients and winter are significant 
Seasonal unemployment : that occurs when there is a limited need for a type of work to be performed during a particular period of the year due to factors like climate, etc.  
Topography : the study of the shape and features of the surface of the earth.

Something to know 

A. the correct option 

1.Millets are also known as 
(a) fine Brains 
(b) multigrains
(c) artificial grains.
(d) coarse grains.
(c) artificial grains 
2. Tea is a 
(a) cereal crop 
(b) fibre crop 
(c) fruit crop 
(d) beverage we crop 
3. Who amongst the following are the nomadic herders of the Himalayan area?  
(a) Bhotiyos 
(b) Mundo 
(c) Sidd / 
(d) Jarowos 
Q.4. Slash and burn practice of agriculture is also known as 
(a) plantation agriculture 
(b) intensive subsistence agriculture 
(c) shifting agriculture 
(d) extensive agriculture 
5.The  type of commercial agriculture, which is practiced on a large estate for growing of a single crop continuously for several years, is known as - 
(a) livestock ranching 
(b) extensive agriculture 
(c) plantation agriculture 
(d) organic farming 

How do the size of land holdings, labor and capital influence the agricultural development in an are?  

B. Fill in the blanks.  

1. Wheat  is grown in the mid - latitudinal and dry sub - tropical regions.  
2. Cotton, jute  and natural silk are natural fibers. 
3. Coffee plant needs hot  and humid climate 
4. Deltas, river valleys, coastal plains with rainfall above 100 cm are ideal for the cultivation of rice.
5. When animals are reared along with the cultivation of land, it is known as the mixed farming  

C. Write a technical term or an appropriate word for each of the following statements.  
1.  The science and art of raising crops, rearing of livestock, forestry and fishing agualthea
2. Atype of agricultural system in which a farmer and his family grow crops for substanice self - sustenance.  QA Agriculture practiced on a very large scale for crop specialization.  Commercial and the commercial grazing of farm animals in temperate grasslands to obtain meat wool, hides, skins and some dairy products, people who migrate along with their animals from one place to another in search Nomeling of fodder for their animals, 4 5.  
D. Answer the following questions in brief.  
1.  When and how did agriculture start along the river valleys?  What is the broader definition of agriculture now?  
2. Highlight the importance of agriculture for people around the world.  
3.  Describe any three new techniques used in agriculture to increase the production of crops.  4.  What type of soil, temperature and rainfall is required for the cultivation of wheat and rice?  5.  What is meant by nomadic herding?  Which are the most important regions for nomadic herding?  
E. Answer the following questions.  
1.  What are the major differences between the farm agriculture of USA and India?  
2. Describe any five advantages of using biotechnology for agricultural development.  
3. Explain any three physical factors influencing the agricultural development in an area.  
4. How is subsistence agriculture differ from the commercial agriculture?  In your opinion, which one is more useful for India?
5.  How do the size of land holdings, labour and capital influence the agricultural development in an area Explain. 

Value Based Question 
Agriculture has been the mainstay of the Indian economy.  Today, the farmers' welfare has become a focus improve the conditions of the Indian farming system.  There is definitely a need to increase the net income of farmers, reduce the cost of cultivation, enable higher yield per unit and provision of remunerative prices.  Some of the important initiatives taken up for the benefits of farmers include - 
Introduction of Soil Health Card Scheme to assess the nutrient levels available in the soil. Promotion of Neem - coated Urea to regulate the use of urea and cutting down its cost.- Implementation of Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojna to promote organic farming.  - Implementation of National Crop Insurance Scheme to protect the farmers from crop losses. Introduction of Minimum Support Price to eliminate distress sale of agricultural produce by farmers.  
1. Suggest some more measures which can improve the conditions of farmers in India 
2. Are genetically modified crops the correct option to create food sufficiency for the growing population of the country?  

Map Skill On an outline political map of India, show the leading producer states of the following crops 
(a) Rice 
(d) Jute 
(b) Wheat 
(e) Tea 
(c) Cotton (6) Coffee 

Something To Do 
1. Collect pictures  of various agricultural implements and machines.  Paste them in a scrap book with their names and the uses. 
2.Collect information about the problems faced by the Indian farmers that cause poor yield of crops.  2 Suggest ways and means to tackle them.



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