7 Class.History.CW/HW.Chapter9.Medieval Period.

Though manuscripts provide a lot of useful information to historians, yet the fast pace of develope during this period makes their job guite tout movement of people in search of opporturi are major sources of information about this period, historical records of that period exist in a variety  of languages.  Over a period of time, they have undergone various changes in grammar, vocabulary and meaning or interpretation of different words.  For example, the word "Mindustani is referred by some people, as a place where Hindus live. But today many people take an exception to the word and want to refer to it as 'India' only. According to our Constitution, the name of  Our country is India, Le Bharat. Hence, terms that are used in a Mughal Kitabkhono different context, at different times take into account the cultural, social and political conditions 20 Do You Know? The National and State Governments keep all records, documents and  manuscripts in the Archives, The National Archives of India is located in New Delhi, resulted in exchange of ideas regarding agrích weaving, food, etc. Mary ranks and differential emerged in the society. This was also a perſon great technological developments like the per wheel  , spinning wheel, etc. Excavation of medieval towns, sarals and villages along with paintings, monuments, sculptures, coins and inscriptions, also give us a lot of information about the different asp  ects of the society and culture, let us have a close look at India during the Medieval Period in the following chapters.  Old Fort Delhi

Chapter 9.
7 Class. History.CW/HW.
Chapter 9.Medieval Period.
manuscript : handwritten text or document.  
sarai :  inns for travelers.  
scribe: a person who copied out documents.
Something to Know. 
Tick () the correct option. 
1. The period from eighth to eighteenth century CE in India is known as 
(a) prehistoric period 
(b) ancient period 
(c) medieval period
(d) modern period. 
2. Prithiviraj Raso was written by (d) modern period 
(a) Tulsidas 
(b) Chand Bardai 
(c) Arya Bhatt 
(d) Abul Fazl 
3. Name the  language in which Ain - i - Akbari was written, 
(a) Arabic 
(b) Persian 
(c) Urdu 
(d) Hindi 
4. The significant achievement of the medieval period was the popularity and availability of 
(a) autobiographies 
(b) literature  
(c) paper 
(d) manuscripts 
5. Tahqiq - l - hind is a famous 
(a) document 
(b) drama 
(c) story 
(d) travel account 
B. Match the following : 
1. Purana   a.source of information 
2. Ain - l - Akbari b.  a foreign visitor 
3. Inscriptions c. digging underground 
4. Marco Polo  d.  a book e. 
5. Excavation  e Abul Fazl 

C. Answer the following questions.  
1 Which period is known as the medieval period in Indian history?  
2. Which period is known as the medieval period in European history?  
3. List the well - known literary sources of information of the medieval period.  
4. Name the foreign visitors who wrote travel accounts of medieval period of India.  List the technological developments of the medieval period.  
5 Map Skill 
on a political map of the world, identify and locate the countries visited by Marco Polo 72

Chapter 11

He established four Maths in four extreme corners of India to spread the message of Advaita 1 of non-duality.  At an early age, Adi malised that oneness (katvam) is the essence of all knowledge, this is the Doctrine of Advaita The absolute is one alone!  Shankaracharya taught the rules of Bhakti, Yoga and Karma to brighten the intellect and purify the heart Advalta is the awareness of the divine in everything and everywhere.  Shankara nutzested sotscaga as the very first step in sodhana.  Satsanga moans company of wise and good people.  all over the country.  They are 1 North - lyotirmatha at Badrinath 2. West Shardapitha at Dwarla 3, Bast Govardhanmatha at Puri 4 South - Sringerimatha at Sringeri Shankaracharya lived only for thirty - two years, but during that time, he purified and consolidated the various schools of worship and  brought them under the umbrella of an philosophical principle, Advaita 8 keywords edict an order, or a command mathar a place, usually attached to a temple, where students were provided with free boarding, lodging and education patron someone who protects or supports an artist,  or an art form.  86
Something To Know Tick the correct option.  (a) Vijayalaya (c) Rajendra 11 who was the founder of the Chola dynasty?  (b) Rajendra!  (d) Rajaraja 2 The famous temple built by Rajaraja - l at Tanjore was fa) Kailashnath temple (6) Mahabalipuram temple (c) Kanchipuram temple (d) Rajcheshuram temple which kingdom gave a final blow to the Pandyas?  (b) Pallavas (a) Chalukyas (c) Vijayanagar 4. The term "Mandalam 'stands for (d) Rashtrakutas (b) a sabha (a) a village (c) a district (d) a province 5. What was the  main source of income of the Chola rulers? (b) land tax (a) trade tax c) religion tax (d) cattle tax 3. Fill in the blanks. and 1 During 750 CE, south India saw the rule of 2. Indian  historians believe that Chalukyas were 3. defeated Pallavas 4 succeeded Rajaraja. was the main center of education during 700 CE to 1200 CE in South India. 5 87
C. Sort the names of the kings as per their dynasties and arrange them according to their period, Maruvarman Avani Sulamani, Prantaka-, Vijayalaya, Kandungori, Rajaraja, Jalavarman Sundara Pandyas as per periods Cholas as per periods D. Answer the following questions in  brief.  1.  Name the powerful kingdom that emerged in south India in the eighth century.  2. Name three kingdoms that were mentioned in Ashoka's edicts.  3. Which languages ​​flourished during Cholas and Pandyas period?  4 Name the main areas that formed the part of the Pandya kingdom.  5. Where were the rock - cut temples built?  E Answer the following questions.  1.  Mention the main achievements of Rajaraja, the Great.  2 Describe the socio - economic condition of the people in the southern states.  3.  What were the religious beliefs of the people in the southern states during the medieval period?  4. Describe the development of art and architecture under the southern rulers.  5.  List the differences between the kingdoms of North and South on the basis of following aspects.  d.  Administration b.  Society Economy d.  Religion e.  Education f Art and Architecture BB
slow fundamental buites is in value and preserve the richeritage of our value Baued Ouention Aunchtimen of India, how can we preserve our rich heritag Map Skill Mark the territories of the following kingdoms on an outline map of India.  a) Cholas () Pandyas Something To Do 1. Collect the pictures of the temples of south India and paste them in a scrapbook, 2. Find out the differences in the temple architecture of north and south India and illustrate them wit help of pictures 89
without conquering kanauj.  A fierce baltie took place between the Muslims power of Rajputs was crushed, Kinlaichand was defeated and Muhammad Shona Chori wires Invasion King Bhimde and Benaras Muhammad Ghori did not have a child of his own.  He put historian The crew Ghort He occupied Peshawar, Cahore and Sindh Me wino delle the first battle of Tarain by Prithviraj Chauhan (119111926) but was Victorious in the second battle of Varain and took over Delhi and Ajmer Misdreamofestablishing an islamic mpire would have been incomplete  Do you know Encept for common chare of his trusted slave and general, Qutubuddin Albek the disunity among Indian rulers and the caste system were the main causes of the success of Ghori and the defeat of Indian rulers.  The common people were dissatisfied as they had no contact with the rulers.  Some Rajput rulers helped the Turks against their own country more, the feudal system, where the landowners were very powerful, weakened the power of the kings Ghori's Gujarat awain army was well equipped and his campaigns were properly planned.  The muslim armies moved swiftly on their horses as compared to the armies et rulers, that used old methods of war, equipment and elephants.  The elephants were not help during the war as many a times, they turned their wrath on their own forces!  much a crushing defeat the could not dreams of preying Keywords.  caliph: a leader of Islamic polity regarded as a successor of Muhammad heritage: the art, building traditions and beliels that a society consider important to its history chapter 12 
culture, or the legacy transformed from one generation to another historian: an expectation in the study of past  events.  lineage: the line of descendants of a particular ancestor, family, race, recruitment: appointment.  92

Tick ​​/ the correct option I The first Muslim Invasion in India was led by 2 Mahmud of Ghazni attacked India mainly something to know (a) Mahmud of Ghazni (c) Muhammad bin Qasim (6) Muhammad Ghori (d) Muhammad bin Tughlag (a)  ) Jaichand (a) to establish his empire in India, (b) to spread Islam in India, (c) to take away the famous artisans from India.  (d) to plunder the wealth of India 2. Who defeated Muhammad Ghori in the first Bottle of Train?  (b) Prithviraj Chauhan (c) Qutubuddin Albak (d) Abbasid Caliphs 4. Who among the following were the first to bring Islam into India?  (b) Mongols (d) Persians (a) Turks (c) Arabs 5. The trusted slave and general appointed as a deputy of Indian territories by Muhammad Ghort www (a) Qutubuddin Aibak (b) tutmish (c) Nasiruddin Mahmood (d  ) Ghivasuddin Balban 3. Fill in the blanks resulted in political instability 1. Wars among by the Caliph 2 Turks were recruited as in 3. Ghazni's most destructive attack was on in Gujarat 4. Muhammad Ghori was defeated by 5. Indian Society was based on  93

C Write True or False for the following statements, 1. Mahmud Ghazni invaded India 17 times.  2. Many muslims settled in India due to their trade interests.  3. Muhammad Ghori was defeated in both the Battles of Tarain.  4.  Muhammad Ghori conquered Kanauj and Benaras 5. Muhammad Ghori had three children D. Answer the following questions in brief.  1.  What attracted the Turks to India?  2.Write any two main features of Turks.  3. Ust the places that were invaded by Mahmud Ghazni in India Name the ruler who is credited with laying the foundation of muslim empire in India, 4 5. Who was handed over the conquered territories of immad Ghori in India?  E. Answer the following questions.  11 How did Mahmud Ghazni extend his power?  Why did Mahmud Ghazni decide to attack India?  2 .  3.  Narrate the main effects of the invasions of Mahmud Ghazni.  4.  Ust the reasons responsible for the defeat of Indian rulers.  S. Differentiate between the objectives of Mahmud Ghazni and Muhammad Ghori, Value Based Question The Turkish invasion disclosed how the Indian rulers had no political unity among themselves.  This Islamic rule in India.  Explain in the strength of unity by citing examples.  or 3 14 94
On the outline map of Asia, mark the 3) places from where the Turkish invaders had come b) places which they had conquered in India.  Map Skill Something to do to be shown in the class.  i collect information about Somnath temple and prepare a suchos.  2 Collect information about famous Rajput King Prithviraj Chauhan and prepare a PowerPoint Present

Chapter 13 of Tughlaqabad fort in South Delhi on Mehraulowna row Mehrauli puro Tughlagabad Fort of Delhi Do You Know?  Lodi Road and Lodi Garden in Delhi were made by the Lodis, the last dynasty of Delhi Sultanate Keywords.  .  counterfeit: fake, imitation • dag: a stamp (mark) hulia: physical description of a person, igtas provinces jaia a tax paid by non - muslims to live in an Islamic State mamluks earlier rulers of slave dynasty tombs a burial place, wemas scholars  of Islamic learning who were generally orthodox in their outlook,

1. Before assuming office of the Sultan of Delhi, Baiban was the Prime Minister of which suhun?  something to know M the correct option (a) Med din () Bavam Id Ral (d) Outubuddin z wien suhan made a succesului attempt to free himseltrom the control of the Memas?  (W) alban (b) Alauddin Id Firou Shah () Sikander Lodi 1. Which of the following cities was NOT founded by Feroz Tughlaq (b) Jaunpur a) Ferozabad c) Fatehpur (d) Hissar 4 The first ever tady Sultan of India  , Razia Sultan, ascended the throne in 1236 C after (a Hutmish (b) Qutub - ud - din Albek (c) Ruknuddin (d) Bahram Shah 5. Which one of the following statements regarding Feroz Tughlag is NOT correct? (A)  He patronised Ulemas. (B) He exempted the Hindus from paying / azio. (C) He laid many fruit gardens. (0) He helped the poor Muslims fill in the blanks. 1 Slave dynasty was founded by founded the new city of Agra  in Ibrahim Lodi was defeated by In the Battle of 2. 3 4. Hindu society was based on system 5. India's foreign trade was carried on both by the writer of Tarikh ferozshohl and 6 107

6 Matinfo Q AW I din Ali Mulawi Prvi Chauhan 4 ADAWN wher 0 Anewer the followme for in brie Marewery emo of Outubruddin Aleks court when we were who we were the first bottle of Panipat fought Mention four sollevile prevalent in the Hindu society during the Sultanate period Mention  four Hom which were exported from India Home wo Sultan who opt the Ulemor www from the adminiftration, & Awwar the following questions 1. Der the seministratiw reformy wade toitumish to strengthen his hold on Delhi State 2 bar www strong and capable ruler Summor the statement by  vine suitable argument xoli briefly the economicoform of Ale ud - dio Kho Sorte the reforms made wterol Tichtacto redress the rievances of the people Dr.  Mulvad Tughlad's projects which folled, Vale Based Ouestioni hordered grand celebrations to welcome the birth of his first daughter after marw sont personal interese par ucation and training.  Once when itutish was busy with the shape of the fon, he had orarunted the government in Delhi to Mario, and on his return was so impressed that he decided to appoint his successor • In your opinion, how we were built justified in appointing Portaas  his wccessor and not soms What message does it to all of us towards empowerment of women in India?  .

1 on ne map of India, and the Map Shin induer ar 1) Derpni 2. Mark the extent of Austin Walitate online ya something to do 1 design a timeline chart showing mayar basties and our cast 2 Collector picture each of undian women who weld in  the field of in de mode W or space, sorts and entrepreneur

arhat marwar were constantly at conflict with each other, which made them stor it in the middle of fourteenth century, Shah Mirza established a Muslim rule in Kashmir and shmir was ruled by Hindu rulers.  Due to its geographical condition, the foreigners could not to the Hindu rule.  His sucessors, Sikandar Shah (1386-1410 CE) and Zainul Abidin were the nous rulers of Kashmir.  Zainul Abidin (1420–70 CE) was a liberal and far - sighted ruler.  He adopted dus and gave higher position jobs to them.  Alcy of religious tolerance towards the Hindus.  He banned cow slaughter, abolished Jazia on the He got Mahabharata and Rajtarangini translated into Persian and Arabic.  He got the classics -ud - din Khalji, he introduced control on market and prices.  He also imported the items which were city of Bikaner.  Mewar KASHMIR Rao Jodha persian and Arabic translated into Sanskrit.  Abidin issued copper and silver coins.  Like shortage, like salt from Laddakh.  Sultan encouraged many crafts, like shawl and carpet weaving, gone cutting and polishing, in order to develop the state economy and to provide employment to the people.  Zaina Lanka, an island in the Woolar lake is a fine specimen of engineering skill of that period.  ainul Abidin built his palace and a mosque on this island.  He is chapter 14
 as Badshah, the great ting, by the Kashmiris.  Keywords devdasi: servant of God or Goddess dedicated to worship and service of a deity or a temple for the rest of her life madarsa: place for Islamic learning.  polygamy: the practice of keeping more than one wife.  michur doab: land area between two rivers - Krishna and Tungabhadra.  • Verses: writing in rhythmic style.  115

Something to know 1 A. Tick (the correct option. Who among the following visitors has written in praise of Vijaynagar Empire? (A) Bernier (b) Paes (c) Ibn Batutah (d) Marco Polo 2. Who constructed Kirti Stambh at  Chittor? (A) Rana Sangram Singh (6) Maharana Pratap (c) Rana Hamir (d) Rana Kumbha 3. The city of Vijayanagar was located on the banks of river (a) Godavari (b) Kaveri VaT Putrika) 4.  (c) Tungabhadra (d) Krishna Identify the Bahmani king who was a good calligraphist and an accomplished linguist.  (a) Bahman Shah (b) Firoz Shah (c) Ahmad Shah (d) Muhammad Shah 5. Sayana was a (a) Bahmani ruler (b) Foreign visitor (c) Ruler of Vijayanagar (d) Great Sanskrit scholar B. Fill  in the blanks.  1.  Bukka succeeded 2.  Vijaynagar rulers were involved in a battle with kingdom 3.  Firoz Shah Bahamani judged from to Rana Sanga was one of the most famous rulers of 4.  5. Zainul Abidin adopted a policy of towards Hindus.  116

ponte True or False for the following statements.  The Bahimani and Vijayanagar kingdoms maintained friendly relations with each other 2 The name 'Assam is derived from Ahom.  The Bahmani kingdom was founded by Mahmud Gawan.  & Rao Bilka founded the city of Bikaner, $ Zainal Abidin reimposed jazio on Hindus Aswer the following questions in brief.  1.Name the main centers of education during Vijaynagar empire 1. Mention the cases into which the society was divided into Vijaynagar empire.  What was Firoz Shah famous for?  4 Who built the Kirti Stambha at Chittor?  5. Why did Rana Kumbha become popular?  Answer the following questions Describe the development of art and architecture under the Vijaynagar rulers.  List the achievements of Mahmud Gawan as Prime Minister of Bahamani kingdom.  What were the main achievements of Rana Kumbha of Mewar?  4 Describe the various achievements of Zainul Abidin, the ruler of Kashmir 5 ust the administrative reforms that brought glory to the Vijaynagar empire.  Value Based Question catevaraya estatlished friendly relations with the Portuguese, who set - up the Portuguese Dominion finca in coa in 1530. He encouraged foreign trade with European traders (mainly the Portuguese) and creces recent in the form of custoon duties and taxes from them.  The Emperor obtained guns and Hestaan ​​ones from the Portuguese marchants.  He also utilized Portuguese expertise in improving water how did a relations with the Portuguese brine arest prosperity to Vijayanagar?  What we the advantages of having friendly retations with neighbors?  .  117
Map Skin On an outlin map of India, locate and be the following a) Bahman Kingdom th) Vianor empire fe Raichur Doabi (d) Calicut (o) Jodhpur Dikaner Something To Do Prepare an administrative flow chart of the Vaynagar rulers, the duties of  the king and is 2. Prepare a photo album consisting of temples fonts, places and other historical buildings at regional heads.  Note down important information about them (es Teachers dan) Peev Ramke Gan

Chapter 15
 patron of personer pentings of the Mughal period were end priestors worked the thing the DECLINE OF MUSKALEMPIRE do you know the Douto Murale wen respon orance humer 1999uch, Bolony and abile administration.  But she Bongation started on the police wees Therous intolerance of Aurangered the outer the champire.  Same was of these and the The Mughals did not have any leol de servis bloody wars and copies of segles Weak and inefficient cutane osebe Corrupt officers and heavy burdens and tested og tax collection The nobles mansabdors gradually became ise year to be started, independent totes  Like byderabad, Austin, Bergen The Europeans were the ring om in the world at the says internal administration, trade and termines of half give engtos barengub remained in Deccan for almost 20 was e as opportunity to SEA.  Keywords there is not fillon who is worthy of working as per the way card dat was renk to genitors called Od on tsendering why
Something to know a Tid the correct option.  1. Humayun was defeated by (a) Sher Shah Suri b) Rana Sanga c) Ibrahim Lodi (d) The Mongols 2. Akbar's religious discussions took place at the la) Royal Palace (b) Diwan - khas (c) Mosque badet Khano  3. In which language did Babur write his autobiography Tuzuk - saburi?  (a) Arabic (b) Urdu CARAT Putritas Id Turkish (d) Persian 4. Akbar ascended the throne at the age of (a) fourteen (b) thirteen (c) twelve (d) eleven 5. Which one of the following statements  is correct?  (a) Shivaji fought against Jahangir.  (5) Humayun was defeated by Rana Sanga.  (c) Mughal empire was founded by Babur.  (d) Aurangzeb was the last Mughal ruler.  8. Fill in the blanks.  .  1 was Akbar's guardian.  2 "Peacock throne was made for assumed the title of Alamgir '. 3. Was the last Mughal emperor 4. The mansabdors were responsible for both 5 and administration 128

te True or False for the following statements.  The Battle of Chausa was fought between Babur and Sher Shah Suri hangir discontinued the administrative system that was introduced by 3 Olahi was a socio-religious path started by Akbar.  Humayun fell from the stairs of his library and died.  his father Shah Jahan gave patronage to scholars, artisans and craftsmen.  Answer the following questions in brief.  1 What was Dint - llahi and who started it?  2 Why is Shah Jahan known as an 'Engineer king?  3. What was the political condition of India before Babur's invasion?  4. State the main features of Jahangir's rule.  5. Briefly explain the 'mansabdari system'.  E Answer the following questions.  1 Mention the difficulties faced by Humayun after coming to the throne.  2. Compare the religious policy of Akbar With that of Aurangzeb.  Describe Shah Jahan's Deccan policy, 3.  4 Describe the uniform system of administration established by the Mughals.  List any five factors responsible for the decline of the Mughal empire.  5.  Value Based Question A Christian missionary, Father Pierre du Jarrie remarked about Akbar, "Indeed he was a great king for he knew that a good ruler is one who can command simultaneously, earn the obedienice, respect, love and faith of his subjects. He  himself lived in the fear of God, to whom he never failed to pray four times daily Towards his fellowmen he was kind and forbearing, averse to taking life and quick to show mercy. Out of the human values ​​which made Akbar very popular, select any  two which may enrich our life as human beings, Justify your choice 129

Map Skin On an outline map of India, locate and mark the following (a) A famous battlefield where the Mughals defeated Hemu, (b) The place where Taj Mahal was built.  (c) Capital of the Mughals.  (d) Any two places conquered by Akbar (e) The extent of Akbar's empire, Something to Do 1. Make a collage of the Mughal architectural delights.  2. Become a journalist.  Prepare a two page newspaper The Mughal Times stating the important events took place during the Mughal era under suitable headings.  3. Who am I?  Identify: (a) I was the great grandson of Timur and a descendent of Turkish ruler Chenghis Khan (b) Idefeated my son Khusrau at the Battle of Bhairowal.  (c) re-established the Mughal empire after a gap of fifteen years.  (d) Due to my short - sighted policies, the vast Mughal empire went out of my grip.  (e) My son imprisoned me and I died in captivity in 1666.  U LOS Ne 120 130


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