6 Class.History.CW/HW.Chapter9.Life of Early Man.

Chapter 9
6 Class.History.CW/HW.
Chapter9.Life of Early Man.
bake : to cook or strengthen by heat. 
core : central part of something. 
domestication : trained to live or work for humans. 
flake : very thin plece.
lustre : soft glow.
Something To Know 
A. the correct option. 
1.Which continent is believed to be the origin of mankind.
(a) Asia.
(b) Africa
(c) Australia 
(d) North America 
2.Which did man become a skilled tool maker?
(b) Palaeolithic age 
(b) Mesolithic age 
(c) Neolithic age 
(d) Chalcolithic age 
3.The tools of Palaeolithic man were made up of 
(a) metal  
(b) stone 
(c) wood 
(d) clay
4.The first animal domesticated by man was
(a) cow (b) pig (c) goat (d) dog. 
(5) The early man travelled from place to place in search of 
(a) food 
(b) companion 
(c) liesure 
(d) shelter  
B.Fill in the blanks, 
1. The greatest achievement of man during Palaeolithic Age was---. Tone 
2. Palaeo means ----and lithic means---- 
3. In India, the remains of Mesolithic man have been found in the regions of----and---
4. -----was the first metal discovered by man. 
5. ---- Neolithie man belleved in life after death.
C. Number the following sentences in the order in which they occurred in the life of the early man, 1a pan a 5. He started weaving his clothes M. He covered his body with the skins of animals. M 8 Metal Age started after the Stone Age. N paquan 7. He made pots. N 3. He moved towards water sources. 2 He started using bones and horns as tools. 
D. Answer the following questions in brief. 
1. Mention the sources that enable us to understand the history of early man. 
2. List the three phases of stone age.
3. How did early man obtain his food? 
4. State any two uses of fire in the Old Stone Age. 
5. What is meant by Chalcolithic period? 
E Answer the following questions.
1. Describe any four major changes that took place in human life during Mesolithic age. 
2 What were the beliefs of Neolithic man about life? 
3. How did the invention of wheel help in the development of human civilisation? 
4.Distinguish between Paleolithic and Neolithic Age with respect to tools, occupations and inventions. 
5. How were the tools of Paleolithic man different from that of Mesolithic age? 
Value Based Question
Necessity is the mother of invention. 
Justify the statement with the help of examples from the life of early man.
Map Skill 
On an outline political map of India, label the following four places and write the names of the present states. Madhya Pradesh karnataka Kashmiu 
(a) Bhimbetka 
(b) Hunsgi 
(c) Burzahom 
(d) Brahmagiri - Tamil Nadu 
Something To Do 
1. Visit your school library or browse through the internet or carefully study the paintings given below and notice the similarities between the art of the early man and the tribal art today. Rock paintings of Mesolithic period at Bhimbetka Tribal art: Worli Tribe, Maharashtra 
2. Invention of wheel was no doubt one of the greatest achievements of the early man. Prepare a list of equipment or appliances to show the widespread use of wheel in various fields of our life today. 
3. Hold a class discussion on-'The need of storing grains in a vast country, like India, with a large population'. Suggest measures to protect food grains.





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