6 Class.History.CW/HW.Chapter17.The Era of Harsha.

6 Class.History.CW/HW.Chapter17.
The Era of Harsha.Chapter 17
benevolent : charitable and generous person/king 
contemporary : people or persons living at the same time period. 
devotee : person wholly or spontaneously devoted to religion or some god.
Something To Know 
A. Tick () the correct option. 
1. Thanesar is located in- 
(a) Punjab 
(b) Haryana
(d) Uttar Pradesh 
(c) Rajasthan 
2. Rajyavardhana came to throne in- 
(a) 605 CE 
(b) 606 CE 
(c) 607 CE 
(d) 607 CE 
3. Which one of the following books was not written by King Harshavardhana himself? 
(a) Harshacharita 
(b) Priyadarshika 
(c) Naganand 
(d) Ratnavali 
4. Nalanda was granted the income received from- suopeuop (e) 
(c) foreign countries sJapen (9) V (d) villages 
5. The Chinese traveller who came to India during Harsha's rule was- (a) Hiuen-Tsang (b) I-Tsang (c) Fa-hein (d) Jantang 
B. Fill in the blanks. 
1. Rajshri was the daughter of King ----
2. Harshacharita was written by----
3, To assist Harsha in administration there was a---- 
4. Farmers had to pay -----of their produce as tax. 
5. The society was divided into ----vernas
C.Write True or False for the following statements, 
1. Harshavardhana was crowned in 606 CE. 
2. Uparika was the head of the village. 
3. Lord Shiva was not commonly worshipped during the reign of Harsha. 
4. Harsha never gave alms to the needy arnd the poor. 
5. Harsha was very respectful towards all the religions. 
D. Answer the following questions in brief.
1. Which were the two main sects of Hinduism during Harsha's period? 
2. What was the main contribution of Prabhakarvardhana as a king? 
3. What happened after the Vardhan empire lost its glory? 
4. Name the rivers that meet at Songam in Prayaga (Allahabad). 
5. Why was Nalanda University famous? 
E. Answer the following questions. 
1. Describe the administrative system of Harsha. 
2. Explain the religious policy of Harsha. 
3. Mention the public welfare works undertaken by Harsha for his people. 
4. State the condition of society during Harsha's rule.
5. Give any three examples to prove that the economy during Harsha's reign was well-developed. 
Value Based Question 
Harshavardhana was a benevolent ruler, He built temples, chaityas, vihars and dharmashalas. He gave financial help to Nalanda university also. 
As compared to the welfare activities taken up by Harsha, suggest any five activities which the present government should take up to help the poor and the needy to make them self-dependent, without an consideration of caste or religion. 
Map Skill 
On an outline map of India, mark and label the following : 
(a) The important cities-Varanasi, Nalanda, Pataliputra, Thanesar, Tamralipti port. 
(b) Extent of Harsha's empire.
Something To Do 
1.Collect more information about Magha Mela at Prayaga and the pictures related to it. 
2. Make a mind map on the achievements of the Harsha's period. Established a large kingdom Harshavardhana


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