7 Class.Civics.CW/HW.Chapter22.Unpacking Gender.

Chapter 22


Gender inequality hurts the interest not only of girls and grown - up women, but also of boys and men, who play an important role in achieving gender equality.  Equal sharing of responsibilities family as well as for Indian democracy.  Shared power and responsibility between women and men and a harmonious partnership between women and men are necessary for the well - being of their at home in the workplace, at national and international levels would help to create harmony within to enhance the understanding of the issue of  gender equality the family and society.  Men and women must be encouraged to share childcare and household work for themselves GENDER EQUALITY Rani Laxmibai Sarojini Naidu Amrita Pritam Mahadevi Verma Mahashweta Devi Keywords discriminating: treating someone as inferior or lower in status,  domination in total control over others.  harvesting: gathering ripened crops.  Invisibilisation: not to see or ignore.  primitive tribes: early humans who depended on land or animal rearing for survival.  rational society group of people who think sensibly.  scial activists: people who work for bringing positive change in society or for the welfare of the people 187


Something To Know 
A. Tick the correct option.  
1. Gender inequality means 
(a) biological differences between boys and girls.   
(c) racial differences. 
(b) discrimination against girls.  
(d) caste based differences, 
2. Society devalues ​​the work women do by 
(a) allowing women to work.  
(b) not considering household work as work.  
(c) paying money for housework.  
(d) none of these.  
3. Which one of the following is NOT a traditional work of the rural women in India?  
(a) family care 
(b) domestic maid 
(c) fetching water 
(d) looking after cows and buffaloes 
4. Which one of the following is NOT a gender - based discriminatory action?  
(a) sending boys and girls to schools for education 
(b) boys are told to be tough and dominating.  
(c) girls are given dolls and playhouses.  
(d) sex determination test.  
5. Identify the true statement in the Indian context.  
(a) gender determination test is banned 
(b) the women are worshipped in India.  
(d) the women enjoy a rightful place in society, 
(c) men and women enjoy equal rights.  
B. Fill in the blanks.  
1. Education empowers a women to recognize her --------
2. The notion of stereotyping is generally ---and -------creates 
3. Gender inequality hurts the interests not only of girls but also of -----------
4. Women are venturing into sectors that have been reserved for --------so far.  
5. Equal sharing of --------between women and ---------is very necessary. 


C. Write True or False for the following statements.  
1 Girls are schooled to be soft and obedient.  
2. The notion of stereotyping is prejudiced.  
3. Most women work harder than their male counterparts, 
4. The Women's role as a caregiver and homemaker has not been accorded its rightful place.  
5. Women's inequality is an international issue.  
D. Answer the following questions in brief.  Write one example each of stereotypical gender roles of boys and girls.  
1.  How is stereotyping harmful?  
2. What are the similarities between rural and urban Women's conditions?  
3. Mention any one type of gender inequality existing world over 
4.  What is meant by invisibilisation of women's labor S. 
E. Answer the following questions.  
1. Why are there differences in value attached to the work of males and females?  
2. Without gender equality, the women empowerment is meaningless.  Do you agree with the statement?  Give two examples in support of your answer.  
3.How has education brought awareness among the women and empowered them?  
4. How does the gender equality help a democratic country?  
5. Suggest any four ways to end gender discrimination.  

Value Based Question. 
Rosie and Jaspreet are friends.  Rosie works as an accountant in an office whereas Jaspreet is a housewife One day Rosie's daughter Sona asks her to take leave to attend the Parent Teacher Meeting (PYM).  She cites that Harshee's mother Jaspreet always attends the school functions inspite of the fact that being housewife her work starts from 5 a.m.  till midnight. 
in your opinion, which of the two mothers has more work to do?  
For whom, it is more essential to attend the PTM and why?  
Is Sona being reasonable?  Why?
Map Skill 
on the political outline map India, locate and label the following states.  
(a) Kerala- The state with the highest female sex ratio.  
(b) Haryana - The state with the lowest female sex ratio.  
(c) Rajasthan- The state with the lowest female literacy rate: 
(d) Bihar- The state with the highest female mortality rate.  le) Maharashtra- The state giving highest reservations to backward classes.  
Something to Do 
1. Make a Thank you "card for your mother write a poem on her 
2. Take help from your parents, teachers or internet and find out the names of two NGOs that are working for the benefit of women, and how?  
3. Interview your maid servant or some other female domestic help in your neighborhood and find out her daily routine. 
4. Prepare an album showing life sketches and photographs of Indian women who have excelled in different fields. 




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