7 Class.History.CW/HW.Chapter12.Turkish Invasion in North India.

7 Class. History. CW/HW.Chapter12.
Turkish Invasion in North India.

caliph : a leader of Islamic polity regarded as a successor of Muhammad 
heritage : the art, building traditions and beliefs that a society consider important to its history and  culture, or the legacy transformed from one generation to another 
historian : an expectation in the study of past  events.  
lineage : the line of descendants of a particular ancestor, family, race, 
recruitment : appointment.
Something to Know 
A.Tick ​​/ the correct option 
1.The first Muslim Invasion in India was led by 
(a) Mahmud of Ghazni 
(b) Muhammad Ghori 
(c) Muhammad bin Qasim 
(d) Muhammad bin Tughlag 
2 Mahmud of Ghazni attacked India mainly  
(a) to establish his empire in India, 
(b) to spread Islam in India, 
(c) to take away the famous artisans from India.  
(d) to plunder the wealth of India 
3. Who defeated Muhammad Ghori in the first Bottle of Train?
(a) Jaichand  
(b) Prithviraj Chauhan 
(c) Qutubuddin Albak 
(d) Abbasid Caliphs 
4. Who among the following were the first to bring Islam into India? 
(a) Turks
(b) Mongols 
(d) Persians 
(c) Arabs 
5. The trusted slave and general appointed as a deputy of Indian territories by Muhammad Ghort was. 
(a) Qutubuddin Aibak 
(b) tutmish 
(c) Nasiruddin Mahmood 
(d) Ghiyasuddin Balban 
B. Fill in the blanks 
1. Wars among ----- resulted in political instability 
2. Turks were recruited as ----- by the Caliph 
3. Ghazni's most destructive attack was on ----in --- 
4. Muhammad Ghori was defeated by ------inGujarat.
5. Indian Society was based on------

C. Write True or False for the following statements, 
1. Mahmud Ghazni invaded India 17 times.  
2. Many muslims settled in India due to their trade interests.  
3. Muhammad Ghori was defeated in both the Battles of Tarain.  
4.  Muhammad Ghori conquered Kanauj and Benaras 
5. Muhammad Ghori had three children 
D. Answer the following questions in brief.  
1.  What attracted the Turks to India?  
2.  Write any two main features of Turks.  
3.  List the places that were invaded by Mahmud Ghazni in India.
4.  Name the ruler who is credited with laying the foundation of muslim empire in India, 
5.  Who was handed over the conquered territories of Muhmmad Ghori in India?  
E. Answer the following questions.  
1.  How did Mahmud Ghazni extend his power?  
2.  Why did Mahmud Ghazni decide to attack India?  2 .  
3.  Narrate the main effects of the invasions of Mahmud Ghazni.  
4.  List the reasons responsible for the defeat of Indian rulers.  
5.. Differentiate between the objectives of Mahmud Ghazni and Muhammad Ghori, 
Value Based Question 
The Turkish invasion disclosed how the Indian rulers had no political unity among themselves.  This Islamic rule in India.  
Explain in the strength of unity by citing examples.  or 3 14 94

Map Skill.
On the outline map of Asia, mark the 
(a) places from where the Turkish invaders had come 
(b) places which they had conquered in India.  Map Skill 
Something to do to be shown in the class.  
1. Collect information about Somnath temple and prepare a suchos.  
2. Collect information about famous Rajput King Prithviraj Chauhan and prepare a PowerPoint Present


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