7 Class.Geography.CW/HW.Chapter8.Land and the People

7 Class.Geography.CW/HW.
Chapter8.Land and the People

alluvium: material deposited by a river along its course.  
drought :  period of dry weather, especially one lasting for long time to affect 1.fo.  
mangrove : a type of swampy vegetation that grows along many tropical coastlines.
sub - tropical region :  it is a region of the Earth bordering on the tropics.  Just north of the Tropic  of Cancer or just south of the Tropic of Capricorn. Sub - tropical regions are the warmest parts of the two temperate zones. 
tropical region :  it is a region of the Earth surrounding the equator, limited in latitude by the Tropic of Cancer  in the northern hemisphere and the Tropic of Capricorn in the Southern Hemisphere.
Something to know  
A. Tick (M) the correct option, 
1. Which one of the following is a feature of the Sahara Desert?  
(a) The summers are short and warm 
(b) To the world's largest and the hottest desert 
(c) lt is surrounded by lofty and high mountains 
(d) The climatic conditions are very moderate 
2. Which river passes through the world's largest rainforests, located in  South America?  
(a) Mississippi 
(b) Amazon   
(c) Nile 
(d) Orange 
3.The Prairies are also known as the 'Granaries of the World' due to the practice of 
(a) extensive farming 
(b) dairy farming 
(c) intensive farming 
(d) subsistence farming 
4.In which continent is  the Kalahari Desert located?   
(a) South America 
(b) North America 
(c) Asia 
(d) Africa 5 Rice, 
5. Jute and tea are important crops of 
(a) Indus basin 
(b) Nile basin 
(c) Ganga Brahmaputra basin 
(d) Amazon basin  
B. Fill in the blanks.  
1 ----are the common features formed by winds in the hot deserts.  
2. The opening of------- has made Ladakah a big tourist center.  
3. The prairies produce huge surplus of -----
4. -------- is the world's longest river. 
5.------ is known as the world's largest delta.


C. Write True or False for the following statements.  
1 Sahara receives heavy rainfall in the winter season 
2.Rhinoceros is a common animal of the Amazon basin.  
3.The top layer of the Amazon forests is known as canopy.  
4.Deserts are the areas of low vegetational cover.  
5. The vak and the sheep are the common animals of the Ladakh desert.  
D. Answer the following questions in brief.  
1. What are the various uses of date palm tree for the residents of the Sahara desert? 
2. Name the two types of deserts according to their locational zones 
3. Name the important rivers found in the Veld grasslands. 
4. Why is the Ganga - Brahmaputra Delta known as Sunderban?  
5. Mention the three layers of foliage of the equatorial forests.  

E. Answer the following questions.  
1 Distinguish between the Sahara desert and the Ladakh desert with respect to location, climate and vegetation
2. Why are the rainforests of the Amazon basin disappearing?
3. Why is the density of population in the Sahara desert low?  
4. Differentiate between the Prairies and the Velds.  
5. Why is the Ganga - Brahmaputra region thickly populated? 
 Value Based Question 
Indigenous people are those that have historically belonged to a particular region or country before its colonization or transformation into a nation state and have different, often unique cultural, linguistic and traditional characteristics.
In your opinion, should the indigenous people be modernized to get rid of their backwardness?  
Suggest measures to protect their identity, rights and bring some elements of modernization for the betterment of their life.
Map Skill 
on the political outline map of the world, locate and label 
(a) all the continents of the world 
(b) countries 
United States of America 
South Africa 
Something to do 
collect information and prepare travelogue on the lifestyle of any  one of the following 
(a) American Cowboys 
(b) Bedouins of Sahara desert in Algeria and Libya.  
(c) Formers of Sundarban delta 
(d) Tribes in the Amazon rainforest of Brazil, Peru and Ecuador






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