7 Class.Geography.CW/HW.Chapter6.Life on the Earth.

7 Class. Geography.
CW/HW.Chapter6.Life on the Earth.


estate the process of carrying a forest especially on land not  previously forested or land clear earlier due  to deforestation 
biosphere reserve: an  area of ​​land or water that is protected by law in order to support the conservation and eco systems as well as  the sustainable coexistence of man with nature.
deciduous trees : trees that shed their leaves in the same see every year 
ecological balance : a term described how ecosystems  are  organised  in a state of stabality  where species coexist with other species and their environment. 
habitats : the part of environment that offers the conditions of  favorable for a plant and  animal to exist. 
National park : large areas of pullic land set aide for protection of their natural beauty, native plants, animals and habiitats in which they live.  Generally national  parks make the core zone of a biosphere reserve in which wildlife is strictly protected and to human activity is permitted.  
Wild life  sanctuary :  a place that is set aside tent the purpose of practicing wild animals generally , endangered species, where these live, breed and are closely monitored for their survival.
Something To Know A. 
Tick the correct option.  
1. Which one of the following is a threat to ecological balance?  
(a) plantation 
(b) wildlife protection 
(c) population growth 
(d) growing crops 
2. Taiga is 
(a) a Russian name for evergreen coniferous forests 
(b) an animal living in the polar ronion 
(c) a softwood trees 
(d) a cold desert area, 
3. For the preservation of varied plant and animal life, the government has set up various 
(a) zoological parks 
(b) industrial parks 
(c) national parks 
(d) adventure parks 
4. Mosses and lichens are  
(a) commonly found vegetation in the polar regions .. 
(b) trees found in tropical deciduous forests 
(c) insect-eating animals.  
(d) animals having thick fur on their body 
5. The temperate grasslands of North America are called the 
(a) atacama 
(b) veld 
(c) prairies 
(d) campos 
B. Fill in the blanks 
1. The first form of life  on the earth appeared in the--- belonging to flora world 
2 The living zone of the planet earth is known as------- 
3. The human beings, who first appeared on the earth, were known as------ 
4 The Talga vegetation is also known as------ 
5. The plants prepare  their own food and are known as -----of the biosphere.
C. Write True or False for the following statements 
1.in the grasslands, the number of animals loss as compared to those in the equatorial forest 2. Afforestation causes the In the pollution level in the atmosphere 
3.Tiger and lion are the endangered species in India  , 
4. A Pampas are the temperate grasslands in Australia, 
5. Insect - eating animals are most commonly found in the dense forests of the equatorial region 
D. Answer the following questions in brief 
1.Name the major types of vegetation of the world 
2.Name some common plants  found in cold and hot desert regions of the world.  
3. What are the major components of Ecosystem?  
4.Give some examples of trees having needle - shaped leaves, 
5. Why do animals in the polar region have thick fur on their bodies?  
E Answer the following questions.  
1 Why are equatorial forests known as evergreen forests?  Give a few examples of trees found there, 
2 What role do plants play in ecological balance?  
3. Distinguish between tropical and temperate grasslands 
4. Differentiate between hot and cold deserts, 
5. What are the various problems related to the ecological imbalance?  What stops should we take to solve them? 
 Value Based Question 
The Asiatic lion, once found across a vast area, is today crammed into a small scrubby forest of Gir in the south of Gujarat.  Today, violence towards nature has caused retreat of forests, endangered species and also various sufferings to the mankind, clearly the ideals of reverence for life have been renounced in favor of a materialistic way of life that justifies the destruction of nature and man both 
What values  should be adopted in life for preservation of plant and animal diversity?  
How far do you agree / disagree with those who justify destruction of nature and mon both?  .

Map Skill 

On the outline map of the world, label one area each of - 
(a) Tropical Evergreen Forests 
(b) Tropical Deciduous Forests 
(c) Tropical Grasslands 
(d) Temperate Grasslands 
(e) Hot Deserts 
(i) Cold Deserts 
(g) Coniferous Forests 
Something To Do 
1. Collect some interesting information and pictures related to India's national parks and wild Sanctuaries.  
2. Collect information about three species of animals or plants which are facing the danger of extinction
3. Wildlife Week is celebrated all over the country in the month of October from 2nd to 8th every ye here are a few projects and events for you to join  the celebration of wildlife week Choose any one)
(a) River or Beach clean up 
(b) Community tree planting 
(c) Create a schoolyard habitat 
(d) A Habitat Garden in your own house.


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