Glossary.Class 8.History.Chapter13.Colonialism and Urban Changes.

Chapter - 13
Colonialism and Urban Changes.
Page 147

1. Urbanisation : Noun.The process of making an area more urban. शहरीकरण
2. Excavation : Noun.Splendors.खुदाई
3. Congested : Noun.Crowded.भीड़-भाड़
4. Sprawling : Noun. Spread out in an ungraceful manner.विशाल
5. Splendor : Adjective. Magnificent and splendid appearance.अतिप्रभावशाली सौंदर्य
6. Arose : Verb. To begin to exist ,to appear.अस्तित्व में आनाप्रकट होना

Page no. 148.

1. Discontent  : Noun. State of being unhappy with something.असंतोष.
2. Revenue : Noun. Money regularly received by a government, company, etc. सरकारकंपनी आदि की नियमित आयराजस्.
3. Acquiring :  Verb. Obtain or buy something, कुछ अर्जित करना या ख़रीदना. 
4. Reign  : Verb. To rule a country किसी देश पर शासन करना.

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1. Massive :  Adjective.बड़ाVast 
2. University : Noun..विश्वविद्यलय
3. Authority :  Noun.अधिकार. Power. 
4. Residence : Noun. निवास. Home.
5. Amenities : Noun. आराम. Comfort. 
6. Breeding : Noun. प्रजनन.  Reproduction
7. Slum : Noun.गन्दि बस्ति.Bad city.
8. Explanation : Noun.विस्तार.Detail.
9.  Municipal Committee : Noun. नगरपालिका समिति 
10. Trust : Noun.विश्वास.Believe.

Page no. 150.
1. Empowered : Adjective. To give someone power or authority to do something कार्य विशेष के लिए किसी को अधिकार देना या अधिकृत करना
2. Commercial : Adjective.Making or intended to make a profit.व्यावसायिक
3. Policy : Noun. A course or principle of action adopted or proposed by an organization or individual.किसी संगठन या व्यक्ति द्वारा अपनाई या प्रस्तावित की गई क्रिया या सिद्धांत।
4. Native : Noun. A person born in a specified place or associated with a place by birth, whether subsequently resident there or not.एक निर्दिष्ट स्थान पर पैदा हुआ व्यक्ति या जन्म से एक जगह के साथ जुड़ा हुआ हैचाहे बाद में वहां निवासी हो या नहीं।
5. Efficient : Adjective. Working in a well-organized and competent way.एक सुव्यवस्थित और सक्षम तरीके से काम करना।
6. Systematic : Adjective. Done or acting according to a fixed plan or system; methodical.एक निश्चित योजना या प्रणाली के अनुसार किया या किया गयाव्यवस्थित।
7. District : Noun. An area of a country or city or a region defined for an administrative purpose.किसी देश या शहर का क्षेत्र या किसी प्रशासनिक उद्देश्य के लिए परिभाषित क्षेत्र 
8. Restructured :  Verb. To organise differently अलग तरह से व्यवस्थित करें|
9. Cruel : Adjective. Willfully causing pain or suffering to others जानबूझकर दूसरों को दर्द या पीड़ा दे रहा हैया इसके बारे में कोई चिंता महसूस नहीं कर रहा है।
10. Corrupt : Adjective. Having or showing a willingness others, or feeling no concern about act dishonestly in return for money or personal gain.पैसे या व्यक्तिगत लाभ के बदले में बेईमानी से काम करने की इच्छा रखना या दिखाना|
11. Administration : Noun. The control or the act of managing something the management of public affairs; governmentनियंत्रण या सार्वजनिक मामलों के प्रबंधन के प्रबंधन का कार्यसरकार
12. Exploitation : Noun.The action or fact of treating someone unfairly in order to benefit from their work.उनके काम से लाभ के लिए किसी के साथ गलत व्यवहार करने की क्रिया या तथ्य।
13. Carriages : Noun.the separate sections of a train that carry passengers.यात्रियों को ले जाने वाली ट्रेन के अलग-अलग खंड

1. Efficient : Adjective.Achieving maximum productivity with minimum wasted effort or expense. कुशल 
2. Systematic : Adjective.Done or acting according to a fixed plan or system, methodical.व्यवस्थित 
3. Restructured : Verb.To convert into another kind of debt, typically one that is repayable at a later time.पुनर्गठन. 
4. Awareness : Noun.Knowledge or perception of a situation or fact.जागरूकता.
5.  Exploitation : Noun.Action or fact of treating someone unfairly in order to benefit from their work. शोषण 
6.  Carriages : Noun.Any of the separate sections of a train that carry passengers.गाड़ी.
7.  Empowered : Verb.To give the authority or power to do something.सशक्त 
8.  Appointment : arrangement to meet someone at a particular time and place.नियुक्ति
9.  Stretch : Verb.To be made or be capable of being made longer or wider without tearing or breaking खिंचाव
10. Residences : Noun.Person's home, especially a large and impressive one.रहने का स्थान

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1. Possession : Noun.The state of having or owning something. किसी पर अधिकार या स्वामित्व हैं
2. Convenience :  Noun.The quality of being easy, useful or suitable for somebody.सुविधा
3. Defence  : Noun. Somebody that you do or say to protect somebody/something from attack, bad treatment, criticism, etc. बचाव करना.
4. Imperialist : Noun. A believer in imperialism.साम्राज्यवादि.
5. Influence : Noun. The power of affect, change or control somebody/something. व्यक्ति या वस्तु को प्रभावितपरिवर्तन या नियंत्रित करने की शक्ति.
6. Investment :  Noun. A thing have you bought. ख़रीदी वस्तु.
7. Surplus  : Adjective. A quantity much larger than is needed.फा़लतू.
8. Imperial :  Adjective. Connected with its empire and ruler. किसी साम्राज्य या उसके शासक से संबंधित
9. Gauge : Noun. An instrument for measuring the amount of something.
किसी वस्तु की मात्रा मापने का उपकरण.
10. Avenue :  Noun.A wide street.चौङी सङक जिसके दोनों ओर पेङ या ऊँची इमारतें हो.
11. Patronage : Noun.The support, especially financial,that is given to a person or an organization by a patron.संरक्षक द्वारा या संगठन को दी गई सहायता.

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1.  Architectural : Adjective. Tectonic.वास्तु 
2.  Banquet : Noun.Feast.भोज. 
3.  Resemble :  Verb.Partake.सदृश होना.
4.  Influenced : Noun.Impact.प्रभाव.
5.  Manuscript : Handwriting.हस्तलिपि.

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1.  Literary : Adjective.Concerning the writing, study, or content of literature, especially of the kind valued for quality of formसाहित्यिक 
2.  Missionaries :  Noun. A person sent on a religious mission, especially one sent to promote Christianity in a foreign country. मिशनरियों.धर्मचार के निमित्त भेजा हुआ मनुष्य.
3. Cantonment : Noun.A military garrison or camp. A permanent military station in British India.छावनी
4. Civic amenities :  Noun.Facilities provided by the government and by the urban and rural local bodies.नागरिक सुविधाएँ
5. Princely patronage : Noun.Support or encouragement by princess and royalty. This was extended in the form of grants and revenue exemption on land, high positions and pension.राजसी संरक्षण




Chapter 13.
Page - 147
Word meaning
Urbanization :  Noun शहरीकरण the process of making an area more urban;
Excavation : Noun.खुदाई.Splendors.
Congested : Adj.भीड़-भाड़.Crowded;
Sprawling : Adj.विशाल.Spread out in an ungraceful manner.
Splendor : Adj.अति प्रभावशाली.Magnificent and splendid appearance.
Arise : Verb.प्रगट होना.To begin or exist

Colonialism and Urban Changes.
Page - 147
Word meaning
1.Discontent : Noun.असंतोष. State of being unhappy with something 
2.Relocate : Verb.शरण लेना. Move to a new place and establish one's home or business there,
3.Acquire :  Verb.कुछ अर्जित करना या ख़रीदना. Obtain or buy something, It is a gerund or present participle form.
4.Modernise : Verb.नई विधियों, शैलियों आदि के प्रयोग से किसी वस्‍तु को आधुनिक परिस्थितियों के अनुकूल बनाना. Make something suitable for use today using new methods, styles, etc.

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Word Meanings –
1.Empower - Verb.कार्य विशेष के लिए किसी को अधिकार देना या अधिकृत करना. give someone power or authority to do something
2.Commercial - Adjective.व्यावसायिक. Making or intended to make a profit.
3.Policy - Noun.सिद्धांत.A course or principle of action adopted or proposed by an organization or individual.
4.Native :Noun.एक निर्दिष्ट स्थान पर पैदा हुआ व्यक्ति या जन्म से एक जगह के साथ जुड़ा हुआ है
चाहे बाद में वहां निवासी या नहीं.
A person born in a specified place or associated with a place by birth, whether subsequently resident there or not.
5.Efficient - Adjective.सक्षम.Working in a well-organized and competent way.
6.Systematic - Adjective.व्यवस्थित.Done or acting according to a fixed plan or system; methodical.
7.District -Noun.जिला an area of a country or city or a region defined for an administrative purpose.
8.Restructure -Verb.अलग तरह से व्यवस्थित करना.Organise differently 
9.Cruel - Adjective.निर्दय.Wilfully causing pain or suffering to others, or feeling no concern about it.
10.Corrupt - Adjective.भ्रष्ट. having or showing a willingness to act dishonestly in return for money or personal gain.
11.Administration - Noun.प्रशासन.The control or the act of managing something the management of public affairs; government.
12.Exploite - Noun.शोषण करना.The action or fact of treating someone unfairly in order to benefit from their work.
13.Carriages - Noun.यात्रियों को ले जाने वाली ट्रेन के अलग-अलग खंड.the separate sections of a train that carry passengers.

1.Massive – Adj.बड़ा.Vast.
2.University – Noun.विश्वविद्यालय.
3.Authority – Noun.अधिकार. Power
4.Residence – Noun.निवास. Home
5.Amenities- Noun.आराम. Comfer.
6.Breeding –Noun.प्रजनन.Reproduction
7.Slum - Noun.गन्दी बस्ती.Bad city
8.Explanation - विस्तार. Detail
9.Muncipal Commitee- Noun नगरपालिका समिति
10.Trust - विश्वास Belief
Colonialism and Urban Change
Page no-150.Glossary
1.Efficient : Adj.कुशल.Achieving maximum productivity with minimum wasted effort or expense 
2.Systematic : Adj.व्यवस्थित.Done or acting according to a fixed plan or system, methodical 
3.Restructure : Verb. पुनर्गठन करना। Convert into another kind of debt, typically one that is repayable at a later time.
4.Awareness : Noun.जागरूकता. Knowledge or perception of a situation or fact. 
5.Exploitation : Noun.शोषण. Action or fact of treating someone unfairly in order to benefit from their work 
6.Carriages : Noun.गाड़ी. Any of the separate sections of a train that carry passengers 
7.Empowered : Adj.सशक्त. Give the authority or power to do something
8.Appointment : Noun.नियुक्ति. An arrangement to meet someone at a particular time and place
9.Stretch : Noun.खिंचाव. Be made or be capable of being made longer or wider without tearing or breaking 
10.Resisdences : Noun.रहने का स्थान.Person's home, especially a large and impressive one.

Hard words:-
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1. Possession : Noun.किसी पर अधिकार या स्वामित्व हैं.The state of having or owning something.
2. Convenience : Noun.आसानी, सुविधा
3. Defence : Noun.बचाव करना.The quality of being easy, useful or suitable for somebody. Somebody that you do or say to protect somebody/something from attack, bad treatment, criticism, etc
4. Imperalist : Noun. साम्राज्यवाद . A believer in imperialism.
5. Influence : Verb. व्यक्ति या वस्तु को प्रभावित, परिवरतन या नितयंत्रित करने की शक्ति. The power of affect, change or control somebody/something.
6. Investnent : Noun.निवेश.A thing have you bought.
7. Surplus :  Adjective.फा़लतू. A quantity much larger than is needed.
8. Imperial :  Adjective.किसी साम्राज्य या उसके शासक से संबंधित.Connected with its umpire and ruler.
9. Gauge : Noun.किसी वस्तु की मात्रा मापने का उपकरण.An instrument for measuring the amount of something.
10. Aveneues : Noun.चौङी सङक जिसके दोनों ओर पेङ या ऊँची इमारतें हो.A wide street
11. Patronge : Noun.संरक्षक द्वारा या संगठन को दी गई सहायता. The support, especially financial,that is given to a person or an oranization by a patron.

Page No. -152
Ch -13
1. Architectural : Adjective. वास्तु .Tectonic  
2. Banquet : Noun.भोज .Feast
3. Resemble :  Verb.सदृश होना.partake
4. Influenced : Noun.प्रभाव.Impact 
5. Manuscript : Noun.हस्तलिपि.Handwriting


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