7 Class.Civics.CW/HW.Chapter21.Advertising and Democracy.

Chapter 21


Boods.  All food items are standardized by mark - Agricultural Produce (Grading and Marking) Act.  Narkar OF T Bureau of Indian Standards lain Features of Consumerism here are various components of consumerism: A consumer must be aware of his / her rights and should protect his / her rights.  He / She should raise voice against exploitation.  He / She should seek redressal of his / her complaints.  Voluntary consumer organizations should encourage / guide / assist in safeguarding his / her interests.  Government laws must protect the interest of the consumer.  Business houses must adopt a code of conduct for regulating their activities, consumerism has gradually developed into a powerful force to aid and protect the consumer by pplying legal, moral and economic pressure on producers and providers.  If you feel cheated by a shopkeeper and want to complain in a consumer court, write an application, attach cash memo, warrantee or guarantee card and submit it to the District Consumer Court.  Read newspaper daily to be an aware consumer and save yourself from being cheated.  

brand : name given to a product with some unique value / quality.  
ISI : the earlier abbreviation for BIS.  It stands for Indian Standard Institute.  
Manufacturer : someone who makes and sells a product.  
product : a thing offered in market for sale.
stereotype : pre - conceived notions / bias thinking about someone / or any group of people, 
Something to know 
A. tick the correct option.  
1. Advertising persuades the customers to 
(a) enjoy animations 
(b) purchase a particular brand of product or service.
(c) watch serials.
(d) listen to jingles.
2. The availability of many brands
(a) tells the customer about the best brand.
(b) tells the customer about what not to buy 
(c) creates confusion in the mind of the customer 
(d) encourages the customer to buy all of them.
3. Public Service Advertising promotes 
(a) campaigns for health and social issues.
(b) the latest films
(c) the urge to read about society.
(d) seeing more advertisement.
4. Advertising leads to 
(a) many breaks during a programme.
(b) wasteful carefully.
(c) awareness about governmental schemes
(d) promotion of goods.
5. Advertising inculcates
(a) the desire to buy whatever is available.
(b) an attitude to establish harmony in society.
(c) balanced understanding about products.
(d) stereotype attitudes.  
B. Fill in the blanks.   
1. Huge amount is spent on ---to target the feelings of the customer 
2. Advertisements create an associated picture---- of the mind of public 
3. Advertising through 'stars' also creates brand -----
4. Gender discrimination is against the basic  principle of -----
5. Many people cannot afford ----items.  
C. Write True or False for the following statements.  
1. Social and public service advertisements strengthen the democracy of a country 
2. It is against democracy to ban advertisements on tobacco and alcohol.  
3. All food items are standardized by Agmark.  
4. A consumer cannot protect his / her rights.  
5. The branded items or packaged items are always better than the unbranded or open items.  
D. Answer the following questions in brief.  
1. What does advertising mean?  
2. Who is a consumer?  
3. What is meant by consumerism?  
4. Write the full form of BIS.  Mention its function.  
5. State any two positive effects of advertising.  
E. Answer the following questions.  
1. Describe the relationship between advertising and democracy 
2. How does advertising create discrimination in the society?  
3. What does social advertising mean?  Give examples to illustrate the benefits of social advertising, 
4. List the main features of consumerism.  
5. How do advertisements help in creating awareness among the citizens?  Support your answer with examples.  


Value Based Question 
Raghav's parents went on a shopping spree during Diwali holidays.  They bought many branded products including a new refrigerator.  All went well for two days but suddenly the refrigerator started giving trouble its light went off its cooling decreased and handle also became loose, Raghav's father called up the famous store "Troma" to complain about the refrigerator but the manager refused to listen.  He argued that they are busy due to festive rush.  They should call after a week.  They were not ready to take any action. 
What should Raghav's parents do now?  
How can they get their problem resolved?  
What legal action can be taken against the dealer?

Something To Do 
1. Take one advertisement and give your opinion about how it encourages stereotyping of roles.  
2. Make an advertisement to create awareness about literacy or health.  
3. Discuss with your teacher and parents and list ways in which school students can create awareness about important social issues.  
4. Prepare an advertisement for getting admission to your school giving all the salient features of the school 182



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