6 Class.History.CW/HW.Chapter14.Early History of Deccan and South India.

6 Class.History.CW/HW.Chapter14.
Early History of Deccan and South India.Chapter 14
keywords :  inscriptions: messages/information engraved on rocks. 
leisure time : unoccupied time. 
paddy : rice 
peninsula : land surrounded by water as to be almost an island.
ragi : a coarse type of grain. 
Something To Kaow A. 
Tick () the correct option. 
1. What were the first indication of megalithic culture in South India? 
(a) burial sites 
(b) bones 
(c) stone circles 
(d) pottery 
2. What culture did the megalithic culture give rise to? 
(a) Satavahana 
(b) Ikshwakus 
(c) Mauryan 
(d) Cholas 
3. The Pandyas set-up their capital at- 
(a) Kaveripattam 
(b) Vanchi 
(c) Tanjore 
(d) Madurai 
4. The Satavahana dynasty came to an end in 
(a) 220 CE 
(b) 250 CE 
(c) 272 CE 
(d) 222 CE 
5. The Sangams during the Pandyas rule were held at- 
(a) Tanjore 
(b) Madurai 
(c) Cochin 
(d) Vanchi 
Fill in the blanks. 
1. Deccan region is to the south of --- a mountain and -- river. 
2. King -----was the member of  Siatwahan 
3. The megalithic people surrounded the graves with large pieces of stone called ----eoalith was the founder of Satavahanas empire. 
4.Canals for irrigation were built by_
5. Nedunjeral and Senguttavan were the rulers of----dynasty. 

C. Match the following: 
1.Deccan a.First iron user 
2.God Murugan b. Temple 
3.Megalithic people  Monastery
4.Chaitya d. Dakshinapatha 
5.Vihara e.Kartikeya 

D. Answer the following questions in brief. 
1.Name the regions where Megalithic culture was concentrated. 
2. Who was the most important king of the Pandya dynasty? 
3. Who took over the Satavahana empire in Maharashtra and Andhra region? 
4.The rock-cut chaitya hall at Karle is located at which present city of India? IS
5. According to some archaeologists, what is the origin of the megalithic people? 
E. Answer the following questions. 
1. Describe the main features of the Satavahana empire of Deccan. 
2. Name three great empires of south India. What are the main sources of information about them? Highlight the main features of the pottery of the megalith period. 
3. What was the extent of the Chola empire? How did they settle themselves? 
4. List the five geographical zones of southern kingdoms. 
Value Based Question 
The discovery of the remains of pottery and iron objects at burial sites indicate that the megalith people believed in life after death. The articles of daily use were placed near the grave with the hope that the departing souls might use them. 
1. Do you agree with the views of the megalith people? Give reasons to support your answer. 2. Is there any such custom or ritual being adopted these days also? If yes, what is the rationale behind the same? 125
Map Skill 
On the outline map of India, mark the extent of the- 
(a) Satavahana empire and locate Pratishthana, Pune and Amravati. 
(b) Chola, Pandya and Chera Kingdoms. 
Something To Do 
1.. Visit some websites on the megalith and collect information about the life of the people at that time Identify any five differences between your life and that of the people of that time. 2.Prepare a chart in a tabular form showing comparison among the Cholas, the Pandyas and the Chera based on the extent of their kingdom, religious beliefs, trade and vocations and the important kings 
3. Prepare a timeline showing the various kingdoms of the South.


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