7 Class.Civics.CW/HW.Chapter18.Democracy and Equality.


Chapter 18
7 Class.Civics.CW/HW.
Chapter18.Democracy and Equality.


community : people living together sharing common interests.  
democracy : a kind of system where people have supreme power.  They rule through their representative 
opposition : all parties other than the party / parties in power.  
representatives : a person elected / chosen to act or speak on behalf of the people for a fixed period 
Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Tribes : disadvantaged groups enlisted in Article 341 of the Indian Constitution. 


Something To Know  
A. Tick (M) the correct option.  
1 The Right to Vote is guaranteed to Indians who are 
(a) highly educated 
(b) highly rich 
(c) the Scheduled Castes 
(d) citizens of India 
2.The most successful scheme of the government which increased enrolment of children in schools is 
(a) Education for all 
(b) Reservation of seats in schools 
(c) Mid-day meal scheme 
(d) Scholarships and financial help to poor children 
3. Which one of the following is NOT responsible for weakening the Indian society?  
(a) casteism 
(b) education 
(c) illiteracy 
(d) poverty 
4. According to the Preamble, who is constituting India into a socialist, secular and democratic republic?  
(a) The people of India 
(b) All our national leaders 
(c) The Constitution itself 
(d) Representatives of the people 
5.  To ensure that all the children from the deprived sections are able to fulfill their dreams, the Government of India should not 
(a) give them free food and clothing, 
(b) give them monthly stipend / monetary help.  
(c) provide free education.  
(d) leave them to fight for themselves and become self - dependent.  
B. Fill in the blanks.  
1.  The---- is a document that lays down the framework, political structures and the powers and duties of the government 
2. The---- is an introduction to our Constitution system creates a social division in a nation 
3. The -----is an organized group, having its own policies and  programmes.  
4.  Each -----has been made to protect the Right to Equality.  
5.  Many ----have been made to protect the Right to Equality.

C State True or False for the following statements 
1 On 16 August 1947 India became a republic 
2 Our Constitution framer wanted to eradicate discrimination 
3.people elect their representatives for a liwe form 
4.The low does not give equal protection to all 
5.the provisions of reservation have not reached  everyone 
D. Answer the following questions in brief 
1.What is the main function of an oppoution party?  Zi.  
2.What  was reservation provided for certain castes in India?  
3.What is meant by secularism?  
4.Why is Universal Adult Franchise considered a courageous stop of the Constituent Assembly 
5.  Name any two literacy programmes started by the Government of India 
E. Answer the following questions, 
1.Mention the main provisions of the Right to Equality
2. How can the people keep a check on their representatives?  
3. List the important steps taken by the Indian government for the benefit of the weaker sections of society 
4.  List the factors that create inequalities and hamper the success of democracy 
5. Why have the benefits of reservation not reached everyone?  Suggest two steps that can ensure development of all sections of the Indian society 
Value Based Question 
Omprakash is a student of government school in Maharashtra.  He is made to sit away from the others in the class and that too on the floor.  Sometimes he is forced to sweep the school and the playground He is given left - over mid - day meal, that too not every day.  One day his father was passing by the school and sa his son weeping.  He confronted the teachers and said loudly for all of them to hear "You are a teacher I am leaving now. But remember his son will study right here in this school and not just him, but there will be many more coming after him."
Do you think Omprakash treated unfairly 
Imagine yourself as Omprakash and write three lines about how you would feel if you were in the same situation as he 159
Something to do
Do you extend a helping hand to the people who are not as fortunate as you are ? If yes how? If no what is  your future plan?  
2. India, today, is producing more trained manpower than the whole Europe but unfortunately also the leader in illiteracy, social and economic inequalities.  How can education bring about a society that is free from social and economic inequalities?  Discuss these problems in the class and try to find out some effective and practical solutions.
3. The government has launched a number of poverty alleviation programmes and income generating  programmes.  But poverty continues.  Give reasons 
(a) Inadequacy of the Schemes 
(b) Poor Implementation of 



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