8 Class.History.CW/HW.Chapter15.India Marches Ahed.

CW/HW S.St. Sheet.
History. Chapter 15.India Marches Ahead.

Something To Know 
Tick () the correct option. 
1 The first Governor-General of Independent India was- 
(a) Lord Mountbatten 
(b) Chakravarti Rajagopalachari 
(c) Warren Hastings
(d) Dr. Rajendra  Prasad. 
2. Sikkim became a part of India in the year  
(a) 1955 
(b) 1965  
(c) 1975 
(d) 1995 
3. Agricultural production in India shot up due to- 
(a) Blue Revolution 
(b) White Revolution 
(c) Green Revolution 
(d) Yellow Revolution 
4. Who imposed emergency in India in 1975? 
(a) Morarji Desai 
(b) Indira Gandhi 
(c) Lal Bahadur Shastri 
(d) VP Singh 
5. Pondicherry was liberated from- 
(a) the English 
(b) the French 
(c) the Dutch 
(d) the Portuguese & 

B.Fill in the blanks. 
1.The First Five Year Plan was presented for the period from ----to----- 
2.The Indian Independence Act was based on-------
3. ----- was the last Governor-General of free India,
4. As per the Indian Independence Act 1947, the Princely States were given the freedom to decide which ----  to join. 
5. The states of ----and -----joined India after  military action.

C. Write a technical term or an appropriate word for each of the following statements. 
1.The institution responsible for holding free and fair elections in India. 
2 The colonial state liberated from the Portuguese in 1961. 
3.The Assembly that made the Constitution of India.
4. If need be, it is formed after the elections to form a government. 
5.The architect of India's foreign policy
D. Answer the following questions in brief 
1. Who framed the Constitution of India and how? 
2. Describe India's economic progress by highlighting the major achievements in this field. 
3. Differentiate between  National Political Party and a Regional Political Party. Give one example of each. 
4. Explain any three challenges being faced by the Indian society even now? 
5. Our democratic government has also protected the interest of the backward sections of the society. Justify the statement by giving three arguments. 
E. Answer the following Questions.
1. State the main features of the Indian Independence Act, 1947. 
2  Describe the progress made by India in the field of industry and agriculture. 
3. Mention any five basic features of India's foreign policy.
4. Highlight the main features of Dr. AP. Abdul Kalam indie Vision 2020. 
5. Why did India opt  for a democratic set up? In your opinion, how far have we succeeded in this respect? 

Map skill  
On an outline political  map of India, mark and name the states  Goa, Sikkim and Pondicherry which were not under the British rule at the time of India's Independence.

Value Based Question 
Political awareness is an important condition for effective participation. Voters may be illiterate but when they vote on the basis of national issues, they give an evidence of their wisdom and political maturity. Voters cannot be taken for granted. While soon after independence, role of freedom fighters played an important part in determining voter's choice, lately issues affecting common man have become responsible for the outcome of results. 
1. Mention any three issues each at the national as well as state level which affect the common people of India. 
2. In your opinion, which three things should be kept in mind before you vote for a candidate during elections? 

Something To Do 
1.Read the newspaper daily to learn about some challenges that our country still faces. 
2.Which infrastructural facilities have contributed to India's economic development? 
3. You must be having neighbors following different religions and speaking different languages. What are the bonds that unite all of you, inspite of the differences? 
4.Corruption is a major challenge that is hampering the growth of India. 
Make five suggestions to eradicate corruption.


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