8 Class.Geography.CW/HW.Chapter4.Mineral and Energy Resources.

Class : 8
CW/HW. Geography Sheet.
Chapter 4 .Geography. Mineral and Energy Resources.

Chapter 4 Geography.
Keywords : What do these words stand for 
drilling the process of extraction of minerals in which narrow but very deep wells are bored to extract liquids and gases, like petroleum and natural gas.  
electrical grid :  it is an interconnected network for delivering electricity from suppliers to consumers.  
open cast mining : the extraction of minerals from just below the ground surface by removing the surface layers, 
perennial river : a river that has continuous flow all the year round.  
quarrying :  an open excavation from which rock, clay or sand is obtained to be used as building and construction material, 
shaft mining : the extraction of minerals from under the ground by sinking a vertical shaft into the ground and then cutting horizontal tunnels to reach ore or  minerals that lie at great depth.  
Something to know 
A. tick the correct option 
1 Which one of the following is not a characteristic of rocks?  
(a)These are composed of mineral crystals 
(b) These have definite mineral composition 
(c)These vary in hardness and color. 
(d) These form outermost shell of the Earth 
2. Which one of the following is the best quality of coal 
(a) lignite (b) bituminous (c) anthracite (d) peat 
3. The major oilfields of India are located in which one of the following states of India? 
(a) Assam 
(b) Rajasthan 
(c) Bihar 
(d) Tamil Nadu 
4. The metallic minerals used in electrical industry are 
(a) copper and base 
(b) iron and copper 
(c) mica and manganese 
(d) bauxite and iron 
5. Petroleum is not extracted from the oilfields of North Sea by 
(a) United Kingdom 
(b) Denmark 
(c) Norway 
(d) Sweden
B.Fill in the Blanks.
1. A mineral is extracted from the region where its concentration is high.
2. Metalic minerals are divided into ferrous and non-ferrous.
3. Aliminium is obtained from bauxite ore, 
3. Petroleum, coal and natural gase and hydroelectriety are traditional sources of energy  
4. Haematite and Magnetite  are the major types of iron ore.  

C  White a technical term or an appropriate word for each of the following statements.  
1. Energy generated by turbines run by water falling from a height.  
2. The resultant metal with improved strength which is produced by mixing two or more than two metals.  
3. Materials formed inside the earth by the decomposition of dead remains of plants and animals in sedimentary rocks.  
4. Mineral deposits that are formed when a river erodes rock constituents from a primary source and deposits them in the river beds, 
5. The process of extracting minerals from the earth's crust.  

D. Answer the following questions in brief.  
1 What is a mineral?  Mention the three main processes of mineral extraction 
2 What is tidal energy?  How can it be harnessed?  
3. Why do we need to conserve mineral resources?  Explain any three reasons.  
4. What are two types of energy sources?  Which one of them is a better resource and why?  5. Highlight any three advantages of using nuclear energy 

E. Answer the following questions.  
1 How are minerals useful to us?  Explain with the help of examples. 
2. In your opinion, electricity is a boon or a bane?  Support your answer with relevant arguments.  
3.  What is meant by nuclear energy?  Explain the progress made by India in this field 
4 assess the importance of petroleum on the basis of its wide range of applications 
5. Suggest any five measures to conserve minerals and energy resources.  DA More compeller al messicas is unlimited sowier of energy and they do not make an adverer effect m.  the enorment 45,

Value Based Question 
As we become more and more familiar with the harmful effects of burning Tonsil fuels, we need to for alternatives.  Nuclear energy is one such example.  It is a carbon free energy  source and can do major solution to global warming and energy security, nuclear energy is much more proficient than energy resources. 
However the development and use of nuclear energy has its flaw also .  The potential for yere caused by nuclear energy to human communities and future generations is too great a threat to collective survival 
1  How far nuclear energy really is a viable source of energy?  
2. How can technological advances for the increasing demand for energy sources give example to substantiate your answer 
3. Why should we discourage burning of fossil fuels List any three reasons 
Map Skill 1.  
1. Locate and label any four major nuclear power stations on an outline political map of India 
2. On an outline political map of India, locate and label the leading states with respect to the reserves of 
(a) Iron ore 
(b) Bauxite 
(c)  Coal 
(d) Petroleum 
Something to Do 
1.Collect specimens of various minerals and display them in the science exhibition in your school 
2.Prepare a report on the hazards and environmental impact of mining in the coalfields especially the state of Jharkhand.


A Farm in the 1. Stoffarm w forme but wild car bacter bland den best wala comparatively low hectare il 2. Capital High capitainement Comparatively lower which is mainly one money lenders Produca is meant for nation and Produkte for more International market tyto lack of storage facilities  Facilities are adequate 4. Labor Unokilled 5. Mechanization Extensive use of tractors, combined traditional methods, limited & harvesters and threshers of machines, in the plough the field 6. Technology Extensive use of advanced technology Marginal use of modern techno Skilled Keywords.  • avtal soit a fine - grained fertile soll deposited by river water flowing over floodplains or in river bed Gapital: it refers to the funds raised to supports particular economic activity business of project • clayey soil: the soll which has high percentage of fine wined sedimentary  material with partie smaller than 0.002 millimeters in diameter.  This soll becomes sticky when wet and fard when dry.  Eurasias combined continental landmass of Prope and Asta Joamy soil composed of a cand silt, omaller amount of day and organic matter.  The soil's testun especially its ability to retain nutrients and winter are significant seasonal unemployment that occurs when there is a limited need for a type of wa to be performed during a particular period of the year due to factors like climate, etc.  • topography: the study of the shape and features of the surface of the earth.

Something to know a w the correct option Millets are also known as (al fine Brains id artificial grains 2. Tea lai cereal crop Id fruit crop (d) bever we crop 3. Who amongst the following are the nomadic harders of the Himalayan area?  (a) Bhotiyos (b) Mundo (d) Sidd / (d) Jorowos 4. Slash and burn practice of agriculture is also known as (a) plantation agriculture (b) intensive subsistence agriculture () shifting agriculture (d) extensive agriculture The  type of commercial agriculture, which is practiced on a large estate for growing of a single crop continuously for several years, is known as - 5. (a) livestock ranching (b) extensive agriculture c) plantation agriculture (d) organic farming 610

How do the size of land holdings, labor and capital influence the agricultural development in an are?  B. Fill in the blanks.  1.  is grown in the mid - latitudinal and dry sub - tropical regions.  2. Cotton, coffee plant needs had and natural silk are natural fibers, 3 and humid climate 4 Deltas, river valleys, coastal plains with rainfall above 100 cm are ideal for the cultivation of 5.  When animals are reared along with the cultivation of land, it is known as the farming 3 C. Write a technical term or an appropriate word for each of the following statements.  1.  The science and art of raising crops, rearing of livestock, forestry and fishing agualthea 2. Atype of agricultural system in which a farmer and his family grow crops for substanice self - sustenance.  QA Agriculture practiced on a very large scale for crop specialization.  Commercial and the commercial grazing of farm animals in temperate grasslands to obtain meat wool, hides, skins and some dairy products, people who migrate along with their animals from one place to another in search Nomeling of fodder for their animals, 4 5.  D. Answer the following questions in brief.  1.  When and how did agriculture start along the river valleys?  What is the broader definition of agriculture now?  2. Highlight the importance of agriculture for people around the world.  3.  Describe any three new techniques used in agriculture to increase the production of crops.  4.  What type of soil, temperature and rainfall is required for the cultivation of wheat and rice?  5.  What is meant by nomadic herding?  Which are the most important regions for nomadic herding?  E. Answer the following questions.  1.  What are the major differences between the farm agriculture of USA and India?  Describe any five advantages of using biotechnology for agricultural development.  3. Explain any three physical factors influencing the agricultural development in an area.  4.  1.  more useful for India?  How does subsistence agriculture differ from the commercial agriculture?  In your opinion, which one 5.  Explain.  2 .

Value Based Question Agriculture has been the mainstay of the Indian economy.  Today, the farmers' welfare has become a focusto improve the conditions of the Indian farming system.  There is definitely a need to increase the net income of farmers, reduce the cost of cultivation, enable higher yield per unit and provision of remunerative prices.  Some of the important initiatives taken up for the benefits of farmers include - Introduction of Soil Health Card Scheme to assess the nutrient levels available in the soil = Promotion of Neem - coated Urea to regulate the use of urea and cutting down its cost.  - Implementation of Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojna to promote organic farming.  - Implementation of National Crop Insurance Scheme to protect the farmers from crop losses.  = Introduction of Minimum Support Price to eliminate distress sale of agricultural produce by farmers.  1. Suggest some more measures which can improve the conditions of farmers in India 2. Are genetically modified crops the correct option to create food sufficiency for the growing population of the country?  Map Skill On an outline political map of India, show the leading producer states of the following crops (a) Rice (d) Jute (b) Wheat (e) Tea (c) Cotton (6) Coffee Something To Do 1. Collect pictures  of various agricultural implements and machines.  Paste them in a scrap book with their names and the uses, collect information about the problems faced by the Indian farmers that cause poor yield of crops.  2 Suggest ways and means to tackle them


Chapter 6 Software Technology Park, Hangaluru Keywords.  fiscat incentive tax measures offered to encourage industrial development infrastructure the basic systems and services that a society or an organization set in order to effectively manage the process of dealing with or controlling things or people in order to achieve define objectives • multinational company an enterprise operating in  Several countries but managed from one om country technology the application of scientific knowledge in the design and production of machinery w devices, especially in industry.

A Tick M the correct option Something To Know 1.  (a) cotton textile (c) iron and steel the largest industry of India in terms of employment is (b) automobile (d) information technolony 2. Which one of the following industries helps in the manufacturing, of electronic, soods?  (b) aluminum (a) iron and steel Id chemical (d) Information technolov 3. Jamshedpur is known for which type of activities?  (a) cultural (b) administrative (c) educational (d) Industrial 4. Which industry is known as the backbone of modern civilisation?  (a) beverage industry (b) textile industry le cement industry (d) iron and steel industry 5. The first modern tron ​​and steel company to be established in India was () TISCO (b) HISCO (c) Rourkela Steel Plant (0  ) Bokaro Steel Plant B, Fill in the blanks.  Standocilesing 1. The conversion of raw material into more useful products with the help of machines is defined as can 2. On the basis of_luze manufacturing industry is classified into cottage industry, scale industry and large scale industry industry whose finished products are used as raw material  is called as Lola industry Clustering of industries a particular area is defined as ideaal region 5. Sam.conductor chips in a computer in and and carinformation 3.  4.  Aliances

wie inver False for the following Harement Manueline de la value to the same An indberer vam more than a cultura labaw ilous The raw materials for the iron and deliveron ore, and extenw.  0 Antwer the following questions in brief 1. Howean we measure the economicament of a county pain what are the bal on which the user can be closed give at least two examples for woch mate any three or wraphical factors that affect the location of an industry 4  Name any five industrial restant of India w #Answer the following question Why in cotton textile industry.larsely focused in Guarat and Maharashtra Explain a live reasons 2. Sate the factors which have helped in the development of IT industry in Bengaluru Explain with suitable examples how  A basic industry is different from a consumer industry in our opinion, which one of the two should be given priority and why?  4) What is the importance of manufacturing industries for a nation like Indian Explain.  5. Wily in the iron and steel industry considered basic to the industrial development of any country any four major iron and steel plants of India and their location be value lased Question Mate in India is devised to transform India into a global design and manufacturing hub.  This initiative will ge boost to entrepreneurship in manufacturing sector of India.  This campalan targets to increase the contribution of manufacturing sector to India GOP (Cross Domestic Product).  It will lead to a increase in manufacturing and exports

An increase in investment in manufacturing will increase employment opportunities for the skilled labor force and this forms a job market.  The 'Make in India' operation is the vision of an economically strong India, 1 India needs both factories and farms.  Give arguments to support the statement 2. What is your vision of an economically strong India?  Map Skill plants are located.  1 On an outline political map of India, locate and label the states where the following iron and steel (a) Bhilai Steel Plant (b) Durgapur Steel Plant (c) Bokaro Steel Plant (d) Indian Iron and Steel Company (LISCO) (  e) Tata Iron and Steel Plant (TISCO) 10 Visvesvaraiya Iron and Steel Works (8) Rourkela Steel Plant on an outline political map of India, locate and label IT industry centers given below.  (a) Bengaluru (b) Hyderabad (c) Thiruvananthapuram (d) Gandhinagar (e) Jaipur (f) Mohali 2 Something To Do 1. Collect pictures of various products advertised in newspapers and magazines.  Classify them according to the industry to which they belong Display this on the display board in your social science lab, 2. Prepare a project on industrial pollution is a challenge to the maintenance of envira vent 81


Chapter 7

Population pramid of indir keywords • Birth to the number or live birth per 1000 people in partenar year.  athral, ​​this number of deathe per 1000 people in a particular year demographie cure the number of people in an group, the birth and death rates, wat, fura urban population and all other attributes of the population mited to analys composition of population • demity of  population, the number of people living in per square kilometre of an aren • In - gration when people come from another area.  but migration when people move out from an area 90

Something to Know Tick (the correct option. 1. Which one of the following is not an area of ​​sparse population (a) The Sahara (c) The Ganga Valley (d) The Polar Region 2. Out of every 100 people in the world  (a) 60 people live in Asia, (b) 16 people live in Africa, (c) 10 people live in Europe, (d) 20 people live in Americas which one of the following is false? 3. (a) It took  just about 111 years for the world population rise from 1.5 billion to 7 billion (b) The growth rate of population increases when the birth rate is more than the death rate (c) India is the seventh largest country in the world in terms of area  and ranks second in terms of population (d) The total population of USA is bigger than the combined population of India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. 4. Which one of the following states has the highest density of population in India? (b) West Bengal  (c) Kerala (d) Uttar Pradesh 5 Which one of the following age groups represents the product  ive population group of the population?  (0) 15 to 59 years (b) above 59 years (c) below 15 years (0) 15 to 66 years

8. FI in the blanks India vanks and in population next to China, in the world, 2 Number of children below 15 years and adults above 50 years is defined as the growth of population is affected by its but the 4. The mportant attributes of  population composition are all deal ball and migration 3.  ane structure and Si tn India, almost half of the population resides in five states of India, L, Uttar Pradesh, Cihan mambo har, Rond Madliya Pradesh, Write True or False for the following statements, 1 The total population of the world has crossed  10 billion mark in the year 2011 2 The sex ratio of India in 2011 was 043 3 The density of population is the number of persons per square kilometer of an area, the natural growth rate of population is the difference between the birth rate and the death  rate, 4.  5. Population becomes human capital when there is investment made in industries, agriculture and means of transport 0. Answer the following questions in brief 1. What is meant by the growth rate of population?  2. What are the three important attributes of population composition?  3. What makes the human beings the most valuable resource?  4. Which regions of the world have bleh concentration of population and why?  5. Highlight the characteristics of the sparsely population regions of the world, why novided 3.  E Answer the following questions.  1. Explain relief and climate as factors affecting the distribution of population 2 How do minerals and industries affect the distribution of population?  Explain.  What is meant by literacy rate?  Why is it considered an important indicator in population composition?  4. Define sex ratio.  What are the reasons for the declining sex ratio in India?  5. Which states of India have high density of population and why?  Suggest ways and means to check it.  92

The main goal of 'Skill India Program is to create opportunities, space and scope for the development of value based question the talents of Indian youth.  The emphasis is to gulp the youth in such a way so that they went to employment through development of skills right at the school level and also improve entrepreneurship The idea is to raise confidence improve productivity and give direction India is one of the few countries all across the  world where working are population will be very high due to high growth rate of population in the coming years.  It is time to open up avenues for job creation and social security schemes in the Indian economy.  1. Give any three arguments to support the idea of ​​introducing programmes for the development of skills, right at the school level.  2. What more new ways can be linked to a better human resource development?  Map Skill 1.  On an outline political map of the world, show two areas each having (a) Sparse population (b) High population 2. Based on the map 'India: Density of Population' (given on page 84), identify the following states and show  them on an outline political map of India.  (a) The State having the lowest density of population.  (b) The state having the highest density of population (c) The state having the second highest density of population, (d) The state having the lowest density of population among the North - Eastern States.  Ausunachal (e) The State having the density of population as 550, Punjab 93

tabular form.  Different parameters of population should be arranged as shown below.  Draw you Something to Do 1 Collect information regarding the composition of family of your six classmates.  Represent le in a conclusion on each parameter Serial No.  of the Student Surveyed Parameter S.No.  1 2 3 4 5 6 1.  Size of family (a) less than 3 members (b) 3-6 members (c) above 6 members 2.  Sex (a) male (b) female 3.  Age (a) below 14 years (b) between 15 to 59 years (c) above 60 years 4.  Literacy a) primary (b) middle (c) senior secondary (d) col


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