6 Class.Geography.CW/HW.Chapter4.The Motions of the Earth.

Chapter 4 
6 Class. Geography. CW/HW.
Chapter4.The Motions of the Earth.
axis: a line that joins the north and south pole about which the earth rotates. 
inclination : degree of sloping. 
vertical rays: the rays which fall directly overhead. It covers minimum distance in the atmosphere
Something To Know 
A. Tick the corect option. 
1. On 22nd December, the sun rays are vertical at the- 
(a) Tropic of Cancer 
(b) Tropic of Capricorn
(c) Equator  
(b) Arctic Cicle 
2 Which statement about a leap year is incorrect? 
(a) It has 366 days in a year.
(b) One extra day is added 
(c) Feburary has 28 days
(d) it comes in every fourn year, 
3. If there is noon on one side of the earth, the opposite side will have- 
(a) morning
(b) evening
(c) mid-night 
(b) twilight 
4. On 23rd Septermber, mid-day sun is overhead 
(a) Equator 
(b) Tropic of Cancer  
(c) Tropic of Capricorn 
(d) Antarctic Circle 
5. The angle of sun rays on 2ist June on the Tropic of Cancer is 
(a)66 and half degree 
(b) 90 degree
(c) 23 and half degree  
(d) 50 degree 
B.Fill in the Blanks 
1. The earth reolves around the sun in a fized path called as ----
2. The angle of inclination of the earth's axis is ----with its orbital plane
3, Two motions of  the earth are ----and ----- 
4. The time period immediate before sunrise is called ---- 
5. The earth completes one revolution around the sun in ----days and ----hours.

C. Match the following : 
1. The duration of the day and night is equal in both the hemispheres on  a. southern hemisphere 
2. The arctic circle has six-month long days in   b. on 21st June and 22nd December respectively 
3. The Tropic of Capricorn is located in  summer solistic.    
4. The rays of the sun are vertical on Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn d. vernal equnix.
5. Spring equinox is also called   e. 23rd September and 21st March
D. Answer the following questions in brief. 
1. What is rotation? How much time does earth take in completing one rotation? 
2. What is meant by the revolution of the earth? 
3. What is a leap year? 
4. What is an equinox? Which seasons are indicated by it in both the hemispheres? 
5. Why does the duration of day and night change in a year? 
E. Answer the following questions. 
1.Why are days and nights equal on 21st March at all places on the earth? Explain. 
2. Explain with the help of a diagram, why seasons are reversed between Northern and Southern Hemispheres. 
3. Why does the month of February have 29 days, after every four years? Explain. 
4. How do day and night occur on the earth? Explain with the help of a diagram. 
Value Based Question 
The planet earth while rotating is also revolving around the sun in an elliptical orbit in a year 
1. What would happen if it stops moving? 
2. Why is this movement considered essential for our survival on the planet?
Something To Do 
1. Find out the duration of day and night at the place where you live on the following days with the hel of sunrise and sunset timings. 
(a) 21st March 
(b) 21st June 
(c) 23rd September 
(d) 22nd December 
2. Make a chart to be displayed in your classroom showing the revolution of the earth and the seasons, 
3, Try the experiment showing formation of day and night with the help of a lamp and a globe at home Write your observations and then discuss in the class.


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