6 Class.Geography.CW/HW.Chapter1.The Planet Earth and the Solar System.

Chapter 1
6 Class.Geography.CW/HW.
Chapter1.The Planet Earth and the Solar System.
astronomers : scientists who study celestial bodies. 
cluster : a group of the similar elements gathered closely in a bunch. 
crescent shape : a single curve that is broad in the centre and tapers to a point at each end. 
fürnance :  an enclosed chamber in which material can be heated at very high temperatures, 
gravitational force : a force that attracts any object with mass. 
self-luminous : objects having property of emitting light. 
spherical : a shape slightly flattened at the top.
Something To Know A. 
Tick () the correct option. 
1 What do we call a huge cluster of billions of stars? 
(a) asteroids 
(b) meteors 
(c) galaxy
(d) meteors 
2. Which one of the following is the hottest planet? 
(a) Mercury 
(b) Venus 
(c) Mars 
(d) Jupiter 
3. Which is the most distant planet from the Sun? 
(a) Uranus 
(b) Neptune 
(c) Saturn 
(d) Jupiter 
4.The planet which does not have any satellite is- 
(a) Venus 
(b) Mars 
(c) Neptune 
(d) Earth 
5. Which planet has two satellites? 
(a) Mercury 
(b)  Venus
(c) Earth 
(d) Mars 
B. Fill in the blanks. 
1. The vast limitless space which includes all celestial bodies is called---
2. The distance between celestial bodies is measured in a unit called --- 
3. ----always indicates the north direction. 
4. All the planets of our solar system revolve round the Sun in their fixed paths called ---
5. --- is the third nearest planet to the Sun.
C. Match the following : 
1. Great Bear a. Nebula 
2. Head of solar system b. Mars
3.A gaint cloud of gases and dust  c. Sun 
4. Shape of the earth d. Constellation. 
5. Red Planet e. Spherical 
D. Answer the following questions in brief. 
1.What are celestial bodies?
2. Why do stars look very small in the sky? Because hey ant ve 0ana 
3. what is 'Saptarishi Mandal'? 
4. Name the planets which are gaseous bodies. 
5. Which planet is the closest to Neptune? uunes 
E. Answer the following questions, 
1 Describe the formation of solar system.
2. State three features which make the earth a unique planet. 
3.Mention three main characteristics of a satellite. 
4. Give a brief description on the Phases of Moon with the help of a diagram. 
5. Write a short note on the other celestial bodies ( asteroids, meteoroids and comets) in the solar system. 
Value Based Question 
Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) was established in 1969. It was the same year when humans set foot on the moon for the first time. ISRO launched Chandrayaan-1 on October 22, 2008 from Sriharikota. It showed India's ability to do meaningful science at low cost, its leadership in a cooperative space venture and the capacity to develop essential technology within stipulated time. With this success, India became the fifth country to put a spacecraft into an orbit around the moon after the United States, Soviet Russia, Japan and China. 
1. What is meant by 'meaningful science? 
2. Mention any two inventions to distinguish between 'science' and 'meaningful science'. 
3. Explain the values and life skills which helped India to attain success in space.
Map Skill 
On the outline map of India, show the location of Indian space research centres. 
Something To Do 
1. Prepare a model (working or static) of the Solar System. 
2. When was Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM) launched by India? What are its achievements and why it is so important for us? Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM) -
3. Collect pictures related to the landing information about dates on which certain celestial bodies like Mars were seen from the earth. man on the moon and make a scrap file. You may also collect



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