7 Class.Civics.CW/HW.Chapter19.Our State Governments.

Chapter 19
7 Class.Civics.CW/HW.
Chapter19.Our State Governments.

bill : a proposed law 
budget :  the statement of income and careful for a particular period.  
discretionary: something that depends on one's own will / choice.  
law : certain rules or regulations to be followed whose violation will result in punishment.  
ordinance : a temporary law enforced by the Executive when the Legislature is not in session 
Something To Know A. 
Tick () the correct option.  
1. The Governor of a state is appointed by the 
(a) Chief Minister 
(b) Prime Minister 
(c) President of India 
(d) Vice - President of India 
2 Which one of the following statements is incorrect about Vidhan Parishod?  
(a) its members are elected for six years.  
(b) its two - third members retire after every two years.  
(c) it cannot be dissolved.  
(d) The minimum age of its member is 25 years.  
3. The maximum strength of a State Legislative Assembly can be 
(a) 300 
(b) 400 
(C) 500 
(d) 600 
4. The Union Territories are directly administered by the 
(a) Governor 
(b) Chief Minister 
(c) State Government 
(d) Union Government 
5.  Which one of the following is NOT a Union Territory?   
(a) Chandigarh 
(b) Goa  
(c) Delhi 
(d) Puducherry 

B. Fill in the blanks.  
1. In case of constitutional breakdown in a state, the rule is imposed ----- 
2. only -----states in India have a Vidhan Parishad, 
3. The government at State Level is called----- 
4. There are ----states and -----union territories in India.  
5.The members of a Vidhan Sabha are elected by the---- directly 
C. Write True or False for the following statements.  
1.The State Government can make laws only on the Concurrent list.  
2.  The Governor appoints the leader of the majority party as the Chief Minister  
3. Delhi has an elected Legislative Assembly.  
4. The Vidhan Sobha is a permanent house 
5. The term of each member of the Legislative Council is six years, 
D. Answer the following questions in brief.  
1. What is the minimum age to be the Governor of a state?  
2.What is the minimum age to be the Chief Minister of a state?  
3.Who presides over the meetings of Legislative Assembly?  
4.Who acts as a link between the Governor and the Council of Ministers?  1.  
5.Who appoints the Chief Minister of a state?  
E. Answer the following questions.  
1. Mention three functions of the State Legislature, 
2. Describe the powers of the Governor of a state.  
3. When is the President's rule imposed in a state?  
4. Enlist five functions of the Council of Ministers of a state.
5. Why should the State Governments be given more powers?  
Value Based Question.  
Khushi is a Class - VIl student.  Her mother is a teacher.  Both leave for the school together.  Every day they see Munni (who is of Khushi's age) and her mother who work in their society as a maid (domestic helpl Khushi is always confused and surprised to see Munni working at this age and not going to school 
what is wrong if Munni is  not going to school? 
how does it become an offence if a 12 year old is helping her family by working? 
should Munni's parents be taken to task? justify your answer. 
what should the government do for such children? 164

Map Skill On a political outline map of India, locate and mark the states having 
bicameral legislature. 
Something to do 
1. Collect the following information about your states 
(a) The map of your state 
(b) Name of the Governor 
(c) Does have a unicameral  or bicameral legislature?  
(d) Number of members of Legislative Assembly 
(e) Population of your state.  
(f) Nome the Chief Minister of your state 
2. Hold a group discussion in the class on the topic.  There is no need to have a Vidhan Parishad Legislative Council.



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