6 Class.Civics.CW/HW.Chapter22.Democracy and Government.

6 Class.Civics.
Democracy and Government.

authoritarianism : government in which ruler is an absolute dictator 
coersian : use of force to cause something to occur.  
compromise : an accommodation in which both sides make concessions 
democracy : a form of government chosen by the people.  
dictatorship :  a form of government in which ruler is unconstrained.  
poverty : the state of having little or no money or possession.  
violence: a turbulent state resulting in injuries and destruction

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Something To Know 
A Tick in the correct option.  
1. Conflicting interests lead to 
(a) understanding 
(b) harmony 
(c) flexible stand 
(d) clashes 
2. In an atmosphere of discord and division, what is the best way to settle disputes?  
(a) firm stand and rigidity 
(b) fight for one's rights 
(c) open confrontation 
(d) adjustment and accommodation 
3. Democratic way of life demands that 
(a) majority should not accept what the minority says.  
(b) minority should ignore the view point of majority 
(c) opinion of the minority should be respected.  
(d) Majority and minority both should stick to their stands.  
4. Which one of the following is against the spirit of democracy?  
(a) harmony and balance 
(b) dictatorship 
(c) social equality 
(d) economic equality 
5. Identify the undemocratic method of problem solving 
(a) discussion 
(b) coersion 
(c) persuasion 
(d) compromise 
B. Fill in the  blanks.  
1. Our country is ----governed by the people through their representatives.  
2. A democratic government is a government---- the people, ---the people ----and the people.  
3. When elected representatives govern the country on behalf of the people, it is called ----democracy 
4. There is no place for ---and---in a democracy 
5, Democracy paves the way and prepares the citizens to---- the disputes and


C. Match the following :.  
1 India  a. right to cast vote
2 Goal of democracy  b live and let live 
3. Universal Adult Franchise  c. government at national level 
4.  Union Government d. wellbeing of each individual 
5 Positive attitude e.democratic government 

D. Answer the following questions in briel.  
1.What is the most positive attitude in a conflicting situation?  
2.Mention an outcome of conflicting situations.  
3.Who organises, supervises and controls activities around us?  
4.What is the outcome of tolerance and self - discipline? 
5.Give example of any two elected representatives of the people at various levels of government.  

E. Answer the following questions.  
1.State three points on the right which forms basis of democratic government 
2. Whose view should be accepted when so many people are involved in taking a decision and why?  
3. Why did India opt for representative democracy?  Explain.  
4.Mention any three advantages of a democratic set up.
5.How do people guard their own rights and freedom granted to them by the Constitution?  Explain   

Value Based Question 
As a citizen of India, should you pay your taxes honestly and regularly?
Let me think and make up my mind needn't bother since no one is watching What can I do?  My job is to study only must concentrate only on my activities and enjoy life il think about paying taxes only when I start earning 
1. Study the above diagram carefully and suggest ways and means to bring a change in the attitude.
2. Why should we pay taxes honestly and regularly?

Map Skill on the outline political map of the world, locate and label the following: 
(a) The oldest representative democracy - USA 
(b) The country with the largest number of voters - India 
(c) A country which has given voting rights to its  women in 2015 - Saudi Arabia 
(d) The country which is considered the birth place of direct democracy - Greece 
(e) The country which gave its women the right to vote as late as in 1928 - UK 

Something to Do 1. Read the Preamble  very carefully.  Identify the key con words which depict the key goals / ideas / salient features of the Indian Constitution.  Now discuss them in the class and try to list the top five which are most essential in a democratic set up.  
2. Divide the class into four groups.  Let each group prepare a presentation against any one of the following topics.  The right to vote should not be given to 
(a) the poor people 
(b) the women 
(c) the uneducated people 
(d) the corrupt people 
On the day, when the presentation is made in the class by the concerned group, all others  should raise points against the topic.  
At the end, the teacher should conclude the debate in favor of Universal Adult Franchise 


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