7 Class.Civics.CW/HW.Chapter20.Media and Mainstay of Democracy.

7 Class.Civics.CW/HW.
Chapter20.Media and Mainstay of Democracy.


accountability :  taking responstility for one's action / decisions.  
gagging : to prevent comme one from expressing / speaking freely
infanticide :  death of infant / children too young 
public perception : the way general people think about some issue 
transparency :  visible to all or not   hiding the facts, 
unbiased : not  favouring someone /not being  unfair 
watchdog : the one who makes sure  that  people in authority do not misuse their power.  


Something to know A. 
Tick (the correct option. 
1. Paper was invented by the 
(a) Indians 
(b) Japanese 
(c) Chinese
(d) Greeks 
2. The Right to Information has promoted 
(a) corruption 
(b) accountability 
(c) dependence 
(d) Indiscipline
 3. Information provided by media should not be 
(a) impartial 
(b) balanced 
(c) biased 
(d) factual 
4. Who among the following is NOT involved in the process of telecasting the news? (a)  editor 
(b) cameraman 
(c) producer 
(d) technician 
5. Which country did Johannes Gutenberg belong to? 
(a) Germany 
(b) France 
(c) USA 
(d) Great Britain 
B. Fill in the blanks. 
1. Media  has brought ---to a level where technology is media. 
2. Chinese influenced the development of ----by inventing paper 
3. Television affects public perception and---- 
4. Media should not ----a class / person or an organization 
5. The Right to Information has promoted---- and accountability

C. Write True or False for the following statements.  
1. Media influences our beliefs and attitudes 
2. RTI was passed due to the demands of various organizations and movements.  
3. Media is like a watchdog in a democracy   
4. Freedom of Speech and Expression has no limitation 
5. A very big share of Indian media is owned by political parties.  
D. Answer the following questions in brief.  
1. Define Media.  
2. Why is media called a watchdog of democracy?  
3. In what ways does the cinema affect our views?  
4. What are the different means of print and electronic media?  
5. What other basic rights are linked with the Right to Information?  
E. Answer the following questions.  
1. How are media and technology dependent on each other?  
2. How does media influence our daily life?  
3. Describe the role of media in a democracy.  
4. In what ways does the media bring the problems of the common man to the forefront? 
5. Do you think Indian media is free?  Justify your answer. 

Value Based Question 
The Story of Hakim Hakim is a boy, ten years of age he lives in a slum on banks of river Yamuna.  Recently he fell in like many tested positive for dengue fever.  Perturbed, his father took him to various government hospitals in the city.  other children living in his locality.  His father took him to a nearby government dispensary where he was but no one Hakim, whose condition was becoming worse with each passing hour 
Suggest ways and means to help Hakim in such a situation. 
In your opinion, what steps should the government take to handle emergency situations?   
What steps can we take to control the spread of diseases?  

Map Skill 
on the political outine map of the world, locate and label the following 
(a) China - The country which invented paper 
(b) Germany Johannes Gutenberg of this country invented the first printing machine with a type mould. 
(c) United States of  America - Inventor of Facebook, Google which changed the way news are prominen 
(d) Mumbai (India) Known for World's largest production of movies.  
(e) United Kingdom - The country which ruled over India, 
Something to Do 
1. How does a group discussion on a radio / television help the people sitting at a choupal to form opinion and decide about the candidate of their choice in the forthcoming elections  The  
2. Interview your grandmother / grandfather and find out 
(a) How old was he / she when he / she saw the television for the first time?  
(b) Which type of programmes did she listen to on the radio when she was of your age?  
(c) Name her favorite radio and television programmes now, 
(d) Why is a mobile called all in one?  174


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