8 Class.Civics.CW/HW.Chapter18.The Union Government : The Legislature.

Chapter 18.Civics.
The Union Government : The Legislature.
Something to Know 
Tick () the correct option.  
1. Which one of the following subjects comes under the Union List?  
(a) foreign affairs 
(b) forests 
(c) drugs and medicines 
(d) information technology 
2. Which one of the following statements about Lok Sabha is correct?  
(a) It can never be dissolved.  
(b) its members are elected indirectly 
(c) it cannot pass a no - confidence motion.  
(d) Money bills can only be introduced in Lok Sabha 
3. Which one of the following statements about the Indian Parliament is true?  
(a) It is the highest law making body of India.  
(b) It controls the Union Executive as well as the Judiciary 
(c) All the members of Parliament are elected for a term of five years.  
(d) Indian Parliament is unicameral.  
4. Each member of Rajya Sabha has a term of - 
(a) four years 
(b) five years 
(c) six years 
(d) seven years 
5.  During Lok Sabha elections, reserved constituencies are meant for 
(a) minority community 
(b) the disabled and handicapped 
(c) women only 
(d) scheduled castes and scheduled tribes 

B. Fill in the blanks.  
1. The topmost level of government in India is Government.  
2. In case of a disagreement over a law made on the same subject from the concurrent list, the low made by--- prevails over the law made by----
3. The Principle of all, ----, -------,------ gives all adult citizens the right to vote.  
4. The President of India is an part of the Parliament. 
5. Lok Sabha represents the people of India and ---- represents the states of India.  

C. Write True or False for the following statements.  
1.  A Governor is Head of the State, whereas a Chief Minister is the Head of the State Government, 
2. The women are adequately represented in the Indian Parliament.  
3. No bill can become a law without the approval of the President of India.  
4. The Chairman of Rajya Sabha cannot vote on any issue in Rajya Sabha.  
5. The Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha enjoy equal power regarding the amendment of the Constitution.  
D. Answer the following questions in brief.  
1.  Why did India opt for a federal form of government?  Explain.  
2 How have the Legislative powers been divided between the Union Government and the State Government?  
3.  Describe the composition of the Union Government in India.
4.  Highlight any three dissimilarities between Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha with respect to their composition. 
5. Mention any three advantages of Universal Adult Franchise.  

E. Answer the following questions, 
1.Describe any five major functions of the Indian Parliament, 
2.Compare the legislative and financial powers of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha.  On the basis of your comparison, which one of the two Houses is more powerful and how?  
3. How is the Speaker of Lok Sabha elected?  Mention her / his powers and functions.  
4. Explain the composition of Rajya Sabha.  Who can be elected as a member and for how long?  Why is Rajya Sabha called a Permanent House?  5. Describe the procedure followed by the Union Parliament in passing an ordinary bill.

Value Based Question 
In the last few years, the Union Government of India has been asserting its powers vehemently whether it is reducing the subjects in State List, or increasing subjects in Concurrent List, or bringing economic reforms like demonetization, GST, etc.  
1. Identify the reasons for the Central Government to be more powerful in a country like India.  2.'Is the Central Government going against the principles of federalism?  'Express your opinion.  
Map Skill 
on an outline political map of India, locate and name the states with the low number of constituencies 
(a) Sikkim 
(b) Arunachal Pradesh 
(c) Mizoram 
(d) Nagaland
(e) Manipur 
(f) Tripura 

Something To Do 
1. Organize a debate in the class in which three students will speak for and three against the topic 
'The division of subjects in the Union List, State List and the Concurrent List has made the Central Government dominate over the States in every respect.  
2.'Identify any five subjects from the Union List, which according to you, should have been in the State List.  Justify your choice with arguments. 
3. Visit the websites http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Government of India, http: //www.Indionetzone.  com / 40 / state governments india, hem and www.vakilbobu.com to get a complete information about the Union Government and list of subjects in the three lists,   
4. Hold a debate in the class on the topic 
Indian Parliament should be unicameral only: Speakers should speak for and against the topic. 
5. Watch live telecast of Question Hour from Lok Sabha channel and then discuss the following crime in the class 
(a)  To what extent does the Question Hour keep a check on the ministers?  
(b) Are the questions being asked really probing and useful?  
(c) Are you satisfied with the answers being given by the ministers and why?  
(d) Surgest measures to make Question Hour more effective and relevant 
6. Enact one hour session of the Youth Parliament showing following items: 
(a)  Oath - taking by new members 
(b) Obituary on the death of a member 
(c) Question Hour 
(d) Calling Attention Motion on an urgent subject of public importance. 
(e) Debate on a bill covering from introduction to passing of the bill.


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