8 Class.Civics.CW/HW.Chapter16.Our Constitution.

8 Class. CW/HW. Sheet
Chapter 16. Our Constitution.
draft : a design / a preliminary form of writing subject to revision / review.  
governance : a method or system of government / management.  
hereditary : passing from parent to their off springs.  
jurisdiction : the extent of the power to make legal decisions and judgments.  
non - justiciable : matters that cannot be decided by a court.  190
Something to know 
A. Tick (the correct option) 
1. In a parliamentary form of government 
(a) the executive is answerable to the parliament. 
(b) there is no relationship between the legislature and the exceutive 
(c) the president enjoys real powers head  of the state. 
(d) the Council of Ministers can be rejected by the President 
2. The Constituent Assembly of India is consisted of 
(a) directly elected members 
(b) indirectly elected numbers, 
(c) members nominated by the Queen 
(d)  members nominated by Governor General of India 
3. Most of the provisions of Indian Constitution can be amended by 
(a) simple majority 
(b) special majority 
(c) special majority with ratification by the State Legistature, 
(d) simple majority with ratification by  the State Legislature 
4. Freedom of religion makes India - 
(a) Socialist state 
(b) Sovereign state 
(c) Secular state 
(d) Republic 
5. Which one of the following statements goes against the spirit of federalism in India? 
(a)  India has a written and rigid Constitution 
(b) Powers have been divided between the Center and the States, 
(c) The Government at the Center is very strong, 
(d) India has an independent judiciary one of there

B. Fill in the blanks.  
1.Family is the basic unit of society.
2. India is a vast country with various 
3. The Constitution provides a set of rules, and 
4. England is not a republic because its Head of the State is Queen.
5. India has a single integrated judicial system. 

C. Write True or False for the following statements.  
1. Mohan is a Gujarati but lives in Himachal Pradesh and has a dual citizenship, 
2. The President of India has the power to remove any judgment of the Supreme Court 
3 There were 15 female members in the Constituent Assembly of India.  
4.  A Constitution is called rigid or flexible on the basis of the procedure for its amendments.  5. India is a sovereign and socialist state but not secular.  false 

D. Answer the following questions in brief.  
1. Cite three examples to prove that the Indian Constitution is quite dynamic. 
2. Identify any three provisions which make the Constitution of India rigid as well as flexible, 
3. India has a parliamentary form of government.Give any three examples to support this statement.  
4. Why is Indian federation called quite unique?  Explain.  
5. Explain the procedures of amending the Indian Constitution. 

E. Answer the following questions.
1. Describe the composition and contribution of the Constituent Assembly of India 
2. Describe any five salient features of the Indian Constitution 
3. Mention any five purposes which the Constitution of India serves towards strengthening democracy 
4. India is a sovereign, socialist, secular, democratic republic .Explain.  
5. Why do some people say that India is a federation with unitary features?  Explain with the help of any five constitutional provisions, 

Value based question the Constitution of India is the result of serious deliberations of constituent assembly which represented 193the exploitation of the deprived and depressed sections of society.  So, the ideals of justice, equality and freedom for all the people were included in the Constitution.  
1. Which ideal given in the Constitution of India do you like the most and why?  
2. How far have we achieved these targets / ideals?  
3. Suggest any two ways to improve the condition of the deprived sections of our society 

Map skills 
on an outline political map of the world, locate the following countries from whom India adopted varied features enshrined in our Constitution 
(a) United Kingdom (UK)  
(b) United States of America (USA) 
(c) Canada 
(d) Russia (Part of erstwhile USSR) 
(e) Ireland 

Something To Do 
1. Arrange a competition to recite the full text of the Preamble of the Constitution of India with  Emphasis on pauses and pronunciation.  The recitation should be followed by 1-2 minutes speech about the importance of Preamble.  
2. Organize an interclass declamation contest on the following topics.  
(a) What would happen if there was no written Constitution of free India.  
(b) If we had a rigid Constitution, what would have been the impact on regionalism?  
(c) If there were no rules and regulations in the school, 
3. Arrange a Pledge - taking ceremony in the Morning Assembly of your school where students and teachers take a pledge to follow the ideals given in the Preamble of our Constitution 104

almost all communities.  They were concerned about feeding the starved, clothing the naked and ending s bheiral, cultural and xial__ diversities acceptable to  almost all.consitubrenal krovnions to prove this like there are so many


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