8 Class.Geography.CW/HW.Chapter3.Natural Resources : Vegetation and Wildlife.

Class : 8
CW/HW. Geography Sheet.
Chapter 3 .Geography. Natural Resources :  Vegetation and Wildlife.

Something To Know 
A. Tick the correct option.  
1. Which term is used for the plant community which grows without human interference?  
(a) plantation 
(b) natural vegetation 
(c) agriculture 
(d) gardening 
2. Which vegetation grows in hot and humid regions of the world?  
(a) Tropical Evergreen Forests 
(b) Tropical Deciduous Forests 
(c) Mediterranean Forests 
(d) Temperate Softwood Forests 
3.  The most common trees of Tropical Deciduous Forests are 
(a) ebony and mahogany 
(b) sal and teak 
(c) cork and olive 
(d) oak and chestnut 
4. Trees of Mediterranean Forests are 
(a) broad leaves 
(b) needle shaped  leaves 
(c) spiny and waxy leaves 
(d) small size leaves 
5 The area under forests is depleting due to 
(a) natural calamity 
(b) human interference 
(c) climatic change 
(d) water shortage 

B. Fill in the blanks.  
1. The assemblage of plant species in an environment is known as natural vegetation.
2. Water and sunlight are two important factors for the plant growth. 
3. Humus helps to maintain fertility  of the soil.
4. Hardwood trees have broad leaves to permit of surplus moisture. 
5.Teak  is the commercially important tree of the deciduous forests. 

C. Write a technical term or an appropriate word for each of the following statements. 
1.The forest  which do not shed  all  their leaves at the same time. Evergreen Forest.  
2.In this forest, summers are dry and moderate rain falls in water.
3 Conical  shapad trees are common in these forests. 
4.The act of  process of creating new forests by planting saplings.
5.The temperate Softwood Forests found in the southern slopes of Himalaya. 
D.1 Why are the Tropical Rainforests known as evergreen forests? 
2 Why do the Tropical Deciduous forest shed their leaves during the summer? Name two such trees. 
3. Write any three characteristic features of the trees found in the Mediterranean Forests 
4.Distinguish between a national park and a wildlife Sanctuary 
5. Suggest mw the important measures for the  protection of forests.  
E. Answer the following questions. 
1. What is meant by natural vegetation?  How do temperature and rainfall affect its distribution?  Explain With Examples 
2. Highlight any five points of distinction between Tropical Deciduous Forests and Coniferous Forests.
3 Forests are essential for carrying an ecological balance justify the statement with suitable arguments 
4.Explain the importance of wildlife.
5.How are human beings responsible for the depletion of vegetation and wildlife?  

Value Based Ouestion 
Chipko Movement 
The Chipko Movement was based on the Gandhian philosophy of nonviolence and aimed at the protection and conservation of forests from destruction.  This agitation inspired the women.  They hugged the trees and said if the trees were to be cut, they would have to first kill the women embracing them
Women were the worst affected by this deforestation as it was causing water shortage, landslide, shortage of firewood and fodder.  They believed in traditional relationship of forest and humans.  For them it was the right for survival 
1 Why is the Chipko Movement called a light for survival?  
2. Mention any three lessons which all of us learn from this movement.  

Map Skill 
on an outline political map of the world, mark and name the following 
(a) Yellowstone National Park in USA 
(b) Bandhavgarh National Park of India 
(c) Kaziranga National Park of India 
(d) Ecrins National Park of France 
(e) Charles Darwin National Park of Australia 
Something to Do  
Prepare a tabular chart on National Parks of India, giving information under the following columns 
Name of the National Park 
Location (State) Bird / Animal which is protected 
2 Paste pictures of trees / plants having medicinal  Value in your scrapbook, Which of these plants have you grown in your school or plan to Brow?  
3.  Collect some specimen of leaves from the neighborhood and classify them on the basis of their texture, size and broadness.  Paste them in your scrapbook.


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