7 Class.History.CW/HW.Chapter13.Delhi Sultanate.

7 Class. History. CW/HW.
Chapter13.Delhi Sultanate.

counterfeit : fake, imitation 
dag : a stamp (mark) 
hulia : physical description of a person, 
igtas :  provinces 
jaia :  a tax paid by non - muslims to live in an Islamic State 
mamluks : earlier rulers of slave dynasty 
tombs : a burial place, 
ulemas :  scholars  of Islamic learning who were generally orthodox in their outlook,

Something to know
A.Tick  the correct option
1. Before assuming office of the Sultan of Delhi, Baiban was the Prime Minister of which suhun?    
(a) Nasir ud din 
(b) Bahram 
(d) Outubuddin 
2. Which  sultan made a successful attempt to free himself from the control of the ulemas?  
(a) Balban 
(b) Alauddin 
(b) Firoz Shah 
(d) Sikander Lodi 
3. Which of the following cities was NOT founded by Feroz Tughlaq 
(a) Ferozabad
(b) Jaunpur  
(c) Fatehpur 
(d) Hissar 
4. The first ever tady Sultan of India  , Razia Sultan, ascended the throne in 1236 C after 
(a) Ilutmish 
(b) Qutub - ud - din Albek 
(c) Ruknuddin 
(d) Bahram Shah 
5. Which one of the following statements regarding Feroz Tughlag is NOT correct? 
(a)  He patronised Ulemas. 
(b)  He exempted the Hindus from paying / azio. 
(c)  He laid many fruit gardens. 
(d)  He helped the poor Muslims 
B.   Fill in the blanks. 
1. Slave dynasty was founded by----
2.----- founded the new city of Agra  in 
3.-----Ibrahim Lodi was defeated by In the Battle of ----- 
4. Hindu society was based on ----- system 
5. India's foreign trade was carried on both by----and----
6.------ the writer of Tarikh Ferozshai.

6 Matinfo Q AW I din Ali Mulawi Prvi Chauhan 4 ADAWN wher 

(D) Answer the following questions in brief 
1. Name any two literary jems of Outubuddin  Aibeks court 
2. When and  between whom was  the first Battle of Panipat fought. 
3. Mention four social evils prevalent in the Hindu society during the Sultanate period 
4. Mention  four items which were exported from India 
5. Name wo Sultan who kept the Ulemas away  from the administration. 
E.Anwar the following questions 
1. Describe  the administrative reforms made by  Iltutmish to strengthen his hold on Delhi Sultanate 
2. Balban was strong and capable ruler Support  the statement by  vine suitable argument.
3. Explain  briefly the economic reforms of Alaud - din  Khilji. 
4. State the reforms made by Firoz Tughlaq to  redress the grievances of the people. 
5. Describe Muhamad Tughlaq's projects which failed, 

Vale Based Ouestion 
Iltutumish ordered grand celebrations to welcome the birth of his first daughter after many sons. He took personal interest in her education and training.  Once  Iltutmish was busy with the sieze  of  Gwalior , he had entrusted the government in Delhi to Razia , and on his return was so impressed with her performance that he decided to appoint her his successor. 
In your opinion, how far was Iltutmish  justified in appointing Rajia as   his successor and not any of his sons. 
What message does it to all of us towards empowerment of women in India?  .

Map Skill
1. On an outline  map of India, locate and lavel the following 
(a) Delhi
(b) Panipat.
(c) Jaunpur
(d) Hisar
(d) Devgiri
 2. Mark the extent of Alluadin Khalji's Sultanate   on an outline map of India.

Something to do 
1. Design a timeline chart showing major  dynasties and rulers of Sultanate period.
2. Collector picture each of Indian women who excelled in  the field of administration, dance music, science or space, sports and entrepreneurship.

arhat marwar were constantly at conflict with each other, which made them stor it in the middle of fourteenth century, Shah Mirza established a Muslim rule in Kashmir and shmir was ruled by Hindu rulers.  Due to its geographical condition, the foreigners could not to the Hindu rule.  His sucessors, Sikandar Shah (1386-1410 CE) and Zainul Abidin were the nous rulers of Kashmir.  Zainul Abidin (1420–70 CE) was a liberal and far - sighted ruler.  He adopted dus and gave higher position jobs to them.  Alcy of religious tolerance towards the Hindus.  He banned cow slaughter, abolished Jazia on the He got Mahabharata and Rajtarangini translated into Persian and Arabic.  He got the classics -ud - din Khalji, he introduced control on market and prices.  He also imported the items which were city of Bikaner.  Mewar KASHMIR Rao Jodha persian and Arabic translated into Sanskrit.  Abidin issued copper and silver coins.  Like shortage, like salt from Laddakh.  Sultan encouraged many crafts, like shawl and carpet weaving, gone cutting and polishing, in order to develop the state economy and to provide employment to the people.  Zaina Lanka, an island in the Woolar lake is a fine specimen of engineering skill of that period.  ainul Abidin built his palace and a mosque on this island.  He is 
chapter 14
 as Badshah, the great ting, by the Kashmiris.  Keywords devdasi: servant of God or Goddess dedicated to worship and service of a deity or a temple for the rest of her life madarsa: place for Islamic learning.  polygamy: the practice of keeping more than one wife.  michur doab: land area between two rivers - Krishna and Tungabhadra.  • Verses: writing in rhythmic style.  115

Something to know 1 A. Tick (the correct option. Who among the following visitors has written in praise of Vijaynagar Empire? (A) Bernier (b) Paes (c) Ibn Batutah (d) Marco Polo 2. Who constructed Kirti Stambh at  Chittor? (A) Rana Sangram Singh (6) Maharana Pratap (c) Rana Hamir (d) Rana Kumbha 3. The city of Vijayanagar was located on the banks of river (a) Godavari (b) Kaveri VaT Putrika) 4.  (c) Tungabhadra (d) Krishna Identify the Bahmani king who was a good calligraphist and an accomplished linguist.  (a) Bahman Shah (b) Firoz Shah (c) Ahmad Shah (d) Muhammad Shah 5. Sayana was a (a) Bahmani ruler (b) Foreign visitor (c) Ruler of Vijayanagar (d) Great Sanskrit scholar B. Fill  in the blanks.  1.  Bukka succeeded 2.  Vijaynagar rulers were involved in a battle with kingdom 3.  Firoz Shah Bahamani judged from to Rana Sanga was one of the most famous rulers of 4.  5. Zainul Abidin adopted a policy of towards Hindus.  116

ponte True or False for the following statements.  The Bahimani and Vijayanagar kingdoms maintained friendly relations with each other 2 The name 'Assam is derived from Ahom.  The Bahmani kingdom was founded by Mahmud Gawan.  & Rao Bilka founded the city of Bikaner, $ Zainal Abidin reimposed jazio on Hindus Aswer the following questions in brief.  1.Name the main centers of education during Vijaynagar empire 1. Mention the cases into which the society was divided into Vijaynagar empire.  What was Firoz Shah famous for?  4 Who built the Kirti Stambha at Chittor?  5. Why did Rana Kumbha become popular?  Answer the following questions Describe the development of art and architecture under the Vijaynagar rulers.  List the achievements of Mahmud Gawan as Prime Minister of Bahamani kingdom.  What were the main achievements of Rana Kumbha of Mewar?  4 Describe the various achievements of Zainul Abidin, the ruler of Kashmir 5 ust the administrative reforms that brought glory to the Vijaynagar empire.  Value Based Question catevaraya estatlished friendly relations with the Portuguese, who set - up the Portuguese Dominion finca in coa in 1530. He encouraged foreign trade with European traders (mainly the Portuguese) and creces recent in the form of custoon duties and taxes from them.  The Emperor obtained guns and Hestaan ​​ones from the Portuguese marchants.  He also utilized Portuguese expertise in improving water how did a relations with the Portuguese brine arest prosperity to Vijayanagar?  What we the advantages of having friendly retations with neighbors?  .  117
Map Skin On an outlin map of India, locate and be the following a) Bahman Kingdom th) Vianor empire fe Raichur Doabi (d) Calicut (o) Jodhpur Dikaner Something To Do Prepare an administrative flow chart of the Vaynagar rulers, the duties of  the king and is 2. Prepare a photo album consisting of temples fonts, places and other historical buildings at regional heads.  Note down important information about them (es Teachers dan) Peev Ramke Gan


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