VIII.Geography.Chapter3.Natural Resources Vegitation and Wild Life

Natural Resources Vegitation and Wild Life

Basin : a region drained by river and its tributaries.
Citrus fruit : any fruit of genus citrus having juice and sour taste cultivated in warm regions of the world,  e.g. orange, lemon, lime, grape, pomegranate,  etc.
Domesticated :  the animals which are tamed as pets or for agriculture purpose.
Poacher : a person who hunts  animals for commercial benefits.
Transpiration : the emission of water vapors from the leaves of plants.
Inside Questions Answers
Q.What is Natural vegetation?
Ans : The assemblage of plant species in an environment is known as natural vegetation. 
Q.How many classification are there of forest?
Ans: There are three classification of forest.
Q.How many groups are there of Tropical Hardwood forest?
Ans : There are two groups of Tropical Hardwood forest.
Q.What is meant by Tropical evergreen forest?
Ans : All the trees of these forests do not shed their leaves at the same time. Hence the forests always appear green. That is why ,such forests are known as evergreen forests.
Q.What is meant by Tropical Deciduous forests?
Ans: These forests are also known as monsoon forests because they are common in the monsoon found in India Myanmar, south China, East Brazil and central parts of America.
Q.What is meant by Mountain Forests?
Ans: The temperate softwood forests are found in southern slopes of the Himalayas and are commonly known as mountain forests.
Q.Why are the Tropical Rain Forests known as evergreen forests?
Ans: Tropical Rain forests known as evergreen forests because these forests are green almost the year.
Q.Write any three characteristic  features of the trees found in the Mediterranean forests?Ans: These forests are mainly located in regions around the Mediterranean forests.
Q.Write any three important measures for the forest?
Ans: a.Afforestation or large scale plantation of Trees
b.Each one plant one’ policy.
c.Discouraging shifting cultivation which Causes forest loss.
Q.What is the name of kookabura  ?
Ans:Kookabura  is known as Laughing jackass.
Q. Explain the importance of wildlife?
Ans: wildlife play an important role in ecological balance our environment wildlife strike a balance in the various natural process such as food claim or food web.
Q.What is National Park?
Ans: A national park is well-defined area for the protection of wildlife.
Q.What is wildlife sanctuary ?
Ans: A declared protected area in which human activities are permitted. Hunting of animals and cutting of trees are banned.
Q.Where is located Chinnar wildlife sanctuary?
Ans: Kerala is located Chinnar wildlife sanctuary.
Q.Where is located Siberian cranes bird sanctuary?
Ans: Bharatpur is located Siberian cranes bird sanctuary.
Q.When was the ban of wildlife poaching?
Ans: In India wildlife protection act 1972 prohibits poaching hunting and trade of wildlife.
Q.What is evergreen forests?
Ans: A forest in which most trees do not shed all their leaves at one time .
Q.Name some wild animals of desert?
Ans: Name of these Llamas, lizard, snakes, Oakland insects.
Q.How many types are there of deserts? Write the names?
Ans : There are two types  of deserts.
Those are a.Hot deserts b. cold desert.
A Tick the correct option.
1.Which term is used for the plant community which grows without human interference?(a) Plantation
(b) Natural vegetation  (b)
(c) Agriculture
(d) Gardening
2.Which vegetation grows in hot and humid regions of the world?
(a) Tropical Evergreen Forests (a)
(b) Tropical Deciduous Forests
(c) Mediterranean Forests
(d) Temperate softwood Forests
3.The most common trees of Tropical Deciduous Forests are
(a) Ebony and mahogany
(b) Sal and teak            (b)
(c) Cork and olive
(d) Oak and chestnut
4.Trees of Mediterranean forests are have
(a) Board leaves
(b) Needle shaped leaves
(c) Spiny and waxy leaves (c)
(d) Small size leaves          
5.Thee area under forests is depleting due to
(a) Natural calamity
(b) Human interference              (b)
(c) Climatic change
(d) Water shortage

B. Fill in the blanks.
1.The assemblage of plant species in an environment is known as natural vegetation.            2.Temperature and rainfall are two important factors for the plant growth.
3.Humus helps to maintain  fertility the soil.
4.Hardwood trees have broad leaves to permit transpiration of surplus moisture.
5.Teak is the commercially important tree of the Tropical Deciduous forests.
C.Write a technical term or an appropriate word for each of the following statements.
1.The forests which do not shed all their leaves at the same time.
Ans : Tropical evergreen forests.
2.In this  forest, summers are dry and moderate rain falls in winter.
Ans : Mediterranean forests.
3. Conical  shaped trees are common in these forests.
Ans : coniferous forests.
4.The act or process of creating new forests by planting saplings.
Ans : afforestation .                                                        
5.The temperate softwood forests found in the southern slopes of Himalayas.
Ans: mountain forests.
D. Answer the following questions in brief.
Q.1.Why are Tropical Rain Forests known as evergreen forests?
Ans : Tropical Rain forests known as evergreen forests because these forests are green almost year.
Q.2.Why do the Tropical Deciduous Forests shed their leaves during the summer season? Name two such trees.
Ans : Tropical Deciduous Forests shed their leaves in summer season because the area of Tropical Deciduous Forests ,there is 100 cm Rainfall only.
Q.4.Distinguish between a National park and wildlife sanctuary?
Ans : National park
a. A national park is a well-defined area for the protection of wildlife & biodiversity.
b. National park contains of lion 
Wildlife sanctuary
a.It is a declared protected in which limited human activities are permitted.
b.Wildlife sanctuary contains both animals and birds.
Q.5.Suggest any three measures for the protection of the forest?
E. Answer the following questions.       
Q.1 What is meant for natural vegetation ? How do temperature and rainfall affect its distribution? Explain with examples.
Ans : Temperature and Rainfall are two important factors for the growth of plants.
Q.2.Highlight any five points of distinction between Tropical Deciduous Forests and Coniferous Forests.
Ans :Tropical Deciduous Forests
a.These Forests are also known as monsoon forests .
b.Here is rainfall be 100- 200cm.
c.Trees are 30 - 40m long.
d.Found in African countries like Australia.
e. Common trees seal, teak
Coniferous Forests
a.These forests are commonly known as Tropical softwood forests.
b.Here is rainfall between 80- 100cm.
c.Trees are 10-20m long .
d.Found in Himalayas
e.Common trees are pine deodar tree.
Q.3.‘Forests  are essential for maintaining an ecological balance .’ justify the statement with suitable arguments.
Ans : Forests  are essential for our survival.
Forests are essential for maintaining an ecological balance .
Forests provides habitat to different plants and animals … 
They help to prevent to soil erosion and decay of plants or its parts replenish the soil with nutrients. 
They maintain a proper balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the environment.
Forests are must for maintaining of mineral & soil.
Q.4.Explain the importance of wild life?
Ans : Wildlife includes non - domesticated animals,such as birds,fishes and animals,which make forests as their natural habitat.
a.It is the most important part of the natural ecosystem.
b.Wildlife is important for its aesthetic values ​​and ecological balance.The beauty of wild animal boosts tourism and creates jobs for the people. 
c.Animals' behavior changes at the time of natural disasters like tsunami and earthquake.If this information can be harnessed for imparting earl warning system, then life of lots of people can be saved.
d.Dead and decaying plants and animals also produce humus, which is helpful to maintain the fertility of the soil.   
Q.5.How are human beings responsible for the depleting of vegetation and wildlife?
Ans: Human beings are responsible for the depleting of vegetation & wildlife  for the following reason.Wild animals are hunted for various purposes like meat, skin, horns, etc.This disturbs the ecological balance of the environment.Many birds have become extinct and many others are on the verge of extinction.
Our forests are treasure trove of biodiversity.They harbor millions of species of animals.Our wildlife suffers severely duet deforestation and urbanisation.
We hunt the wild animals for various purposes like meat,skin and horns and others.
Greed we used to make paper out of wood pulp and also furniture from wood we are cutting forests very fast.. 
We used for building and cleared forests for maintaining of mineral & soil.
Q.What are the measures to be accepted to preserve the forests?
Our forests are treasure trove of biodiversity.They harbor millions of species of animals.Our wildlife suffers severely duet deforestation and urbanisation.Many animals have become extinct because they natural homes are destroyed.These are necessary to save forest.  
a.Efficient utilization of forest products and usage of substitutes of wood.
b.Enforcement of a number of laws / guidelines to protect forests and prohibit deforestation c.Discouraging shifting cultivation which causes forest loss,
Q.What is the Wild Life meant for important ?
Ans.a.Wildlife includes non - domesticated animals, such as birds, fishes and animals, which make forests as their natural habitat.
b.It is the most important part of the natural ecosystem.
c.Wildlife is very essential to maintain the ecological balance on the earth's surface Siberian cranes at Bharatpur Bird Sanctuary Chinnar Wildlife Sanctuary, Kerala Wildlife is important for its aesthetic values ​​and ecological balance.
d.The beauty of wild animal boosts tourism and creates jobs for the people.
e.Animals' behavior changes at the time of natural disasters like tsunami and earthquake.If this information can be harnessed for imparting earl warning system, then life of lots of people can be saved.
f.Dead and decaying plants and animals also produce humus, which is helpful to maintain the fertility of the soil in various parts of the world, 


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