Jaan Hain to Jahan Hai.Homiopath

Disclaimer / Note :
Doctor's Suggestions only.
My,experiences and writings are sheer based on only my cases studies and the suggestions, consultancy by the doctors only.
Readers are sternly advised to keep themselves in touch with their Doctors for their own problems.


Section : Common Disease : Thyroid 
for informational purpose only. Be in touch with your Doctors
Symptoms :  Fatigue, cold sensitivity, constipation, dry skin and unexpected weight gain.
Thyroid : in Initial Stage.
Dr : Dr. Manoj Srivastava.
Suggestion. Be always in a touch with a doctor. 
Homeopath Medicine.
a. Iodine 30
Dose : 4 drops in Morning. 
Thyrodinum 3x
Dose : Two tabs. Morning. Night 
Duration : Continue it for three months. It will be normal


Disease   :  Season Changes. Effects during
Beginning with Allergy. Sneezing. Cold. Mild Fever
for informational purpose only. Be in touch with your Doctors
Dr : Dr. Manoj Srivastava.
Homeopath Medicine.
a. Acconite 30.
b. Gelesemiun 30
Dose : Take it at alternately at  two hours
Duration : Continue it for 2 or three days.
Note : Be always in touch with your doctor.

Disease : Dengu.
for informational purpose only. Be in touch with your Doctors

Dr : Dr. Manoj Srivastava.
Homeopath Medicine.
a. Rhus tox 200 
Dose Morning.Night
b. Eupetorium perf 30
c. Belladona. 3x
Dose Alternate two hourly. Suppose u take Eupetotium at 6 a.m.then u suppose to take Belladona at 8.a.m.Again u should take Belladona 3x at 10 a.m. 
d. Carica papaya Q (Mother Tincture)
Dose 15 drops with warm water thrice daily for increasing platlete count.
Note : Be always touch in a doctor.


Disease : Viral Disease Corona.
Dr. Manoj Srivastava.
Case : As I more believe in Homeopath medicine so I consulted Dr. Manoj Srivastava. 
On being heard on telephone I was  advised below Homeopath Medicines are given by him. He assured me  with his cases that he had cured many patients with these symptoms.
a. Rhustox,200.
Dose : 5 to 6 drops Morning Night.
b. Ipecac,30. 
Dose : Alternate after 2 hours.
c. Belladona,3x. 
Dose : Alternate after 2 hours.
d. Cheledonium.Q.
Dose thrice times with lukewarm water.This I feel the best medicine which makes my liver too healthy and functioning.I recover very fast within three days.It simply works on my liver.
During this day I complained against gas to my doctor.
Medicines he suggested me the medicine was.
a. Carboveg.200. 
Dose morning Night.
b. Lycopodium.30.
Dose alternate after 2 hours.
c. Asafoetida 30.
Dose alternate after 2 hours.
During this breathing problem suggested medicines were as follows.
a. Arsenic.30. It is a too effective medicine in Covid Positive case. 
b. Ipecac.30.
Dose alternate after 2 hours.
Thank u all Doctors you gave time to me.You always remained on your call. 
And you can also contact him as he is available for caring you in such an extreme situation of Covid 19.The number of Homeo path Doctor is given in review too.  

Disclaimer / Note :
Doctor's Suggestions only.
My ,experiences and writings are sheer based on only my cases studies and the suggestions, consultancy by the doctors only.
Readers are sternly advised to keep themselves in touch with their Doctors for their own problems.


Section Skin.
Skin Disease : Varicose Veins.
Dr : Dr.Deonandan.

Varicose Veins

Case History.
Opinion 1.
Age 50.Female.
Disease : Hairs fall. Varicose Veins
Homeo Pathaic Drugs.
Suggestion. Be always in the touch of the Doctor.
Medicines :
Lycopodeum 1m
Dose : 4 drops in a week with an empty stomach.
Hamamelis Q.
Dose : 10 drops Morning, Evening with a half cup of water.
Pulsatilla 30
Dose : 4 drops thrice time in a day.
Duration : should be continued for 3 Months.

Dr. Dr.Manoj Srivastava.
Opinion 2.
Case History.
Age 50.Female.
Problems : Hairs fall. Varicose Veins
Homeo Pathaic Drugs.
Suggestion. Be always in the touch of the Doctor.
Medicines :
Thuja 1M Weekly at morning.
Dose : 4 to 5  drops in a week.
Arnica 30
Hamamelis 30
Dose : 4 drops Alternate at three hours.
Calc.flour 6x (Biochemic)
Dose : 4 tabs thrice daily
Duration : should be continued for 3 Months.

Disclaimer / Note :
Doctor's Suggestions only.
My ,experiences and writings are sheer based on only my cases studies and the suggestions, consultancy by the doctors only.
Readers are sternly advised to keep themselves in touch with their Doctors for their own problems.


Medicine for Women.
Case History No 1

Homeo Pathaic Drugs
Problems : for Irregular Mensuration Problem.
Dr.Manoj Srivastava.
Conditions : Weight gaining.Irregular period.If gap stands for two or three months.
Suggestion. Thyroid TSH Test.
Medicines : 
Dosage : 200 Morning.Night.
b.Cimicifuga 30.
Dosage : 10 a.m,1p.m.,4p.m
c.Jenieshia Ashoka Q.
Dosage : 15 Drops in Morning, Afternoon, Night after taking food.

Opinion 2.Dr.Deonandan.
Suggestive Homeo Pathaic Drugs
a.Mensfit. Homeopath 
Dosage : 15 drops daily. Morning Night twice time 
Duration : It will be continued for 6 months.It is a long term going medicine.
Archyranthus       Q.(Mother Tincture) 20%v/v
Gossypium          Q.(Mother Tincture) 18%v/v
Secale cornutum Q.(Mother Tincture) 18%v/v
Pulsatilla              Q.(Mother Tincture) 20%v/v
Apis melificia       Q.(Mother Tincture) 20%v/v
Alcohal                                                 65%
b.Pulsetila. Potency 200.
Dosage : 4 drops at morning at the interval of 2 days.
Duration : It will be continued for a long term.


Medicine for Men.
Case History No 2

Homeo Pathaic Drugs
Problems : For the slow and incomplete flow in Urinal Discharge at the age of 60 .
Dr : Dr.Manoj Srivastava.
Case History : 
a. Age 57.Weight 64 kg. Health normal. No BP. No Sugar
b.Insufficient flow of urinal discharge. Urinal discharge for at a short interval.
c.Patient has some doubt of enlargement of prostate gland.But no pain 
Suggestion : 
Medicines : 
a.Thuja oc.30.
Clematis erecta 30
Dose :  Alternate 3 hrly 4 drops 
b.Sebal serulata Q
Dose :  15drops with a half cup of water thrice times in a day 
c.Calc.flour 12x
Dosage : 5 tabs thrice time daily with warm water.

Opinion 2.Dr. Deonandan.
Problem : 
a. Age 57.Weight 64 kg. Health normal. No BP. No Sugar
b.Insufficient flow of urinal discharge. Urinal discharge for at a short interval.
c.Patient has some doubt of enlargement of prostate gland.But no pain 
Suggestive Homeo Pathaic Drugs
Medicine : a.Prostonum Drops.
Sabal serrulata             HPL 2x 20%v/v
Chimapala umbellata   HPL 3x 10%v/v
Clematis erecta            HPL 3x 10%v/v
Conium maculatum      HPL 3x 10%v/v
Pareira brava               HPL 3x 10%v/v
Pulsatilla nigricans       HPL 3x 10%v/v
Excipients q.s.
Alcohal content           60%v/v
Dose :  
Morning, Afternoon,Evening Night thrice times. 
Homeopath 10 -15 drops daily in a 1/4 cup of water.
Duration : It will be continued for 2 months. It is a long term going medicine.



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