6 Class.History.CW/HW.Chapter13.The Mauryan Dynasty.

6 Class.History.CW/HW.
Chapter13.The Mauryan Dynasty.
architecture : the art or science of designing and building a structure. 
dhamma : a Prakrit word for the Sanskrit term dharma. 
dynasty : a series of kings from the same family. 
edict : an official order or proclamation issued by a person in authority. 
espionage system : spies. 
welfare  state : a concept of government in which state plays a key role in the development, protee" and promotion of the socio-economic and cultural well being of the citizens.

Something To Know Tick () the correct option. 
1. The founder of Mauryan dynasty was- 
(a) Chandragupta Maurya 
(b) Ghananand 
(c) Kumara Gupta 
(d) Samudra Gupta 
2. Who wrote Arthoshastra? 
(a) Megasthenes 
(b) Harisena 
(c) Kautilya
(d) Aswaghosa 
3. The ambassador sent by Seleucus Nicator to the court of Chandragupta Maurya was 
(a) Fa-hien 
(b) itsing 
(c) Megasthenes 
(d) Bernier 
4 . The last Nanda ruler was- 
(a) Dhana Nanda 
(b) Maha Padmananda 
(c) Ghananand 
(d) Dayananda 
5. The Mauryan kings were assisted by- 
(a) Mantri 
(b) Mahamatra 
(c) Mantri Parishad 
(d) Adhyaksha 

B. Fill in the blanks. 
1. Alexander was the son of King -----of----
2. Chandragupta Maurya invaded Magadha with the help of -----
3. During Ashoka's rule -----was the main base of village economy.
4. The city administration during the Mauryan period was under -----
5. The Chinese traveller----was astonished to see the Mauryan Palace.

C. Match the following : 
1. Barabar a. Textile centre 
2. Odisha Rock edict 
3. Madurai C. Stupa Sahasrama d. Caves 
5. Sanchi e. Kalinga 
D. Answer the following questions in brief. 
1.Who was Seleucus Nicator? 
2. List the main sources of information about Mauryan dynasty. 
3. Which lake was built by Chandragupta Maurya and why? 
4. Name the languages in which Ashoka's teachings were engraved. 
5. What advice was given by Ashoka to his sons and grandsons? 
E. Answer the following questions. 
1. Describe the finest examples of the architecture of the Mauryan period. 
2. Explain the main features of Ashoka's Dhamma related to social and ethical code of conduct. 
3. What did Ashoka do for the welfare of his people? 
4. Describe briefly, the social and economic life of the people during the Mauryan period. 
5. How did the Kalinga War prove to be a turning point in the life of Ashoka?

Value Based Question 
Effects of Kalinga War on Ashoka 
The invasion of Kalinga was a big milestone in the history of Magadha (India). It had many consequences. It had incredible influence on the personal life and policy of Ashoka. The despair and casualty which he had inflicted upon the people of Kalinga filled his heart with deep sorrow and regret. The wails of the women, the tears of the children, the terrifying suffering of the dying men transformed his heart and mind, He found solace in Buddhism. As he was repenting his deeds, consequently he embraced Buddhism and took a vow of inculcating the virtues of the dhamma all over the world. King Ashoka left behind the policy of Digvijaya and adopted a policy of Dhamma-vijaya. 
There were significant changes in the state policy. Hence, it is said that Kalinga War ended the poliey of Magadha imperialism. A new policy of peace and non-violence began to be adopted in the realm of Inter: state relations. Thus, the thirsty tyrant became a lover of mankind and starrted preaching non-violence Relate this story with the Principles advocated by Mahatma Gandhi and try to establish the similarity between the two.
Map Skill 
Show the extent of Ashoka's empire and the places of famous edicts on the outline political map of India. 
Something To Do 
1. Write detalls of Sanchi Stupa and the Iron Pillar near Qutub Minar in Delhi with regard to their architectural glory. 
2. Collect the pictures of all the five types of architectural monuments and classify them under the heads. 
(i) Palaces 
(Ii) Stupas 
(iiI) Caves 
(iv) Pillars 
(v) Rock Edicts






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