VIII.Geography.Chapter1.Resources Utilisation and Development

Resources : Utilisation and Development.

Depletion : when quantity or number of something continuously reduces.
Deterioration : process of gradually becoming worse.
Irrigation : watering the land or crops through canals, tubewells, drip or sprinkle method, etc.
Navigation : movement of ships, boats, etc., from place to place through waterways.
Skill : ability to perform certain task with efficiency. 
Static : lacking in movement or not changing.

Insides questions/answers
What are the resources?
Ans: All the things on earth which are necessary for our existence on this planet, are known as Resources.
Where do the  pygmies live? What are things that pygmies eat?
Ans: Pygmies are live in Africa. Pygmies of eat edible plants, roots, flowers, fruits and hunt animals.
Name the two countries which generate wind energy more than India?
Ans: China and United States of America (USA) are the two countries which generate more energy than India.
Write the various factors for utilisation of Resources.
Ans : These are the various factors of resources
a.Availability of resources
b.Skill of human beings
c.Availability of capital
d.Availability of water
e.Advancement of technology (tools, machines, etc.)
f.Availability of transport and communication facilities, etc. 
Which is very developed country in the world?
Ans: USA is very developed country in the world.
What is sustainable development?
Ans: Sustainable development means development that takes place without damaging the environment. It meets the need of the present without compromising the needs of future generations.
Write the factors which sustainable development that is essential that we.
a.Use all renewable resources. Judiciously.
b.Minimise the depletion of natural resources.
c.Conserve the varied spices.
What do you mean by conservation?
Ans: Conservation means sustainable and optimum utilisation of resources.
Write the 5 R’s.
Ans : The five R’s i.e. reduce, reuse, recycle, refuse and rethink.

Textbook question/answers
A. Tick(√) the correct option.
1. Future generations will depend on solar energy because it is
(a) Biotic
(b) Man-made
(c) Inexhaustible
(d) Non-renewable
Ans: inexhaustible
2. Which can be following resources can be recycled?
(a) Gold
(b) Coal
(c) Land
(d) Natural gas
Ans: gold
3. All the abiotic resources include—
(a) Living beings
(b) Non-living things
(c) Inexhaustible resources
(d) Renewable resources
Ans: non-living things
4. Available resources which are not being tapped fully for the time being are called
(a) Actual resources
(b) Man-made resources
(c) Biotic resources
(d) Potential resources
Ans: potential resources
5. Which does not promote conservation of resources?
(a) Use resources more efficiently.
(b) Optimum utilisation of resources.
(c) Use as a much resources as required.
(d) Reduce wastage of resources.
Ans: use as much resources as required.

B. Fill in the blanks.
1. Renewable resources can be used again and again after processing.
2. On the basis of occurrence, resources are classified into two categories natural resources and man-made resources
3. With advancement of technology, availability of capital and skilled labour are necessary for resources utilisation.
4. Developed countries are economically self-sufficient and technologically advanced.
5. The actual resources need a detailed survey for estimating their quantity and quality.

C. Write a technical term or an appropriate word for each of the following statements.
1. Any material which is used to satisfy human needs.
Ans : Resources
2. Resources which cannot be renewed.
Ans : Non-renewable
3. Resources which are created by human beings.
Ans : Man-made
4. The resources which are surveyed and developed.
Ans : Actual resources
5. Sustainable and optimum utilisation of resources.
Ans : Conservation

D. Answer the following questions in brief.
Question 1.‘Utility and value of a resources vary from time to time and place to place.’ Give any three examples to support the statement.
Answer : Utility and value of a resources varies from time to time and place to place. 
a.Earlier human civilisation flourished along the river valley as they used for irrigating fields. b.Now, human beings are using water for generating energy, irrigation, navigation and industries, etc.
Question 2. Why are human beings considered the most important resources for development?
Answer : Human beings are considered the most important resources for our development because they utilise other resources and make use of it.
All resources just made for the human being and center around them.
Question 3.Different between biotic and abiotic resources.Give examples of each.
Ans: Biotic resources:- Resources which are obtained from biosphere and have life are known as Biotic resources. 
Ex- birds, animals, fish, etc.
Abiotic resources:- All non-living resources are known as abiotic resources. 
Ex- land, water, minerals, etc.
Question 4.Why is there a need for resource planning? Give any three reasons.
Ans: Resources planning are very necessary in following ways:-
(a) Resources are limited can be exhausted.
(b) Resources are unevenly distributed.
(c) Resources are the fuels reserved  for the future generation.
Question 5. Mention any six factors on which utilisation of resources depend.
Ans: Six factors on which utilisation of resources depend are:-
(a) Availability of resources
(b) Skill of human beings
(c) Availability of capital
(d) Availability of water
(e) Advancement of technology (tools, machines, etc.)
(f) Availability of transport and communication facilities, etc.
E. Answer the following questions.
1. ‘Human needs and wants are neither uniform in all parts of the world nor static over the years.’ Explain the statement giving suitable examples.
Ans: They generally grow and become complex the process of change in the society .In ancient times, emphasis was mainly given on satisfying the basic needs, such as food, clothing and shelter which was derived from the natural environment. Even today, the pygmies of Africa eat edible plants, roots, flowers, fruits, and hunts animals. In advanced societies, greater emphasis is laid on the utilisation of resources for satisfying the multifarious needs of human beings.
2. Distinguish between renewable and non-renewable resources.Which one of the two would you prefer to use and why?
Ans: Renewable resources : Resources, which can be renewable either naturally or by an human efforts is known as renewable resources. It is also known as inexhaustible resources. 
Ex- solar energy, air and water.
Non-renewable resources : Resources which take million of years to form or renew, are known as, non-renewable resources. It is also known as exhaustible resources. 
Ex- coal, petroleum, natural gas and other minerals.
I would always prefer renewable resources because:-
(a) It would not pollute air.
(b) It is not limited in amount.
(c) Energy obtained from renewable resources puts much less strain on the limited supply of fossil fuels,which are non-renewable resources.
3. What is meant by the sustainable development? Why is sustainable development the need of the hour?
Ans: Sustainable development is also known as socio-economic development.It means development that takes place without damaging the environment.
Sustainable development is the need of the hour because the resources are limited in their supply overuse of many valuable resources may led to the degradation deterioration in quality,for example soil, land and water resources.
4. Describe the various basis of classification of resources with the help of examples.
Ans: The various basis of classification of resources are:
(1) On the basis of Renewability
There are two classification on the basis of renewability:-
(a) Renewable resources– Resources, which can be renewed either naturally or by human efforts, are known as renewable resources. 
Ex- solar energy, air, water, etc.
(b) Non-renewable resources– Resources which take million of years to form or
renew, are known as non-renewable resources. 
Ex- coal, petroleum, natural gas.
(2) On the basis of origin
There are two classification on the basis of origin:-
(a) Biotic resources– Resources, which are obtained from biosphere and have life, are known as biotic resources. Ex-Birds, animals, fish, forests, etc.
(b) Abiotic resources– All non-living resources are known as abiotic resources. Ex- land, water, minerals etc.
(3) On the basis of occurrence
There are two classifications on the basis of occurrence:-
(a) Natural resources– Resources, which are available from nature in the form of water , minerals, forests , etc. are known as natural resources. Ex- water.
(b) Man-made resources– Resources, created by human beings to satisfy their needs are known as man-made resources. ex- roads.
(4) On the basis of development
There are two classification on the basis of development:-
(a) Potential resources– Available resources in a country, which are not fully tapped, are known as potential resources. Ex- petroleum
(b) Actual resources– The actual resources of a country are those which have been throughly surveyed and their quantities have been ascertained.


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