7 Class.Geography.CW/HW.Chapter2.The Earth and the Changes on it.

Chapter 2
7 Class. Geography.CW/HW.
Chapter2.The Earth and the Changes on it.
Something to know A.
Tick the correct option,
1. Which one of the following is not a human activity?  
(a) diverse land use 
(b) cleaning of forests 
(c) new human settlements 
(d) formation of mountains 
2. Which one is a continental glacier?  
(a) Siachin 
(b) Antarctica 
(c) Gangotri 
(d) Yamunotri 
3. Which of the following features are formed by a river?  
(a) 'V' shaped valley, meander and delta 
(b) 'U' shaped valley, meander and delta 
(c) l 'shaped valley, cliff and delta 
(d)' V 'shaped valley, meander and sand dunes 
4 Which  layer of the soil contains humus?   
(a) bed rock 
(b) weathered rock 
(c) sub soil 
(d) top soil 
5.Which soil type is capable of retaining moisture and becomes sticky when wet?  
(a) alluvial soil 
(b) black soll 
(c) red soll 
(d) tatarite soll 

B. Fill in the blanks.  
1. Organic matter when gets decomposed in the soil and converts it into dark colored material is called 
2  -----soll is found in a large part of our country, 
3. -----and -------valleys are formed at the youthful stage of a river.  
4. A-------is a steep sided rock facing the sea. 
5. ------ river and -------river form the largest delta of the world.  

C. Give a single term for each of the following statements 
1 Mounds of sand deposited by wind action in desert 
2. The process in which a gradual wearing and carrying away of soil partides takes place on the earth's surface, 
3 The process of layine down of  sediments corried by various owents of gradation 
4 A mass of movine ice down the slope.  
5 Removal of the top layer of soil 
D. Answer the following questions in brief 
1. Specify two differences between internal and external forces 
2. Name the various agents of Bradation 
3. Distinguish between transported and residual soll, 
4 How is a delta formed? 
5. Why is humus more rapidly in humid areas?  

E. Answer the following questions, 
1. Explain weatherine attention the factors that affect the rate of weathering and soll erosion 
2. Explain the formation of soll with the help of a labeled diagram. 
3. What are the major soil types found in India?  Give one important characteristic of each. 
4. Describe the journey of a river from its source to its mouth, 
5. Why is conservation of soll important?  Suggest three different ways of soil conservation 

Value Based Questions. 
Agriculture is the main source of livelihood in India.  It depends on the fertility of the soil.  When soil erodes  it makes the land less productive and lead to landslides, floods and destroys the habitat of micro organism. Wrong agricultural practices, deforestation for the expansion of agriculture, industrialization, construction  of roads and railway lines are some of reasons for this menace.  
What will be the after effects of this menace?  
In your opinion, which one of the reasons mentioned above is justified?

Map Skill 
Take an outline map of India.Locate and label the areas of major soil types on it attention the names of states of each soll type.

Something to do 
1. Complete the table by writing appropriate features in relevant columns 
Agents Running Water,Wind Action,Sea Waves,Moving Ice 
Features formed by Erosion 
Features formed by Deposition    
2. Collect  pictures of various features formed by various agents of gradation and weathering.  Paste these pictures in a scrap file.


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