Class6.Questions Bank

DAV Public School. Pre.Mid.Trm.19-20
F.M. - 50  Time 120 Minutes.
CLASS: VI  SUB.  - S.Sc.
HISTORY (17Marks)
A Fll in the following blanks:                                                       1x5 - 5
1._ wrote Abhigvan Shakuntalam.
2 .Jain literature was written in
3.The study of inscription is called 
4.Historians divide HISTORY into two parts namely - and
5._ literature consists of prose, plays, poetry etc.
B.  Answer the following questions:                                                 2x6=12
1.What is Prehistory?
2.Who wrote Arthshastra? 
3. Name the Chinese traveler who came to India.
4.What is Epigraphy.
5.In which language pitaka of Buddhists was written.
6.Name theGreekambassador who visited India in ancient times,
C.Answer the questions:                                                                    2x3=6
1.Why do stars look very small in the sky?
2.Write the names of four types of celestial bodies.
3.Name the planet's which are made up of solid rock material. 
D.Write the answer in one word of the following.     1x5=5
1.The heavenly body on which life exists,
2.The planet which does not have satellite.
3.The planet farthest from the sun.
4.The hottest planet.
5.A self glowing heavenly body. 
E.Draw the diagram of the solar system and name the each planet.
(6) CIVICS (16Marks)
F. Answer the following questions: 2x5=10
1.What do you mean by community life? 
2.Name the smallest unit of the community.
3.Name the harvest festivals of Punjab, Kerala andTamil Nadu.
4.Name the dances of Gujarat, Assam and Rajasthan.
5.What is Green Revolution?
G.Match the following:      4
1.Green Revolution a.  Oil seeds
2.White Revolution b.  Fishery
3Yellow Revolution c.  milk
4.Blue Revolution       d.  Food grains.
H.Give one word answer to the following:
a.Name the first school of a child.  1x2 = 2
b.Name the harvest festival of Tamilnadu.

Mid.Term.Examination 2019–2020
Class: Vl         Time : 3 Hrs
Subject – Social Studies.   F M : 80
General Instructions
a. All Questions are compulsory
b. Place the right question number against each answe
Section –A (History) (27 Marks)
A. Write the correct option   (5 Marks)
1.Which book was written by Kautilya?
 (a) Meghdoot (b) Arthshastra (c) Ramayana (d) Harashacharita
 2.Which was the period when art of writing was unknown?
  (a) Prehistory (b) Medieval history (c) Ancient history (d) Modern history
 3.When did man become a skilled tool maker?
 (a) Mesolithic age (b) Neolithic age (c) Palaeolithic age (c) Chalcolithic age
 4. Where was the first Indus Valley site discovered was?
 (a) Harappa (b) Mohen -jo-daro (c) Kalibangan (d) Lothal
 5. Mahatma Buddha was born in which Ganasanghas?
 (a) Lichchhavis (b) Kapilvastu (c) Virjis (d) Mallas
B. Attempt these questions in your answers very briefly                  (2x3=6 Marks)
1. Who were Kushans? By whom they were defeated?
2. What were the Janapadas and Mahajanpadas?
3. What is meant for Palaeolithic? Why the Stone Age is termed as Stone Age?  
C. Answer any two short typed questions.                                          (3x2= 6 Marks)
1. Write any two uses of fire in the Old Stone Age.
2. Which lake was built by Chandragupta Maurya and why?
3. Why did the early civilisations develop on the river banks?
4. Which were known as ‘Viharas’ and ‘Chaityas’in Buddhism?
D. Answer the following questions (Any two).                                (5x2=10 Marks
1. What were the beliefs of Neolithic man about life?
2. Why is Kanishka famous in ancient Indian history?
3. How did the invention of wheel help in the development of human civilisation?
4. What were the main features of Ashoka’s Dhamma in term of social and ethical code
Section- B (Geography) (27 Marks)
E. Fill in the blanks --                                                                (5 Marks
1. A ______represents the three - dimensional view of the earth.
2. ________ areas are shown by using while colour on maps.
3. ________ is the earth nearest planet to the Sun.
4. ________ always indicates the north direction.
5. The Greenwich passes through________ Royal Observatory.
F. Answer these following questions in brief. (Any three)    (3x3=9 Marks)
1. What are the limitations of a globe?
2. Which heat zone is most suitable for us to live and why?
3. What is 'Saptarishi  Mandal'?
4. Why do stars look very small in the sky?
G. Answer the following questions (Any two).      (5x2=10 Marks)
1. Write the features of the earth as a unique planet? Why it is known as a blue planet?
2. What is a scale? Why is it an important component of a map?
3. What are the effects of Rotation and Revolution of the earth?
4. Which are longitudes and latitudes? Distinguish between the Equator and Prime Meridian H. In an outline map of world locate these places.   (1x3=3 Marks)
1. Arctic Circle 2. Equator 3. Tropic of Capricorn
Section –C (Civics): (26 Marks)
I. Fill in the blank with correct option--                    (6 Marks)
1. White Revolution stands for ____________.
2. Education makes us a good __________.
3. Several families living close to one another form a _________.
4. The state which is known for Onam festival is_________.
5.  _________ dance is associated with Aasam.
6. _________ is known as ‘The Father of Green Revolution in India’.
J. Answer any two of the following questions in brief.    (2x2=4 Marks)
1. What values does our family inculcate in us?
2. Which are the two important goals of democracy?
3. Why democracy is better for us people?
K. Answer the following questions briefly.          (3x2=6 Marks)
1. How did the 'Community life' begin?
2. How does the people enjoy the right of Universal Adult Franchise?
L. Answer any two of the following questions        (5x2=10 Marks)
1. What are the advantages of the local self government?
2. Who were the Indian reformers that struggled against the social evils?
3. What were the differences between the rural and urban communities?



Post Mid Term Test.Session 20192020
Class: VI     Maximum Marks: 50
Subject: Social Science.   Time -- 80 Minutes
A. Tick ( √) the correct option -- ( 5 marks)
1. What is we call a huge cluster of billions of stars ?
a. asteroids.        b. meteors        c.  galaxy.       d.   univers
2. The planet which does not have any satellite is --
a.  Venus.           b.  Mars             c.  Neptune.    d.   Earth
3. The study of coins is known as --
a. Architecture.   b. Numismatic.   c.  Calligraphy   d.  Epigraphy
4. It is very essential to keep the environment--
a.  light and bright   b.  clean and green    c.   dry and wet   d.  hot and col
5. The granary was the main occupation of Aryans ?
a. Meat.                 b.   Straw.           c.   Cotton.       d.    Wheat
B. Fill in the blanks ---   5 marks )
1.  India is mainly a land of -----------
2.  As a part of the barter system ........... was used as a standard of value 
3.  The Great Bath had well - planned ............. system.
4.   ............. always indicates the north direction.
5.  Jain literature was written in .......... language.
C. Match the following .. ( 5 marks )
1. Head of solar system      a  Later Vedic Period
2. Epic Age                          b. God of Thunder
3. Indra                                c.  Sun
4. Shudras.                          d.  Labourers
5. Red Planet.                      e.  Mars
D State True or False for the following statements .. ( 5 marks )
1.The cities were well - planned in the Harappan Culture.               ............
2. The Citadel was considered the central past of the city .             ............
3. Pottery was not a popular industry in Harappan Culture.           .............
4. People of Indus Valley worshipped the neem tree .                     .............
5. Mohan - jo - daro was rebuild nine times at the same site.         ............
E. Answer the following questions--     ( any five ).  ( 5×2=10 )
1. Which two basic points on the earth serve as the reference points ?
2. What is meant by the revolution of the earth ?
3. What was the status of Magadh under the Nandas ?
4. What advice was given by Ashoka to his sons and grandsons ?
5. Who was the most important king of the Pandya Dynasty ?
6. Where did Menander establish his rule in India ?
7. What is the most positive attitude in a conflicting situation?
F. Answer the following questions ----. ( Any five ) ( 5×3=15)
1.Explain any three functions of the Gram Panchayat 
2.What were the religious beliefs of the Pallav as ?
3.State the condition of society during Harsha's rule
4.How was trade carried on in the Gupta period ?
5.Why does the month of February have 29 days , after every four years ? Explain.
6.Which heat zone is most suitable for us to live and why ?
G.On the map of India , locate the important cities .....    ( 5 marks)
a.   Varanasi.     b.   Nalanda.      c.   Thanesar       d.    Kalinga.      e.    Rashtrakutas   rule .


Annual Examination 2018–2019
Class: Vl       Time : 3 Hrs
Subject – Social Studies.   FM : 80
General Instructions
a. All Questions are compulsory.
b. Place the right question number against each answer.                                                             
A. Tick the correct option:
1.  The founder of Mauryan dynasty was –
a.Chandragupta Maurya         b.Ghananand
c. Kumar Gupta                       d.Samundra Gupta
2.The Sangams during the Pandyas ruler were held at –
a.Tanjore                                  b.Madurai
c. Cochin                                  d.Vanchi
3.The oldest religion of the world is-
a.Buddhism                               b.Hinduism
c.Judaism                                  d. Jainism
B. Answer the following questions
1.What is a Synagogue?
2. What did the Chinese learn from India?
3. Why was Nalanda University famous?
4. Who established the Gupta empire and when?
5. Name any two holy books of Hinduism.
C. Answer any three of the following question:
1. What were Mahajanpadas? Name any four of them?
2. Name the four Vedas?
3. Why the early civilization develop on the river bank?
4. State any two uses of fire in the old stone age.
D. Answer any one of the following questions:
1. Explain the Verna system. What change did it undergo during Later Vedic Period?
2. How did the Arabs become a link in our trade with the west?
E. Locate and label the following ancient kingdoms on an outline map of India.
(a) Kalinga
(b) Cheras
(c) Chalukyas
F. Fill in the blanks:
1. ……………… is the important tree of Mangrove forest.
2.Indira point is located at ………………. Latitude.
3. An ocean named after India is the ………………
4. An upland with rugged surface is called ……………..
5. The time of sunrise is called ……………
6. The distance between the two lines of latitudes is always ………………
G. Answer the following questions:
1.What is ‘Saptarishi Mandal’?
2.What are the limitations of globe?
3.Why does the Torrid Zone have the maximum temperature?
4.Why is the Earth known as a ‘unique planet’?
5.Name the newly formed 29th State of India. When was it formed?
H. Answer any two of the following questions
1.Why do we need to conserve our natural vegetation
2.Name three major landforms on the land surface?
3.What is a leap year?
I. Answer any one of the following questions:
1.Where is the Sundarban Delta? How does it look? Describe its main features.
2.Highlight two main features of the retreating monsoon.
J. On an outline map of India, locate and label the following –
(a) Arabian Sea
(b) Northern Plains
(c)  The Himalayas
K.Tick the correct option:
1.The smallest unit of community life is –
a. A village           b. A family           c. School              d. A child
L. Answer the following question:
1.What values does our family inculcate in us?
M. Answer any four of the following questions:
1.Name any three committees of a Municipal Corporation and their main functions.
2.Explain any three functions of Gram Panchayat.
3. What is the outcome of tolerance and self discipline?
4. How does school help in our development?
5.Name the main factors responsible for Green Revolution in India?
N.Answer any one of the following questions:
1.Describe any five main functions of Municipal Corporation
2.Why did India opt for representative democracy? Explain


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