6.Chapter4.Geography.Motion of the Earth

Chapter-4 Geography.
Motion of the Earth.
Axis : A line that joins the north and south pole about which the earth rotates.
Inclination : Degree of sloping
Vertical : the rays which fall directly overhead. It covers minimum distance in the atmosphere.
Test Book Questions/Answers 
A. Tick (     ) the correct option
1.On 22nd December, the sun rays are vertical at the-
(a) Tropic of Cancer                                                     (b) Tropic of Capricorn
(c) Equator                                                                  (d) Arctic Circle
2. Which statement about a leap year is incorrect?
(a) it has 366 days in a year                                         (b) one extra day is added to February
(c) February has 28 days                                             (d) it comes in every fourth year
3. If there is noon on one side of the earth, the opposite side will have-
(a) morning                                                                 (b) evening
(c) mid-night                                                               (d) twilight
4. On 23rd September, mid-day sun is overhead at the-
(a) Equator                                                                  (b) Tropic of Cancer
(c) Tropic of Capricorn                                              (d) Antarctic Circle
5. The angle of the sun rays on 21st June on the tropic of cancer is-
(a) 66½ ̊                                                                      (b) 90 ̊
(c) 23½ ̊                                                                      (d) 50 ̊
B. Fill in the blanks.
1. The earth revolves around the sun on a fixed path called the orbit.
2. The angle of inclination of the earth’s axis is 23½ ̊ with is orbital plane.
3. Two motions of the earth are rotation and revolution.
4. The time period immediate before the sunrise is called dawn.
5. The earth completes one revolution around the sun in 365 days and 6 hours.
C. Match the following:
1. The duration of the day and night is equal in both the hemispheres on e.23rd Sept and
21st March 
2. The Arctic Circle has six-month long days in b. on 21st June and 22nd December 
3. The Tropic of Capricorn is located in   a. southern hemisphere           
4. The rays of the sun are vertical on Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn.c. summer
5. Spring equinox is also called  d.vernal equinox 
D. Answer the following questions in brief.
1. What is rotation? How much time does the earth take in completing one rotation?
Ans- The revolving of the earth around its own axis is known as rotation. It takes 24 hours to rotate around its own axis.
2. What is meant by the revolution of the earth?
Ans- The movement of the earth around the orbit of the sun is known as revolution.
3. What is a leap year?
Ans- The year in which there are 366 days an extra day is added to February to make it 29    because a year is 365 days and 6 hours and every four years it makes an extra day which is added to February.
4. What is an equinox? Which seasons are indicated by it in both the hemispheres?
Ans- When both the hemispheres receive the same amount of heat it is known as equinox. Summer is indicated in one of the hemispheres while the other experiences winter.
5. Why does the duration of the day and night change in a year?
Ans- The duration of day and night changes in a year because the earth’s axis is tilted in a 23½ ̊ angle so the north hemisphere and the south hemisphere Change potions and are not vertically facing the sun except on an equinox.
E. Answer the following questions.
1. Why are the days and nights equal on 21st March at all places on the earth? Explain.
Ans- It is because the rays of the sun fall vertically on the Equator and the earth is on a zero-degree angle so, the day and night are even. The time is 12 hours of day and night throughout the places.
2. Explain with the help of a diagram, why seasons are reversed between Northern and Southern Hemispheres.
Ans- It is because of the tilt of the axis of the earth so, when the angle of the position of the hemispheres change, they receive different amount of sunlight. This makes the seasons change in both the hemispheres. When one hemisphere receives less light, the days are shorter this makes it winter there while the other hemisphere receives more light to make it summer.
3. Why does the month of February have 29 days, after every four years? Explain.
Ans- A year is not exactly 365 days it is 365 days and 6 hours. These extra hours are not counted and after every four years (6+6+6+6) it becomes 24 hours which is a day, which is added to February to make it 29 days and 366 days in a year. This is why after every four years February has 29 days which is also known as leap year.
4. How do day and night occur on the earth? Explain with the help of a diagram.
Ans- Day and night occur because the earth rotates around its own axis once every 24 hours, thus a day. During each rotation the part of the earth facing the sun receives the light from the sun, and this is called day. The side facing away from the sun is cast in shadow and this is called night.
Inside Questions/Answers
1. How much is the axis of the earth tilted?
Ans- The earth’s axis is tilted on an axis of 23½ ̊
2. How much of an angle does the axis of the earth on an orbital plane create?
Ans- The axis creates an angle of 66½ ̊ on an orbital plane.
3. What is the time period before sunrise called?
Ans- The time period before the sunrise is called dawn.
4. What is the time period before the sunset called?
Ans- The time period before the sunset is called dusk.
5. On what day is the sun the closest to the earth and by how close is it in km?
Ans- on 4th January it is the closest and about 147.5 million km away from earth.
6. On what day is the sun the farthest from the earth and how far it is in km?
Ans- On 4th July the sun is the farthest and about 152.6 million km away from the earth.
7. What is the tilt of the axis of the earth called?
Ans- The tilt of the axis of the earth is known as inclination of the earth’s axis.
8. How many months does each pole have light?
Ans- The north pole has light for 6 months while the south pole is in complete darkness and vice versa.

Home Assignment for this Chapter 4.
a.Reading of the Chapter carefully.
b.Write the glossary and word and learn them.
c.Frame the inside Questions/Answers,and remember them.
d.Do answer the objectives of the given exercise.
e.Write and learn the detailed Questions/Answers.
Submission of Home Assignment 


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