6.Chapter11.History.The Iron Age Civilisation

Chapter -11.History. 
The Iron Age Civilisation
A.Tick the correct option
1. The oldest veda is
Ans - Rigveda
2. What was the main occupation of Aryans?
Ans - Agriculture
3. The chief god during the Early Vedic Civilisation was
Ans - Indra
4.The supreme god worshipped during the Greek civilisation was
Ans - Zeus
5.Who calculated the circumference of the earth?
Ans - The Greeks

B.Fill in the blanks
1. The word Veda means Knowledge .
2. As a part of the barter system currency  was used as a standard of value.
3.The Early Vedic Period is also known as Epic Age  Period.
4.In the Later Vedic Period, varna system became hereditary .
5. During Sanyas Ashram,a man lived a life of  complete detachment.

C. Match the following.
1.Epic Age - Later Vedic period
2.Shudras - Labourers
3.Senani - Commander of Army
4.Grihapati - Head of the family
5.Indra - God of Thunder

D.Answer the following questions in brief.
1.What were the main invention of Greek Civillization?
Ans  The main inventions of Greek Civillization are as follows —
a.Calculated the circumferenceof the earth. 
b.Drew map of the world. 
c.Olympic game
2.Name the gods that were worshipped by Romans.
Ans The god worshipeed by Romans were as given below. 
a. Goddes Vesta, Venus 
b. God jupiter, Mars,Mercury,Juno.
3.Name the four Vedas.
Ans The four Vedas are 
a.Rigveda,b.Samaveda, c.Yajurveda,and Atharvaveda.
4.Give any two examples to prove that Vedic Civillization was quite advanced.
Ans These are the two examples to prove about the Vedic Civilsation.
(a) The Aryans knew the use iron.They used it for making stronger tools and weapons.
(b) Iron weapons like spearhead ,swords and shield helped them  in conquering new territories.
5.Mention the main occupation of the people of Iranian Civilisation ?
Ans - The Aryans occupied these occupations as a. trading , b.ship building, c.crafts-silk weaving , d.pottery , e.metal work , f.gem cutting.These  were the main occupations of the people in Iranian Civilization that were accepted by the Aryans.  

E.2.What was the condition of women in the Early Vedic Period.
Ans - Women were held in great respect.They were educated.Women,like Apala and Gosha, even composed hymns.
The participation of wife was essential in all the religious ceremonies.
In the Later Vedic Period  the status of women declined.
3. Explain the Varna system. What change did it undergo during Later Vedic Period?

Ans -Varna System The society was divided into four Varnas (caste) namely,
a.Brahmins,b.Kshatriya,c.Vaishyas and Shudras. 
Brahmins looked after the religious matter and 
Kshatriya protected the people from internal and external hard. 
The Vaishyas were the cultivators and Craftsmen. 
The Shudras were the labourers who served the above three classes. 
Changes In the Later Vadic Period, the Varna system because hereditary and very rigid. No one could change the occupation or the varana
4.List the achievement of Aryan in the field of Science and Mathematics.
Ans- The achievement in the field of science of mathematics is as follows.It includes Arithematics,Geometry and Algebra. 
The Vedic people had the knowledge of “zero”, which helped them to calculate large numbers. 
They also knew the decimal system,cube, cube root,square root,under root, etc. 
Astronomy was the favorite subject of Aryans.
They studied the movement of  heavenly bodies.They knew about the movement of the earth moving on its axis,around the sun. And the movement of moon stays around the earth,it was known to the Aryans. 
The Aryans could foretell solar and lunar eclipses

5.List the occupations of the Aryans. 
Ans - a.Agriculture was the main occupation of the people.They used ploughs which were pulled by oxen.During this period, people irrigated their fields with water from the wells, canals and lakes.They grew wheat, barley, rice, beans, etc., and domesticated animals like cows, bulls, sheep, goats and dogs.  
b.Weaving,Pottery and Jwellery making The Aryans also introduced horses in India which were brought from Central Asia.The discovery of iron had provided stronger tools, like ploughs, sickles, shovels, spades, axes, saws, nails and tongs, which helped in a variety of other crafts like pottery, weaving, carpentry, jewellery making, etc.  
c.Trading The Aryans were expert traders.Trade was mainly carried on land.  
Barter System They used coins, in the Later Vedic Period,like Nishka, Shatamana and Krishnala.  
Cow They used cow as the  barter system as a standard of value religion. 


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