7.Chapter17.History.Major Religions

Chapter 17.History.
Questions /Answers.

Dargah : Grave of a muslim saint.
Khalifa : head of the Muslim world.
Mystics : those who believe in abstract spirituals truths.
Nirankar Brahma : god is formless.
Omnipotent : having absolute power.
Omnipresent : present everywhere at the same time.

A.Tick the correct option.
1.Who among the following was not a sufi saint? Kabir 
2.In which religion piligrimage to “haj” is practiced?Islam
3.The Bhakti Movement originated in? South India
4..Bhakti saints did not oppose Communical harmony
5.Who constructed the Akal Takht near Golden Temple? Guru Gobid Singh

B. Fill in the blanks.
1.The founder of Islam Prophet Mohammad was born in Mecca in 579 ce
2.Sikhism is based on guru-shisya tradition.
3.Gurudwara hariminder sahib is situated in Amritsar.
4.Ramananda took ideas of Bhakti to the north.
5.Alvars worshipped Lord Vishnu and nayanars worshipped Lord shiva 

C. Match the following.
1.Adi-granth      Sikhism
2.Bhakti movement   Hindu-Muslim unity
3.Sheikh Salim Chisti    Sufism 
4.Kabir  Medievel period 
5.The Quran  Islam
D.Answer the following questions in brief.
1.How did the city of Amritsar take its name? 
Who constructed Gurudwara Harmindar sahib?
Ans Guru Ram Das dug the holy tank known as Amritsar.The city of Amritsar takes its name from it.Guru Arjun Dev constructed Gurudwara Harmindar sahib.
2.When did prophet Mohammad attain revelation and how?
Ans At the age of forty, he got the light of wisdom (revelation) while meditating in a cave near mecca and declared himself the prophet of Allah.
3.What was the way to realize god according to Guru Nanak?
Ans He propagated that to be one with god; one has to egoless and denounce lust for worldly pleasures. He believed in selfless and honest service to humanity
4.Give the meaning of Bhakti and name four prominent Bhakti saints.
Ans The four prominent Bhakti saints are Ramanand, kabir , Ravidas , nanak
State the practices of Sufis which are similar to Hinduism or Buddhism.
Some of the practices among the Sufis were similar to Hinduism or Buddhism, e.g. penance, fasting, pranayam, good deeds and belief in equality among all, without any distinction of color, caste or creed.
E. Answer the following questions
1.Explain the teachings of Islam with special reference to its principles.
Ans a.Prophet Mohammad preached that Allah punishes us for the bad deeds and rewards us for good deeds.
b.He also propagated the concept of equality.The Quran says that to regulate one’s life as a true Muslim, a person has to observe the following five principal in his life
c.He should always proclaim oneness of god, i.e. Allah and Mohammad as his prophet on this earth.
d.Every Muslim should offer prayers five times daily, and on Friday afternoon in a mosque, with others.
e.One should give alms to the poor.
f.Every Muslim should keep fast during the holy month of ramzan from dawn to dusk.
g.One should, if possible, go to ‘haj’ to mecca at least once in his lifetime.
2. Mention the features of islam with special reference to its principal.
Ans a.Prophet Mohhamad preached that allah punishes us for bad deeds and rewards us for good deeds 
b.he also propagated the concept of equality
c.Quran, written in Arabic, provides the Muslim believers with everything that they need to lead a good and pious life.
4.State the importance of Bhakti movement in reforming and uniting the Indian society?
Ans a.All over India, the Bhakti saints used local languages to preach their message.
b.They discarded rituals and sacrifices to create oneness with god.
c.Bhakti saints opposed the caste system, superstitious and narrow mindedness.
d.Kabir and Nanak strongly  preached Hindu-Muslim unity
5. Enlist the similarities between Islam and Sikhism.
Ans There are many similarities between the Islam and Sikhism
a.Both of them have a believe in unity of god with different names Ram, Rahim and Allah.
b.Both the religion believes that we are punished for bad deeds and rewarded for good deeds.
c.Both of them propagate in the concept of equality be the believers of Sikhism and Islam need to lead a good and pious life.
Inside Questions Answers
Who was the founder of Islam? 
Prophet Mohammad 
Who was the first adult to embrace islam?
Abu bakr
Where and when Prophet Mohammad born?
Mecca in 570 CE
In which language Quran was written?
What was the greatest contribution of Muhammad?
He united the scattered Arab empire under one faith
What is the two main sect’s conflict among the successors?
Sunni and Sunni
Who was the first guru of Sikhs
Guru Nanak
When guru nanak was born?
Sikhism is based on which tradition?
What is the sacred scripture of Sikhs?
Adi Granth
When and when Guru Nanak passed away?
In 1539 at kartarpur
In which script did guru angad collected the hymns of guru nanak?
Who dug the holy tank Amritsar?
Guru Ram Das
Which Gurudwara was constructed in the centre of the tank?
Harimindar ( Golden temple )
Who was the last guru of Sikhs?
Guru Gobind Singh
What are the symbols of Sikhism?
Kesh , Kangha , Kaccha and Kirpan
From where and when Bhakti movement was started?
South (Tamil region) during seventh and eighth century
During Bhakti movement what was the two casts?
Alvars and Nayanars
Who took the ideas of bhakti to north?
Sufism was inspired by which book?
By what name teachers and disciples are known as?
Pirs and Murid
Where pirs lived?


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