7.Chapter14.History.Regional power

Chapter 14.History.
Regional Power
A.Tick the correct option 
1 Who among the following visitor has written in praise of Vijaynagar Empire? Paes
2 who constructed Kriti Stambh at Chittor ? Rana kumbha
3 The City of vijaynagar was located on the bank of river   Tangabhadra
4 Identify the Bahmani king who was a good calligraphist and an accomplished linguist Firoz Shah
5 Sayana was a great Sansrit  scholar

B.Fill in the blank
1 Bukka Succeeded Harihar
2 Vijaynagar rulers were involved in a battle with Bahamni kingdom
3 Firoz shah Bahamani ruled from 1397 to 1422
4 Rana sanga was one of the most famous rulers of Mulkar 
5 Zainul Abidin adopted a policy of Religious trader towards Hindus.

C.State true and false for the following statement 
1 The Bahmani and Vijaynagar Kindoms maintainted friendly with each others. False
2 The name ‘Assam’ is derived from Ahom. True 
3 The Bahmani Kingdom was founded by Mahmud Gawan. False 
4 Rao Bika founded the city of Bikaner. True
5 Zain Abindin reimposed jazia on Hindus. False

D. Answer the following question in brief
1.Name the main centres of education during Vijayaynagar Empire
Ans Temple and Mathas
2.Mention the classes into which the society was divided in vijaynagar empire
ans. The nobles high official and big traders  the middle class the commoner
3 what was firoz shah famous for?
ans. Firoz shah was famous his observation in Daubthad
4 who built kriti stamba at chitor?
Ans Rana kumbha  built kriti stamba at chitor 
5 why did Rana kumbha become popular?
Ans Rana kumbha become popular by his architecture kumbhasvami and Adivarsha , temple of chitor and the shantinath jain temple

1 Describe the development of art and architecture under the Vijaynagar ruler
Ans The devolpment of art and architecture during vijaynagar rule was remarkable vijaynagar had many beautiful palaces and temples large pillar hall (kalian mandap)and very high gateway are the silent features of three temples.life size status of king and queen are the finest ex of their art and scripture
2 .List the achievements of Muhmud Gawan as prime minister of Bahamni kingdom?
Ans a.Mahmud Gawan was the prime minister but in reality he controlled entire administration
b.The salaries and perks were fixed for each nobles
c.Gawan built a great madrasa or collage in Bidar
d.The building was beautifully decorated with titles. It could accommodates one thousand students and teachers.
3 What were the main achievements of Rana Kumbha of Mewar?
a.He was a very brave general and out standing rular
b.He had builts 32 forts for the defence rular of mewar and contructed magnificient kriti stambh to celebrate his victory over mewar
c.He was a linguist,author, architect and veena player
4. Describe the various achievements of zainul Abidin the ruler of Kashmir
Ans a.He adopted policy of religion tolerance towards hindus
b.Abidin issued copper and silver coins
c.Al-ul-khalji, he introduced control on market prices
d.He encougraged craft like shavel carpet weaving, stone cutting .
5.List the administration reform that brought glory to the Vijaynagar empire?
Ans a.Vijaynagar kingdom was established by two brothers Harihar and Bukka with the assistance of their three brothers , so It has a powerful administration
b.They have group of eight abbarated intellectuals known as Astha Diggai
c.They ruled with the help of council, which included eminet nobles
d.There was a well oraganised revenue system that was source of state income
e.The motto of vijaynagar kingwas to protect goods and pinish the wicked

Inside Question
1.When was the weakening of Delhi Sultanate had  start?
Ans From the time of Muhammad –bin – Tuglaq
2 Name the two who was founded Vijaynagar Kingdom?
Ans Hrihar and Bukka
3 Vidayanagar or Vijaynagar are situated which bank of the river
Ans  Tungabhadra  
4 which year Bukka  succeeded his brother Harihar?
Ans 1356 CE
5 Name the famous ruler of vijaynagar empire
Ans Devaraya-l and Devaraya –ll
6 Name the last famous ruler of vijaynagar empire ?
Ans   Krishnadevaraya
7 Krishnadevaraya  belonged to which dynasty?
Ans  Tuluv dynasty
8 What is a group of eight celebrated intellectuals called ?
Ans Ashta Diggaj
9 Name the title Hasan Gangu took?
Ans Alauddin Hasan Bahman shah
10 Name the kingdom divided by Hasan Gangu?
Ans Gulbarga,  Daulatabad, Berar and Bidar
11.Who was the chief minister of Krishna Devarya?
      Ans :Tenali Raman was the chief minister of Krishna Devarya?
     12.Name three classes which was divided in the society?
           Ans (a)The nobles and high officials:
(b)Big traders and the middle class.
(c)The commonness.
13.Who was the famous ruler of Vijyanagar empire?
Ans : Devarya I and Devarya II.
14.Who was last ruler of Vijyanagar empire?
Ans : Krishnadevarya.
15.Name the two sons of SangamwhofoundedVijyanagar kingdom?
Ans : Harihar and Bukka.
16.What is meant by Astha Diggaj?
Ans :  Krishnadevarya had a group of 8 celebrated intellectuals known as asthadiggaj.
17.What were the mottos of Vijaynagar kings?
Ans : Protect the good and punished the wicked.
18.What was the mainly imported in temple and matthas which were given grants by the   king ?
      Ans : Education.
     19.Who was the most famous ruler of Bahamani kingdom
Ans : Firoz Shah Bahamani.
20.Who were the most famous ruler of mewar?
Ans : Rana Kumbha, Rana Sangram Singh, Maharana Pratap.
21.Who was an important king of Marwar?
Ans : Rao Jodha founder of Jodhpur
22.Who founded city Bikaner?
Ans : Rao Bika,founder city of Bikaner.
23.Name the famous fort at Jodhpur built by Rao Jodha?
Ans : Mehangarh.
24.Who established Muslim rule in Kashmir and ended the Hindu Rule?
Ans : Shah Mirza.
25.Who were the famous rulers of Kashmir
Ans : Sikandar Shah and Zainul Abidin.
26.Who was the grand son of Ahmad shah?
Ans : Humayun.
27.What is the another name of Humayun(according to his behaiviour.
Ans : Zalim Humayun.
28.Who was Hasan Gangu?
Ans : Hasan Gangu was an officer of Muhamad- bin- Tughlaq.
29.Which dynasty ruled for more than six hundred years?
Ans : Ahoms.
30.Who build the great Madarsa or College in Bidar?
     Ans : Mahmud Gawan.


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