7.Chapter9.History.Medieval Period


Chapter 9.History.
Medieval Period.
Glossary : Keywords.
Medieval  Pretaining to the medieval age.
Manuscript  Hand written records.
Sarais  Inns for travellers.
Scribe  A Persons who copied out documents.  

Something To Know :-
A.Tick the correct option.
1.The period from eight to eighteenth century CE in India is known as -Medieval Period
2.Prithviraj Raso was written by - Chand Bardai
3.Name the language in which Ain-i-Akbari was written -Persian
4.The significant achievement of the medival period was the popularity and availability of -Paper
5.Tahqiq-i-Hind is famous -Travel account

B.Match the following:-
1.Purana - A book
2.Ain-i-Akbari - Abul Fazl
3.Incriptions - Digging Underground
4.Marco Polo - A foreign visitor
5.Excavation -Source of information

C.Answer the questions:-
1.Which period is known as the medieval period in Indian history?
Ans.The period from eight to eighteenth century CE is known as medieval period in Indian history.
2.Which period is known as medieval period in European history?
Ans.The period from fifth to fifteenth century CE is known as medieval period in European history.
3.List the well known literary sources of information of the medieval period.
Ans.The well known literary sources of information of the medieval period are the religious works and commentaries(based on Purana,Smrities,etc.).
4.Name the foreign visitors who wrote travel accounts of medieval period of India.
Ans.The name of foreign visitors who wrote travel accounts of the medieval period of India are given below:-
1.Ibn Battutah
2.Marco Polo
5.List the technological developments of the medieval period.
Ans.The technological developments of the medieval period are wheel,spinning wheel,etc.
6.Give examples of highlight how meanings of words and terms have changed with time.
Ans.Over a period of time they have undergone various changes in grammar,vocabulary and meanings or interpretation of different words.
For example,the word'HINDUSTAN' is referred by some people as a place where Hindus live . But today many people take an exception to the word and want to refer to it as 'INDIA'
Inside Questions /Answers
Quest.1.- In how many parts History is divided ?
Ans- History is divided into three periods i.e, the ancient, the medieval and the modern.
Quest.2.- When did the medieval period begin in Europe?
Ans:In Europe, the period from 5th to 15th century A.D. is known as the medieval period.
Quest.3.-When did the medieval period begin in India?
Ans-The period from 8th to 18th century A.D. marks the beginning and the end of the medieval period in India.
Quest.4.-Which are the sources of information?
Ans- The main sources of information of the medieval period are - 
Literary and Archaeological sources.
(a) Literary Sources : Books,documents,accounts, records and manuscripts which help us to know about the economic, social and religious condition of that time.
Literary sources are of two kinds - a. Religious b. Non-Religious
a.Religious Literature consists of  the religious text books as Vedas, Pitakas, Angas, Smrities, Purans etc.They tell us about the religious beliefs, costoms and traditions of that time.
b.Non-Religious Literature consists of prose,poetry,plays,grammar as well as the history books as the Arthashastra (Kautilya),Tahkik-I-Hind (Alberuni), Ain-I-Akbari (Abul Fazal), Shahnama ( Firdouse) and Prithviraj Raso ( Chand Bardai) and more.
c.Travel Accounts - The travel accounts of foreign visitors like Ibn Battutah, Marco Polo and Bernier are also important sources of information of that time.
(b) Archaeological
All archaeological sources are of great importance as artifacts, monuments, buildings, clothes, coins etc. They give the details of that time.
Quest.5.Who are the scribes?
Ans - Scribes are the writers who write the books or copy the documents by hand as a profession.
Quest.6. Which are manuscripts?
Ans - Manuscripts were handwritten records not produced by the machines.
Quest.7.What is a History?
Ans : Study of past event is called the History.A systematic and chronological record of significant events is termed as the history.
Quest.8.What is the significant achievement of the medieval period?
Ans.The significant achievement of the medieval period was the popularity and availability of paper.
Quest.9.Who wrote the Prithviraj Raso?
Ans. Chand Bardai wrote Prithviraj Raso.
Quest.10.What are the well known works of history of the medieval period?
Ans.The well known works of history of the medieval period are Tahqiq-i-Hind(Al-Biruni),Ain-i-Akbari or biography of Akbar (Abul Fazl),etc.,which were written in Persian language.

Map Skill:-
On a political map of the world, identify and locate the countries visited by Marco Polo.


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