7.Chapter23.Market around Us

Markets Around Us.Questions/Answers.
Costomer-One who buys something.
Employment-Work which enable a person to earn a living.
Exploitation-To treat others in a manner to get maximum benefit for others.
Exporter-A person who sales goods to other countries.
Wages-payment in lieu of work done on daily ,weekly or monthly basis.

Something To Know
A.  Tick the correct option.
1.Where do most people to go to fulfil their day-to -day requirements?
Answer :- A neighborhood market.
2.A democratic government is commited to protect the intrest of
Answer :-All sections of the society.
3.The price of goods in a market  is comitted to protect the intrest of
Answer :-Demand by consumers.
4.Wages of people working in market are low as
Answer :-The workers are more  but work is less.
5.Which one of of the  following statement about a  democratic government is false?
Answer :- It provides equal distribution of goods.
B. Fill in the blanks.
1.A retailer  sells  goods at a higher price.
2.From a whole seller market  we buy items that can be used for a long time.
3.The Public Distribution System ensures the distribution of rice, wheat and sugar at a responsible rate of poor.
4.Markets also determine the  wages.
5.Our government has fixed  minimum  wages  for the  workers.
C. Match the following:
1.Market - Pllace of sell and purchase goods.
2.Retailer - Sells  at a higher place.
3.Economical inequality- Inequality of economic assets and incomes.
4.PDS - Distribution of goods  at responsible rate.
5.Wholesaler- Buys directly from the producer.

Inside Questions
Q1.What is market?
Answer:-Market is a place where buyers and sellers engage in the activity of  sell sale and of purchase of goods.
Q2.How many types of maket?
Answer:-There are two tyepes of market as 1.Wholesale market & 2.retail market.
Q3.What do you mean by wholesale market?
Answer:-A wholesale market as the wholeseler buys  directly goods  from the  producers or  the manufacturers.But they do not sell goods in small quantities.They only sell in bulk.
Q4.What do you mean by retail market?
Answer:-The retailer sells the goods  in smaller quanties/numbers but at a higher peice, as he/she buys the wholesaler and adds the cost of transportation,investment of money, time, storage charges and profit on the price of goods.
Q5.What do you mean by weekly market?
Answer:-Besides the retailer market and wholesale markrt ,many markets aer also set-up on the specific days of the week  in different parts  of many cities/towns.They are known as weekly markets.Note:-Weekly markrts are also knoen as (phadi or patari market).
Q6.What is the full form of (PDS)?
Answer:-Public Distribution System(PDS).
Q7.Which capitals are the faishon capital of world?
Answer:-Paris and Milan are the faishon capitals of the world.
Q8.What do you mean by chain stores?
Answer:-The wholesale market is giving  way to Retail  Giants  like the Reliance fresh,Big Bizaar, Shopper's Stop, Vishal Mega Mart, etc.
They run Chain  stores in different cities . They have gained popularty  as they from  the producers/manufacturers  and sell to the  consumer at a responsible price in a  comfortable atmosphere.


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