6.Chapter23.Civics.Our Rural Governance.

Chapter 23.Civics
Our Rural Governance
 You must have read the story titled 'Panch Parmeshwar' written by Munshi Prem Chand.  In this story, Algu Chowdhary and Jhumman Sheikh were fast friends who lived in a village.  They strongly supported each other in every matter.  Once, it so happened that Jhumman Sheikh had some land dispute with his mausi (aunt).  Mausi took the matter to the village Panchayat to seek justice.  Since Algu Chowdhary was the Sarpanch at that time, Jhumman was sure that decision would definitely be given in his favor.  After hearing both the sides and consulting other members, Algu Chowdhary, the Sarpanch, ordered Jhumman Sheikh to return Mausi's land and pay her the compensation also.  The decision was unexpected for Jhumman.  It annoyed him so much that he decided to take revenge.  After sometime, Algu Chowdhary got involved in a dispute with someone in the village.  The matter was taken to the Panchayat.  By chance, Jhumman Sheikh was acting as Sarpanch this time, He thought it to be a golden opportunity to take revenge.  On the final day, after hearing both the parties, the Sarpanch had to take a decision.  As a Sarpanch, Jhumman rose above his self - enmity and gave an impartial decision which was in favor of Algu Chowdhary, In olden days, the decision of the Panchayat was considered to be supreme and could not be challenged.  The system continues even today.  The issues and problems of an area can be understood better by the local people.  Therefore, the solution to the local problems must be left to the people themselves.  They would sit together at a common place, hold discussions and try to find solutions to their day - to - day local problems.  Since they govern their affairs themselves, the system is rightly named as local self - government 190

of India, there is a self - governing body in every village or city to help and assist the people to meet their community) needs.  Do you know?  These self - governing bodies consist of elected The Gram Panchayat is the oldest system representatives of the people.  The system gives of local self - government in India.  The word an opportunity to the people to develop self Panchayat means' assembly (ayat) of five reliance, initiative, power of decision - making (panch).  It is there since Vedic age.  and participation in the democratic process of the government.  The system also lessens the burden of the state governments, let us study about the governance of rural India which comprises of more than 2,50,000 villages.  SELF - GOVERNING BODIES IN RURAL AREAS in rural areas, there are three levels of local self-governing bodies.  (a) Gram Panchayat at the Village level.  (b) Block Samiti or Panchayat Samiti at Block level.  (c) Zila Parishad or Zila Panchayat at the District level.  This three - tier system is called Panchayati Raj System.  Gram Panchayat There is a Gram Panchayat in every villagš in case of very small villages / there is a common or combined Panchayat for two or three villages The number of members varies according to the population of the village, The number of panchs is always an odd  number like 5,7,9,11,13 and so on zila Parishat The members of a Gram Panchayat who are called panchs are directly elected for a fixed term of five BH years by the members of Gram Sabha.  The Gram Sabha is the general body of the BE village.  All the men and women of the village who have attained the age of 18 years and are registered as voters, form the Gram Sabha, A Gram Sabha not only elects the members of Gram Panchayat, but also Qran Pantai Panchayat Sinill Block Sumiti Vila Pinchua elects  its Pradhan or the Head - man.  The Pradhan 191

is also known as Sarpanch or Mukhiya.  In the absence of Pradhan, the Up - Pradhan, takes over the responsibilities of the Pradhan.  He is also elected by the Gram Sabha, Gram Sabha holds its meetings atleast twice a year it takes important decisions about the welfare and development of the village.  These are later implemented by the Gram Panchayat) Gram Sabha also approves the annual budget of the Gram Panchayat.  In fact, Gram Sabha is the best example of direct democracy in India.  ) In every village Panchayat, there is one Panchayat Secretary to assist and help the elected members in the administrative work, such as involving the account of income or carefully and preparing reports of the meetings.  He / She is a permanent government employee.  There is a reservation of seats for Schedule Castes, Schedule Tribes and fifty per cent seats are reserved for women.  Functions of Gram Panchayat Provision of clean drinking water.  A woman Sarpanch • Sanitation and public health and animal husbandry.  Plantation of trees.  2 Construction and maintenance of village roads, street lights, public wells, tanks, water ways and other public places in the village.  3 Supervision of work of government servants, like policemen, workers of Primary Health Center, teachers, etc.  Supply of quality seeds and fertilizers.  Organisation of fairs and festivals.  Do you know?  Keeping record of births and deaths.  The most popular fairs organized in Provision of centers of adult literacy.  the villages are cattle fairs.  The Cattle Fair held at Pushkar in Rajasthan is one of the most famous fairs in India.  Sources of Income and grants or aid from the government.  Many a times, it raises loans to complete its welfare and the Village Panchayat gets its income from taxes on houses, market places, use of open space, etc.  , developmental projects.  In this way village Panchayat ini (192
provide justice.  But now this work is performed by a Nyaya Panchayat.  It is a form of village court Nyaya Panchayat in ancient India, the most important functions of the Panchayat were to settle disputes and which helps the people to get speedy and inexpensive justice.  Usually three or four villages have one Nyaya Panchayat.  Its members and the Sarpanch are elected by the Village Do You Know?  Panchayat The Nyaya Panchayat hears and decides One cannot go to any court and appeal against the judgment of a Nyaya Panchayat.  only civil and criminal cases of minor nature no lawyers can advocate in Nyaya Panchayat.  like tresspassing, minor thefts, water disputes, etc.  It can impose a fine of only up to 100. But, it cannot send a person to jail.  Block Samiti or Panchayat Samiti There are certain problems which are common to many villages.  With limited resources, they are unable to solve them.  Therefore, large projects, like well-equipped hospitals, opening of senior secondary schools, colleges and construction of link roads between the villages, are taken up jointly by some villages.  For this purpose, some neighboring Gram Panchayats form a block and work together.  The local self - body that works for the whole block is called Block Samiti.  It is known by different names like Khand Samiti, Panchayat Samiti, Kshetra Samiti, Prakhand Samiti, etc.  , in different parts of India.  Hospital 193
A Block Samiti is a link between the Gram Panchayat and the Zila Parishad.  Some members of Panchayat Samiti are elected directly by the people for a term of five years.  All the Sarpanchs or Pradhans of various Gram Panchayats, members of Vidhan Sabha, Vidhan Parishad, Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha who represent that block, become the ex - officio members of the Panchayat Samities.  If people from special categories, i.e.  Woman, Schedule Caste, Schedule Tribe are not represented, then they are appointed by the District Officer.  There must be at least two women members and four SC / ST members in a Panchayat Samiti.  For the smooth functioning of Block, the members elect a Chairman and a Vice-Chairman from amongst themselves for a period of five years.  A Block Development Officer (BDO) takes care of the administrative work of the Block Samiti.  Functions of a Panchayat Samiti The Panchayat Samiti looks after the developmental and welfare work of the villages of a particular block it gives advice to the villagers in the field of agriculture, education, medicine veterinary aid, etc., It also supervises the projects being carried by  the Village Panchayats.  • Panchayat Samiti also looks after agriculture, promotion of cottage industries, poultry, fishery, etc.  > D3 • It helps in the formation of co-operative societies.  Sources of Income The income of the Block Samiti comes from two sources.  Firstly, by levying taxes on water, land, shops, houses, fairs, expert services, common pastures, etc.  Secondly, by getting grants from the State Government.  Zila Parishad the apex local self - body of Panchayati Raj System is the Zila Parishadyet supervises and co - ordinates the work of all Block Samities of the district and also of the Gram Panchayats which are under there.  The composition of Zila Parishad is similar to that of Block Samiti.  Besides some elected members, the Chairmen of the Block Samities, members of Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha, Vidhan Sabha, Vidhan Parishad, representatives of Schedule Castes, Schedule Tribes and women from the district constitute a Zila Parishad.  The Zila Parishad elects a President and Vice - President from amongst its members for a term of five years.  Various sub - committees are formed from its members for the smooth functioning of its different programmes.  The important officers of the district administration are also involved for its smooth functioning.  A permanent government employee acts as secretary of the Zila Parishad, and maintains its records and accounts.
.  Functions of Zlla Parishad Zila Parishad acts as a link between the State Government and the Block Samities and the Village Panchayats • It keeps the government informed about the working of local self - governing bodies, • It prepares plans for over all development of the whole district  in the field of education, agriculture, animal husbandry, health care, entertainment, village and cottage industries, etc.  Implementation of five year plans and other plans for rural development is also the responsibility of Zila Parishad.  It also distributes government funds to Block Samities.  .  Sources of Income Zila Parishad gets, not only the financial grant from the State Government, but also the rent of its properties and certain other taxes.  Keywords animal husbandary: the science of breeding and caring for farm animals.  co-operative societies: an autonomous association of individuals to meet common goals, eg AMUL ex - officio: a person who automatically becomes a member of a body because he holds a particular post.  grants: financial help from the government.  tresspassing: entering someone's land or property without permission.  veterinary: relating to the diseases, injuries and treatment of farm and domestic animals.  195


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