6.Chapter2.Geography.Representation of the Earth

Representation of the Earth
Objective question
a.Tick the correct option
1. Which one of the following is a representation of the earth drawn on a flat surface?
Ans  map
2.  Which one of the following symbol represents a bridge? Ans Curved
3. A compass is mainly used to – Ans  Show the directions.
4. Large scale maps are used for – 
Ans Small areas.
5. Which type of map represent relief features like mountain, plain, and desert?
Ans  a physical map
B. Fill in the blanks
1. A globe represents the three dimensional view of the earth.
2. The technique or skill of map making is called cartography .
3. Sketch is a drawing of a small area draw from one’s observation and memory without directions.
4. A compass is a device consisting of  a magnetic needle ,which always point towards north .
5.Snow capped areas are shown by using white color on map .
C. Read the statement given bellow and write an appropriate term for each
1. the most perfect approximation of the earth.
Ans  globe
2. The layout of a building, a factory or a playground.
Ans  plan
3. The expert of map making.
Ans  cartographer
4.  Map show distribution of rainfall, population etc.
Ans  Thematic map
5.A collection of map of the world , continent and selected countries in a bound form
Ans Atlas
Subjective questions
D. Answer the following questions in brief
Q1. What are the limitations of globe?
Ans = It is difficult to carry the globe around although inflated globe made of plastic are also available yet inflating and fixing at the axis takes lot of time Globe cannot be used if we want to study specific parts of the earth it does not show detail such as town , village ,road ,railways etc.
Q2. Mention the advantages of a map.
Ans A map does not gives us an idea of the true shape of the earth yet it has some advantages map is useful for showing large area as well as small areas.
Q3. What is thematic map? Give example.
Ans A thematic map emphasis a particular theme or special topic such as the distribution of rainfall, crops etc. in an area
Q4. Name the cardinal point along with intermed direction .
Ans North , south ,east , west intermediat direction north-east ,north-west , south-west , south-east .
Q5.How do conventional symbol help in reading maps?
Ans Forest , river , hills , railways lines & road are shown by some conventional symbol on a map with the help of common symbol we can read a map made in any country without knowing the language of that country .
E. Answer the following question.
Q1. Why is a globe considering a perfect representation of the earth? Give any three reasons.
Ans Globe is considered as the perfect representation of the earth.
a. Globe is a small model of the earth .
b. Globe represent three dimensional view of earth.
c. it help to understand how day & night occur and how seasons are cause
Q2. What is scale ? Why is it an important component of map ?
Ans Scale map is shown on large area on a small sheet of paper
The map scale is the ratio between two point on a map with corresponding the same point on the ground.
Q3. Distinguish between a physical & political map ?
Physical map

Physical map represent physical or relief feature of place they generally show feature like river , plains, etc.             
Political map

Political map represent boundaries of village , country , state etc.

Q4. Highlight the significance of a common color scheme in the maps . give examples to support your answer .
Ans Color scheme has also been adopted for showing different relief feature on map.
Ex blue for water bodies ,yellow & orange for desert, brown for mountain etc.
Q5.Discribe the history of map making .
Ans The earliest map was made in 2300 BC in Mesopotamia (Iraq) .it was made on clay table.The maps of that period were not very clear. 
Eskimos made map from sewing animals skin different color. 
The Egypt engraved the boundaries &  feature on metal plate. 
The ancient maps were based on memory and information.Ptolemy an Egyptian was  the first cartographer who represented the earth is spherical He is known as father of map making .
Internal questions
Q1. What is plan ?
Ans A plan is a  layout of a building,a factory , a playground etc.It is drown on a comparatively large scale show direction.The details of rooms,varandahs,open space etc.are shown with their directions.
Q2. What is Atlas ?
Ans An atlas is a collection of map of the world the continents & select countries. .
Map skill :
all the state with their capital .      


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