Class 7.Questions Bank

SESSION – 2018 – 2019
Class : VII   Maximum Marks: 30
Subject: S.Sc  Time: 2 periods.
General Instructions
 This question paper contains  1 printed page
 All questions are compulsory
 Marks for each question are indicated against it
Q1.Who wrote the Tahqiq -i -Hind?       (1)
Q2.Whose work is Ain -i- Akbari?      (1)
Q3.What is meant of manuscript,sarais and scribe?    (3)
Q4.What was the Triparite Struggle?  Which  were three small kingdoms emerged in    North India ? (2+3)
Geography (10)
Q6.Why the planet earth is called ‘Blue Planet’ ? (1)
Q7.What do you know about Geomorphology? (1)
Q8. Distinguish  between Physical environment and Biological environment. (3)
Q9.What do you mean by soil,What is humus. Write any three characteristics of cotton soil ? (1+1+3=5)
Civics (10)
Q10.The _____is an introduction to our Constitution. (1)
Q11.Each _____is an organized group,having its own policies and programmes.(1)
Q12.What is meant by secularism? (1)
Q13.Name any two literacy programmes started by the Govt. Of India. (1)
Q14.How can the people keep a check on their representative? (3)
Q15.Mention the main provisions of the right to equality. (3)

SESSION – 2018 – 2019
Class : VII      Maximum Marks: 50
Subject  :  S.Sc      Time : 80Minutes
General Instructions:
 This question paper contains 1 printed page
 All questions are compulsory.
 Marks for each question are indicated against it
    Geography (17 Marks)
Q8.In which year was the Wildlife Protection Act passed in India?    (1)
Q9.Which soil type is capable of retaining moisture and becomes sticky when wet? (1)
Q10.What is the name of the original rock from which Marble formed?  (1)
Q11.Write any three special features of Sedimentary rock?    (3)
Q12.How is a Delta formed?                       (3)
Q13.Differentiate between SIAL and SIMA.       (3)
Q14.Describe the journey of a river from its source to its mouth.   (5)
 Civics (16 Marks)
Q15.In case of Constitutional breakdown in a state ,the ______rule is imposed (1)
Q16.The members of a Vidhan Sabah are elected by the ______ directly.      (1)
Q17.Why have the benefits of reservation not reached everyone?        (3)
Q18.Mention three functions of the State Legislature.                   (3)
Q19.Describe the powers of the Governor of state.                    (3)
Q20.Enlist five functions of the council of Ministers of a state.
 History(17 Marks)
Q.1 Who was the founder of the Rashtrakuta Empire?     (1)
Q.2 Who took the title of Gangaikondi? (1)                                                                  
Q.3 Who was the greatest ruler of Pratihara Dynasty?    (1)
Q.4 List the technological developments of the medieval period?   (3)
Q.5 Briefly decribe the economic condition of South India.        (3)
Q.6 Which were the three literary sources to know the medieval period? (3)
Q.7 Why did Mahmud Ghazni decide to attack India ?  (5)

SESSION – 2018 – 2019
Class : VII    Maximum Marks: 50
Subject :  S.Sc  Time : 80Minutes
General Instructions:
 This question paper contains 1 printed page
 All questions are compulsory.
 Marks for each question are indicated against it.History(17 Marks)
Q.1 Who was the founder of the Mughal Empire?                   (1)
Q.2 What does Suleh kul stand for?                                        (1)
Q.3 Who was the greatest ruler of Mughal Dynasty?         (1)
Q.4 Which were three independent states asserted their independence?                    (3)
Q.5 Briefly decribe the Mansabdari System.                         (3)
Q.6 Which were the causes for the downfall of Mughal Dynasty?    (3)
Q.7 Why  Shajahan was known as an engineer king?                       (5)

SESSION  2019 – 2020
Class :    VII      Maximum Marks: 50
Subject :  S.Sc  Time : 80Minutes
General Instructions:
 This question paper contains 1 printed page
 All questions are compulsory
 Marks for each question are indicated against it.
Q.1 Who was the founder of the Rashtraku Empire?    (1)
 Q.2 Who wasChandbardai? (1)                                                                  
Q.3 Who was the greatest ruler of Pala Dynasty?        (1)
Q.4 List the technological developments of the medieval period?  (3) 
Q.5 Briefly decribe the political condition of North India after Harshvardhan    (3)
Q.6 Which were the three literary sources to know the medieval period? (3)
Q.7 How was Hindustan referred by the outsiders?         (5)

SESSION  2018 – 2019
Class :    VII   Maximum Marks: 50
Subject. :  S.Sc (History 3)   Time : 80 Minutes
General Instructions:-
This question paper contains 1 printed page
 All questions are compulsory
 Marks for each question are indicated against it. History(17 Marks)
Q.1 Who was the founder of the Mughal Empire?   (1)
Q.2 What does Suleh kul stand for? (1)                                                                  
Q.3 Who was the greatest ruler of Mughal Dynasty?    (1)
Q.4 Which were three independent states asserted their independence?      (3)
Q.5 Briefly decribe the Mansabdari System.     (3)
Q.6 Which were the causes for the downfall of Mughal Dynasty? (3)
Q.7 Why  Shajahan was known as an engineer king?

 D.A.V.  PUBLIC SCHOOLS Bihar Zone - B
 Annual Examination -2018-19 
 Class VII
 Time: 3Hrs.  Subject: S.St.  FM: 80
 Section – A (History): 30 Marks
 Q.1.Tick ​​the correct option - 1x5 = 5
 (i) Prithviraj Raso was written by
 (a) Tulsidas (b) Arybhatt (c) Abul Fazl (d) Chand Bardai
 (ii) Who among the following Kings was elected by the people?
 (a) Dantidurga (b) Mihir Bhoj (c) Gopala (d) Govinda -II
 (iii) The term 'Mandalam stands for
 (a) A village (b) A sabha (c) A district (d) A province
 (iv) Who took over the title of 'Chhatrapati'?
 (a) Shahu (b) Shivaji (c) Ranjit Singh (d) Balaji Vishwanat
 (v) In which religion pilgrimage to Haj is practiced?
 olten rock materinls present inside the earth Mapne
 (v) Most harmful gas present in the atmosphere.
 Q.7.Answer the following questions –        2X4 = 8
 (i) How is delta formed?
 (Ii) Name the layers of the atmosphere. Eng, Gondia n dias
 (Iii) Why do animals in the polar region have thick fur on their bodies?
 (Iv) Name the two types of deserts according to their locational Zones
 Q.8.Answer the following questions - 3X3 =9
 (i) Mention the three layers of folinge of the equatorial forests?
 (ii) What is the importance of means of communication
 (iii) Name three valuable resources which are found in abundance in the oceans.
 Q.9.Explain how transportation and communication help in the economic development of a country? OR Differentiate between Prairies and Velds
 Q.10.On the political map of World locate and label the following: 1X3=3
 (a) Sahara Desert (  b) India (c) North America Section
 C (Civics): 20 Marks
 Q.11.Fill in the blanks - 1X4=4
 (i)The government at the state level is called-------
 (ii) Television affects public perception and ----
 (iii) A ------ sells goods at a higher price
 (iv) Market also determine the----
 Q.12.Answer the following questions - 2x4 - 8
 (i) Define a market.  Name different kinds of market
 (ii) How is stereotyping harmful?
 (iii) State any two positive effects of advertising?
 (iv) Name any two literacy programmes started by the government of India.
 Q.13.Mention three benefits of shopping in a weekly market?
 Q.14.List five main features of consumerism? 
OR Suggest any live ways to end gender discrimination.  *

Map Skills Test
 Class – VII. Activities based test. Full marks: 10
Q.1.Locate these biospheres in a Political map of India  :
 (a)  Nandadevi                             -          Uttrakhand, Govindmath
 (b)  Nilgiri                                     -          Kerela, Tamil Nadu
 (c)  Sundarban                    -                  Near Kolkata, west Bengal
 (d)  Great Nicobar              -                  Meghalay
 (f)   Nakwkru                      -                  Meghalay
 (g)  Panchmari                    -                  Madhya Pradesh
 (h)  Gulf of Mannar            -                  Tamil Nadu
 (I)   Kajiranga                      -                  Aasam
 (j)  Gir National Park       -                    Gujrat
 (k)  Jim Corbbet National Park  -        Nanital
 (l)   Cold Desert                  -                  West Himachal Pradesh
 (m) Simlipal                        -                  Odisa
 (n)  Seshchalam                  -                  Andhra Pradesh
 (o)  Manas                           -                  Aasam
 (p)  The Valley of Flowers -                  Ghagaria,Govindmath,

Q.2.  Locate these soil distributions in an outline map of India.
(a) Alluvial Soil- Northern Plains,Coastal Plain
(b) Cotton Soil- Maharashtra,Gujarat,Karnataka
(c) Desert Soil- Rajasthan
(d) Laterite Soil- Hill slopes of peninsular plateau.Heavy rainfall area
(e) Black Soil- Maharashtra,Gujarat.
(f) Mountain Soil- Around JK, Himachal,Sikkim

(g) Red Soil - Nortn Eastern,Peninsular India

(MID TERM TEST - 2017 – 18)
Subject : Social Science Time  : 3 Hrs. FM 80.
General Instructions: 
All questions are compulsory.
Give correct question number against each answer.
Section A (History) : 30 Marks
A. Fill in the blanks                      (1X5 =5)
1 ... was the real founder of Rashtrakuta  empire. 
2. The founder of Cholas was...
3. Slave dynasty was founded by...
4. Hindu society was based on...  system.
5. Rana Sanga was one of the most famous ruler of ... 
B. Answer the following questions in brief: (2X5=10) 
1. What do you know about the Pala Dynasty?  ,
2. Mention the main achievements of Rajraja the great.
3. How did Iltutmish save Delhi from the wrath of Chenghis Khan?
4. List the two administrative reforms that brought glory to the Vijaynagar empire.
5. List the two achievements of Mahmud Gawan as Prime Minister of Bahamani Kingdom.
C  Answer the following  questions. (5X3 =15)
1. Mention important features of the Rashtrakuta  empire.
2. Explain briefly the economic reforms of Ala - ud - din Khalji
 3. Describe the development of art and architecture under the Vijaynagar rulers. 
Section - B (Geography): 30 Marks
D. Very short answer type questions: (1X5 = 5)
1  In which year was the wildlife protection act passed in India? 
2 Which layer of the soll contains humus? 
3. Which layer is safe for flying aircrafts? 
4. What turns water on the earth into vapour in the water cycle?
5. What are the latitudinal extent of Tropical Evergreen Forest? 
E. Answer the following questions in briel: .  (2X5 =10)
1  What is meant by Sima and Sial?
2. Specify two differences between internal and external forces:
3. What is the Importance of ozone gas?
4. Define an ocean current.
5.  What are the major components of ecosystem?
F. Answer the following questions: (5x3 = 15)
1.Write characteristics of each of the following: a.  Crust b.  Mantle.
2 How is rainfall caused?  Explain it with the help of diagram.
3. Differentiate between hot and cold deserts.
Section - c (Civics): 20 Marks
G. Match the following columns: (1X4=4)
Group - A
1.The upper house in a state
3. Invention of paper
4. Right to information
Group - B
a.  Citizen's access to information
b.  Chinese
c.  Restriction on Media
d.  Legislative Council
H.  Answer the following questions in brief: (2X4 = 8)
1 Give the main functions of the opposition party,
2. Mention two functions of the state legislature.
3. Define Media.
4. Give the meaning of advertising.
I. Answer the following questions: (4x2=8)
1. Describe the role of media in a democracy.
2. Describe the relationship between advertising and democracy


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