7.Chapter15.History.The Mughal Empire

Chapter 15.History.
The Mughal Empire.Questions/Answers.
A. Tick (√)the correct option
1.Humayun was defeated by 
a. Sher Shah Suri
b. Rana Sanga 
c. Ibrahim Lodi 
d. The Mongols.
2. Akbar's religious policy took place at 
a. Royal Palace
b. Diwan I Khas
c. Mosque
d. Ibadat Khana.
3.In which language did Babur write his autobiography Tuzuk I Baburi
4.Which one of the following statement is correct?
a. Shivaji fought against Jahangir
b. Humuyaun was defeated by Rana Sanga
c. Mughal Empire was founded by Babur 
d. Auranzeb was the last ruler.
5.Mughal empire was founded by Babur.

B. Fill in the blanks.
1. Bairam khan was Akabar 's guardian.
2.'Peacock ' throne was made for Shah Jahan
3.Aurangzeb assumed the title of 'Alamgir '.
4.Bahadur Shah ZafarII was the last Mughal emperor .
5.The mansabdars were responsible for both civil and military administration.

C.Write true or false for the following statements.
1.The Battle of chausa was fought between Babur and Sher Shah Suri. False
2.Jahangir discontinued the administrative system that was introduced by his father. False
3.Din-i-llahi was a socio-religious path started by Akbar. True
4.Humayun fell from the stairs  of his library and died. True
5.Shah Jahangir gave patronage to scholar, artisans and craftsmen. True

D.Answer the following questions in brief.
1.What was Din I Ilahi and who started it?
Ans Din-i-llahi was a socio-religious path started by Akbar
2.Why Shah Jahan was known as Engineer king?
Shah Jahan was known as Engineer king because he was an excellent architect and calligraphist.
3.What was the political condition of India before Babur's invasions
The political condition of India before Babur's invitation :
a.India was a easy prey for foreign invaders.
b.It was divided into  several parts.
c.Delhi had lost its glory under the rule of Ibrahim Lodi.
d.There was a widespread lawness and disorder
e.The condition of Gujarat,Punjab,Bengal etc. was as quite bad.
4.State the main features of Jahangir's rule.  
Ans The main features of Jahangir rule are as follows.
a.Jahangir consolidated his territory and develop the administrative system that was introduce by his father.
b.The court culture of the Mughals flourished under his rule.
c.He had keen inserts in gardens.
d.Mughal paintings reached its zenith during his time.
5.Describe the Mansabdari System. 
The mansabdari system is based on rank or position in the official hierarchy.

E. Answer the following questions.
1. Mention the difficulties faced by Humayun after coming to the throne.
Ans He had many difficulties while he ascended to the throne are:
a.He had to face opposition from his brothers, relatives, Afghans and Rajputs.
b.He mautipled his problems with his own follies.
c.He was addicted to optimum.
d.He lacked military ability.
e.His father had failed to crush the power of Afghans for good.
2.Compare the religious policy of Akabar with that of Aunabgjab.
Ans.Akbar was first Mughal ruler to adopt a policy of religious tolerance (sulh-e-kul) towards other religions to build a strong empire in India.It aimed at harmony among different religions.
He set up a half of worship(Ibadat Khana), which is open for believers of different religions like jains, Hindus, zorastrians, Christians, etc.
Aurangzeb was a staunch Muslin. He forced the Hindus to adopt Islam. He imposed Jazia on Hindus. His policy of religious intolerance weakened the foundations of the Mughal empire.
3.Describe Shah Jahan's Deccan policy
Ans Under shah Jahan, the Deccan policy of the Mughals entered a new phase. He annexed Ahmadnagar and Daulatabad. He forced the rulers of Bijapur and Golconda to accept his supremacy.
In 1636,Shah Jahan retried to Agra and appointed Aurangzeb as the governor of the Deccan.
4.Describe the uniform system of adminstration established by the Mughals.
Ans The Mughals managed to unite the country politically. They established a uniform system of administration which was a combination of both Indian and Persian systems. They believe in the Supreme authority of the king. 
A strong army and efficient ministers assisted the emperor. The whole empire was divided into subas(provinces) which were governed by subedars (governors). The down was collector of land revenue.The kolwal looked after the law and order in the city.
5.Decribe the five factors responsible for the decline of Mughal empire. 
Ans The five factors responsible for the decline of Mughal empire are:
a.The religious intolerance of Aurangzeb turned the rajputs aganisthim, who had always supported the Mughal empire.
b.The Mughals did not have any rule of succession and hence, the death of each ruler resulted in bloody wars and conspiracies of nobles.
c.Weak and inefficient successors of Aurangzeb provided and open invitation for internal rebels  and foreign invasions.
d.Corrupt officials and heavy burden of land revenue resulted in many revolts.
e.The Europeans were the rising powers that took over the entire administration.
f. Mansabdars and nobels became more powerful than the central authority. 

Inside questions & answers
1. What was the real name of Babur ?
Answer :  Zahir-ud-din
2. What was the full name of Humayun ?
Answer : Nasir-ud-din Muhammad Humayun
3. Who is known as Sher khan of the Mughal empire ?
Answer : Sher shah suri
4. Name the places conquered by Akbar ?
Answer : Gondwana, chittor, Ranthambhor, Bihar, Bengal, Kabul, Kashmir, sindh, Deccan and Gujrat .
5. Which city is known as city of victory?
Answer : Fatehpur Sikri
6. Who was the son of Akabar?
Answer : Jahangir
7. Who was third son of Jahangir?
Answer : shah jahan
8. Who was wife of Jahangir  ?
Answer : Nur Jahan
9. What is khalisa?
Answer : The state land was known as khalisa.
10.  Who build Buland darwaza and why?
Answer : Akabar built Buland Darwaza at fatehpur Sikri to commemorate his victory over Gujarat.

Map Skill
a. A famous battefied where the Mughals defeated Hemu
Ans. Delhi
b.The place where Taj Mahal located
Ans. Agra,uttar Pradesh
c.Capital of the Mughals.
Ans. Agra and fatehpur Sikri
d.Any two places conquered by Akbar.
Ans. Gujrat and sindh
e.The extent of Akabar's empire.
Ans. Whole north India.


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